62 Threads 4 replies

For sure. The MVP Discord was a place we could chat rather openly and freely. Lots of times, it was pleasant. But MVPs, historically, have targets painted on their backs. Disagree with 99 things Blizzard does, but defend 1 thing, and you’re labelled a shill.

Ultimately, I’ve had nothing but good conversations with Blizzard’s CM. I’ll wait to see the context with that VOD. :slight_smile:

You made an error. You should have had the discord setting on non readable, so people can post but only you can see what they posted and no one else can.
Then you should have posted those ideas into a read only channel where people could react to it.

Don’t think I made one, the Discord was fine as it is. Twitter would have gotten to me eventually anyways ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Nope they wouldn’t have.
When you are in the eye of Twitter you need to talk like a lawyer, take actions like a lawyer

Making a discord to talk to YOU is fine. Very cool.

Making a discord to invite public to speak to the Council, calling it the Seat of the Council, was an issue. This was the original post in your discord advertisement posted on the CC forum before you edited it.

The server is intended to bring everyone together who shares a passion for World of Warcraft, and wish to engage with the Council in real-time. There is always a risk that a Council member may suggest something that a significant portion of the fanbase disagrees with, or that a community feels like they’re not being represented in the Council, and I believe that being able to talk about the game and being able to connect with Council members directly will greatly increase the effectiveness of the program.

It was later changed to something like “council members who choose to join”.

The push back you got was that you did not talk to anyone on the Council about wanting to do that. You did not talk to Blizz about it and despite saying it is unofficial, calling it the Seat of the Council still gives that impression that it is somehow connected to the program.

The other push back you got from Council members was that being public and un-moderated would likely end badly because there are some pretty unsavory sorts on the internet. It would either result in harassment or it would reflect badly on the council by letting those unsavory sorts hang out.

This was all avoidable. All you had to do was post on GD asking who wants to talk to YOU and keep the Council side out of it. So yeah, that was the mistake, you used the Council forum to advertise, involved CC folks without asking, and had limited or no moderation.


Yeah I know Mira :]

Council is a joke as we all knew it would be.


I’m telling you. You needed to have the discord setting that no one can see other people’s posts.

Only your posts can be seen and reacted to.

Never give public power

So basically an echochamber that I wanted to avoid? :thinking:

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This entire idea was for the Devs to engage a section of the player base so they can get a better handle on what players actually want.

So far, they are failing miserably at the “engagement” part.

The unreasonable height that they set and now we are asking them to clear it?

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You should have made a suggestions channel.
This is where people would make suggestions.
In this channel only you can read those suggestions. You will get a lot of troll posts in this so it’s important no one can see those ones.

You go through the posts with the help of moderators.

Then in another channel (react) you post those suggestions and people react to it.

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Oh. It sounds like it devolved into TankChat v2? (Notoriously toxic discord)

Yeah, this sort of thing is really bad, especially from a Blizzard Legal POV. You cannot speak on behalf of Blizzard with any sort of privileged title, MVP, CC, etc.

You will forever and always represent yourself. Suggesting otherwise is a huge issue. CC folks aren’t elected representatives of the players, nor should you ever aim to represent the massive community.

If this is all true, then going onto Asmongold’s stream seems like you wanted your 15min of fame while people still cared enough to listen. =/


I mean that way I would still get trolls in my discord when it gets to the discussing the suggestion parts.

It is what it is now.

Unfortunately there is to be no discussion just suggestions. If you want discussion you need to make a post on GD and that way you are not liable

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Well, hopefully they’re busy making 9.2. At least they said hello.

But don’t discount the PTR posts either. It’s good they post in both PTR and CC, though PTR likely has a higher priority than replying to wishlists

They haven’t set this bar.

Basically they stepped in and said “Hey, this is a forum where you’ll get a direct line of communication to the developers, and there will be discussions that take place about the game with developers here.”

And then people on GD took that bar and set it to this:

“They must respond to the majority of the threads. If they’re not the entire thing is a failure.”

Nevermind that the developers have jobs to do, that it’s the holiday season with Christmas around the corner, or that the CC forums haven’t even been active for 2 weeks, nah, none of that matters, they gotta post, post, post when WE (the people of GD) say, not when they want to.

You’ll note that the actual people on the CC aren’t really getting uppity, because they actually respect the privilege they’ve got.


They have how much money to throw around and can’t hire someone to talk to us?

Wth is going on there!?


The entire thing about the CC is that it’s a direct line between the CC members and the developers. No middle guy. Those developers also have jobs to do outside of the forums.

If all they were going to do is have community managers respond and take on feedback then they wouldn’t have bothered with the CC at all.


So it is just a complete waste of time.


It’s important to note that whenever the CMs get some insight to a change, it comes from the Developers. So, this just makes it a bit easier and informal for the developer to make a response.

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