Will blizz start banning people for racism and sexual harassment then?

Sadly, the in game report function is all automated now and only flags a response if a single person receives enough reports to automate the silence feature. It’s been like this for some time now

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I think it’s weird that people are interrogating the OP on whether or not the harassment she faced was real.

I hope it gets fixed for you, OP.

Long story short, yes: they’re supposed to ban them. But I’m not sure how often they do.


People want proof :man_shrugging:

No, they are supposed to take action if they find a reason to, what action they take is unknown

If something happens they will tell you :slight_smile:


It can be both. We all know women receive this kind of crap online, stop making excuses for it.

Just typical day on the internet tbh.


You’re a bit late to the party my guy.

Using the Council to make his own discord, then advertise it as a place to talk to the Council was an issue - and it was unmoderated and full of problematic discussions.

The rest of the story - formatting is better if you read the linked post. It has a quote in it and stuff that does not display right in the preview.

And yes, he did reply stating that the summary there is accurate.

Further 1 person was removed out of 40. Not “20% of the Community Council”. He was also not banned from the game or forums.

The penalty tends to start with a Silence removing them from social functions and group tools. However, it can include a Suspension, and even a game ban if bad enough.

Here is a recent example of someone complaining they got a Suspension they felt was unjustified. Forum Support Agent pointed out that yes, it was justified for ongoing harassment. They also went over the increased penalties for chat violations. It should answer some of your questions about the current reporting and punishment systems.


They do silence and suspend people for both of these, though.

Why? Context/perspective are important.


Exactly. With the wide range of sensitivity about what players would consider harrasment, it’s really hard to just take someone’s word for it.

According to the OP, Customer Service took no action so we have to assume it was deemed acceptable behavoir


Blizzard bans people for legit and bogus reasons…what they don’t do is make sure you personally know when someone you reported got theirs. Also it takes 2 to tango and I personally find it very sus when one manages to earn the continued ire of, supposedly, an entire guild and yet they themselves are blameless.

On a positive note though…good to see a CC member get theirs.

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I reserve my sexism for my GF; she seem to like it :slight_smile:


They don’t tell you if they punished somebody you reported, though.

When you report someone it usually puts them on ignore and removes their chat from your logs. So are you being harrassed by someone specifically making alts just to internet stalk you?

Something smells fishy here.


That has no bearing on reality, though.

Blizzard punishes people for this.

My understanding is that the game notifies you when you have been reported.

As long as the offending behavoir stops, does it really matter what action Blizz took?

Nope. Or maybe I just haven’t been reported in the last decade and a half.

Again, though, they won’t notify you of disciplinary actions issued (if any), they’ll just thank you for the report.

This depends on who you ask. For some people, just having the offender on ignore is not enough and they don’t seek “justice”, but rather vengeance. I have to wonder if the offended, in cases like these, would actually be satisfied if they were notified when someone they reported was punished.

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Without seeing the whole story it is hard to say. Blizz does tend to be a bit more hands off with Guilds and Communities where a person voluntarily spends time - and has the tools to remove themselves from the situation. There is also the issue of “mutual combat” so to speak where two people willingly engage in an argument that just gets ugly. One or both may get a silence for a while if reported, but that falls into a different category than ongoing harassment.

Ongoing Harassment is a big deal and something Blizz takes pretty seriously. It takes time to build a case though and the person being harassed has to use the tools in place to block the offender/s. Once the offender goes around those tools then Blizz can apply different penalties.

The CS forum serves as an Information Desk and has an article about how it works.

The Forum Support Agents there would be the ones to ask about policies - they can often answer any questions or explain things.


This recently changed in patch 9.1.5. You can now get notified in game if there are recent reports against you. You can also get notified if a report you filed was acted in. I get a pop up in the top right telling me action was taken pretty often when reporting LFG advertisers now. Or maybe it was some of the trade chat nonsense I reported? I don’t know specifically. Just that reports were acted on.


Remember the slippery slope. And remember that once you let the thought police in, eventually they’ll come for you.


Yes, people often neglect vital details to make their side of things more appealing.

How curious.

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