I will be playing a holy priest this time around. I have not played vanilla and i have only started in mop however i plan on going hard in classic. I would like to have a semi hard core or hardcore guild to join. I will be spending alot of time farming mats as i will be a alchemist/herbalist. please get at me if you have any openings.
Movitz#5443 - Discord
m0vitz#1609 - BNET
Have an opening for a holy priest going alliance. Contact on Discord so I can ask you a few questions and give you the run down and see if you’re interested.
I’ll post a shortened version of our main recruitment post below. We are currently looking for a few more holy priests to round out our roster if you’re available weekend evening/nights (depending on your location)
Guild Name: Hourglass
Link to recruitment post: [H] ⌛ Hourglass | Atiesh| Hardcore | Weekend Night Raiding | 10/10 MC 1/1 Ony
General Information:Hourglass is a Horde (PvE) raiding focused guild founded by a few friends who have been playing and raiding together for quite some time; as well as to having multiple class and vanilla raiding experience. We are looking for other like-minded individuals looking to progress at a steady pace going forward for Classic raiding. However, we consider ourselves to be a hardcore/semi-hardcore raiding guild environment and raid team members will be treated as such.
Raid Times and Days: Saturday 9pm EST – 1am EST (6pm PST - 10pm PST) and Sunday 9pm EST – 1am EST (6pm PST - 10pm PST)
Server: Atiesh (pst normal server)
Loot Distribution: Loot Council
Voice Communication: Discord
Contact Information:
please feel free to contact anyone listed below to discuss joining the guild. An interview will more than likely occur. We do not do applications
Bnet: MakkachinSox#1572 or Discord: MakkachinSox#1438 : Guild Master, Ranged DPS leader, Raid Assist/Recruiter
Bnet: Synergy#1765 or Discord: Synergy#2154 : Guild Master, Lead Main Tank, Lead Raid Lead/Lead Raid Recruiter
We do efficient PVE for the gear to dominate PVP. You are free to be as casual or hardcore as you like. We have all kinds of players. Give us a look. You can contact me at JohnnyChainsaws#9034 on Discord.
hey, i think we might be a good fit and actually are in need of holy priests! Contact me on battlenet Dakota#12899 or discord Dakota#2147
PVP Server TBA.
Midwest based.
Looking for 1 player of each class.
Tues/Weds 6pm PST (9pm EST) Thursday will be added once more content released.
Major needs: MAIN TANK QUALITY CANDIDATE. Class Officer(s).
Please Join Our Discord to chat/post here/PM me on RealID: Zakk#1324
<Blood Threat and Fears>
NA-RPPvP Server | Alliance | Casually-Hardcore | EPGP Loot System | Thursday & Sunday Main Raid | Saturday Flexible Raid
“Alright adventurers, the time for greatness is quickly approaching! Join with us to protect Azeroth. Grab your sword and fight the Horde!”
We are an Alliance (NA) Guild that will be formed on a PvP realm at launch. We are a group of real-life friends and coworkers looking to build a fun and productive group of people that want to enjoy everything Classic WoW has to offer - from raiding to world PvP/Premades and even some RP if thats your thing! We have experienced raiders from every expansion to noobies to Classic WoW. We plan on low pressure leveling - I mean lets stop and smell the roses, right? Although, I know there will be a few of us that will waste no time getting to level 60, we will not expect that from everyone. Once level 60, we will have our focus on farming Pre-BIS gear, maxing our professions, ranking up from honor farming, and helping guildies to reach level 60. Our goal is to progress through all raid and PvP content (BG premades).
Main Raid Times
→ 7pm to 10pm (PST/PDT)
→ 8pm to 11am (MST/MDT)
→ 9pm to 12am (CST/CDT)
→ 10pm to 1am (EST/EDT)
→ 6pm to 9pm (PST/PDT)
→ 7pm to 10pm (MST/MDT)
→ 8pm to 11am (CST/CDT)
→ 9pm to 12am (EST/EDT)
Flexible Raid Times
→ 8pm to 11am (PST/PDT)
→ 9pm to 12am (MST/MDT)
→ 10pm to 1am (CST/CDT)
→ 11pm to 2am (EST/EDT)
Flexible Raid is where we can have some fun and raid World Dragons, 20 mans, character alt runs or whatever - unless more time is needed for raid progression on Saturday.
Loot System
Contact Us
If this sounds like a group you could have some laughs with while slaughtering world dragons, raid bosses, and flight masters, apply or contact us with any questions.
b4 you decide on your home take a look throw this posting [H] Guild LFM's Where every Member Currently Taking Votes on Everything:
Infernal is recruiting, to be honest though we will be fairly casual until we have enough members hit 60. Our age group is 24 to 50. We have experienced leadership and we’ve been around since 2004. We have played in multiple games such as Archage, Crowfall, and BDO.
Check out our post and get back with me if you feel like its a good fit.
Discord: Achilles#4076
Battletag: Achilles#13238
Hello we would love to have another priest in our guild!
My friends and I have been waiting for WoW classic to re release since it was announced. We are super exited to sink a huge amount of hours into this game and clear all the content . We need players who put the team first. Working together from day 1 will help us become a fine oiled machine, working efficiently.
To make everyone feel apart of this from the beginning there will be open guild name suggestions and a vote in discord. I figured it would be better naming once we see all the personalities we have.
Guild Goals:
- Clear all PvE content including Naxx
- Help members gear up farming pre raid BiS
- Establish a strong ecnomy with careful planning
- Be accomplished PvPers, and create various team strategies
- Hold world PvP multi guild events
Classes Needed: We currently need offtanks, healers , and dps.
Times: We would like to raid either on weekdays starting at 6pm or 7pm EST, or weekends in the after noon/evening.
Discord: add GrapeApe#1703
or join _https://discord.gg/SfxatTw (remove underscore)
Hey Ozk,
Over at <Vanilla> we’re looking to fill up our slots for semi-hardcore progression. We have experience, and looking to build out our roster
Check us out:
You would be a great addition to our guild. We are planning to clear all PVE content. As well as have a Top PvP Battlegrounds team. If you are interested join us in Discord. Here is our information:
The Seven Deadly Sins - NA Alliance PVP - Herod
About Us:
The Seven Deadly Sins is a guild that was formed by a handful of players that found themselves in a guild that wasn’t meeting their expectations. As is our nature, we decided to make our own guild so we can bring our goals to fruition. We have high aspirations and plan to be the most dominant guild on the server in both PvE and PvP.
Raid Times:
__ Saturday &amp; Sunday – 8:00PM EST to 12:00AM EST__
We raid just 2 days, 8 hours total in a week, but we expect you to bring your A-game in those 8 hours so we can get things done. We don’t encourage or tolerate wasting time in raid. Depending on how we’re doing, we may add some extra time to raid nights. Outside of raid hours, we’re a super laid-back group that hangs out in Discord. We will be running a loot council that will cycle some different raiders into the council each week.
Warrior DPS: High
Warrior Tank: Very Low
Rogue: Very High
Mage: High
Priest: Medium
Warlock: Medium
Hunter: Low
Druid: Low
Paladin: High
If you would like to join:
reply here or you can contact me @
Discord = Tepheroth#7342
Discord = raikin77#7735
Or Join our discord at [discord.gg/kWSq9ab]
Hello The Tail End on Pagle is still recruiting. We have a spot open for any class you’d like to play.
Who Are We?
A Semi-Hardcore Alliance raiding guild. Effort is expected, but without dedicating your life to WoW. Pagle Server.
Currently taking both raiders and people who are just socially inclined. A healthy guild chat is a happy guild chat.
Class Needs: All - but filling up fast.
Guild Culture:
A guild for fun leveling, and then raiding when we hit 60. We’ll work to get each other pre-raid BiS those final few levels and in the weeks before starting MC. Raids are the last two days before reset, thus the name. I raided through AQ40 in vanilla, and plan to clear Naxx at some point. Not a super-hardcore guild, but not casual either. Joking and joviality is encouraged, including NSFW humor. But toxicity is not tolerated. No culture war stuff either.
We’ll be hitting Ony and MC seriously come late October. Raiders don’t need to have full BiS and be min/maxed, but are expected to have some BiS, and close-to-BiS gear in other slots. Full enchants expected, and bringing plenty of your pots. Everyone is ready to roll at least 5 min before raid start.
Raid Schedule:
Sun/Mon 9-12 EST (6-9 PST)
Join us on Discord at /discord.gg/KC9Au5a
Hey! Versus may be a good fit for you. We are a chill, semi-hardcore raiding guild. Here is some info about the guild in the post below, if you are interested or have any questions, hit me up on discord. Cheers!
Hey! I believe we might be a good fit! If you’re looking for a fun, positive atmosphere with leadership experienced in Classic all the way through KT, send me a DM! 🍻 Grab a beer, let’s get this bread! <Last Call> [A] Pagle PVE - #5 by Danamyte-exodar
Lionheart has room for one more holy priest
Hi there Ozk!
I’m an officer with Pantheon. We’re a Horde guild on Herod, US PVP. We raid M/T/Thu 8:30p-11:30p EST. Below is a link to our recruitment page. I’d love to discuss our guild futher with you. If you’re interested, please reach out to me on Discord at Aydriann#0478.
Thanks for your time!
Hey Ozk,
The Gaming Spot - Atiesh : NA Alliance (Semi-Hardcore)
The Gaming Spot is a community of gamers that all share one common love: Warcraft. Founded in September of 2017, our inclusive community engages in a multitude of different content ranging from legacy content (Herald of the Titans) to raiding (Classic and retail) to charity events (Friendship Birb). Regardless of your background, The Gaming Spot has something for everyone! If you wish to raid with us in Classic WoW, read on to learn more about our raid team, goals for classic, and how to apply. Casuals are welcome to join without applying! LGBTQ friendly!
- Clear content in a timely and efficient manner
- Begin raiding MC and Onyxia’s Lair no later than the first week of October
- Maintain a roster of at least 50 players
- Provide a friendly and supportive raiding environment that fosters positive relationships
Loot System
Loot Council
Raiding Hours
Saturday 9:00pm EST - 12:00pm EST
Sunday 9:00pm EST - 12:00pm EST
Recruitment Needs:
Rogue - Multiple slots open
Feral Druid (DPS) - 1 slot left
Warlock - 1 slot left
Holy Paladin - 3 slots left
Discord Link
Application Link