I’m just going to link relevant post to show that people have every right to remove people from the group for any to no reason, and it is not considered “griefing”
Sorry Orlyia and Vrakthris. You guys need to be paid more.
I’m just going to link relevant post to show that people have every right to remove people from the group for any to no reason, and it is not considered “griefing”
Sorry Orlyia and Vrakthris. You guys need to be paid more.
The real abuse is that the debuff is not long enough to combat the toxicity of players. It should be 30 days.
Lydia… you are a beacon of common sense that has been lacking in this thread.
I completely appreciate everything you said, because it holds truth.
I am Retired Navy and I play this game with family and friends to have fun. If I could queue for any instance without having to rely on random people, I would. With that being said, I have a lot of patience when it comes to these instances because I’ve done them so many times. I would never leave because I’m tired of a particular instance, if just muscle through it. But I guess that type of tolerance comes with age.
There’s actually another thread going on, where the OP admitted to changing roles mid instance from healer to DPS. Does that warrant a kick? Yup, it sure does.
Of course there’s going to be justified kicks. However, this current threads OP specifically said that they were kicked for being slow. IMHO that is not a good reason to kick someone, especially if no one has wiped and the majority of players are trying to keep up with the tank who’s one shotting everything. Not sure if that’s the case here, but I’ve been in that scenario. It was a bit frustrating.
Ayukama demonstrating what “appeal to authority” fallacy means.
How can anyone know if they’re “meshing” with the random group if no one is communicating?
Something smells off, like yesterday’s fish.
There you go, for reporting ongoing harassment - warning. Censored the names, since that’s a rule on the forums. The warning is even extremely vague - and I had to get an answer from Twitter because of it. It was the only ticket made about any group harassing me, or for ongoing harassment at ALL in my ticket history. Template warning response that had nothing to do with my ticket, which seems to be typical of this companies CS department.
A streamer decided to get people to bypass ignore, Blizzard didn’t care. I kept ignoring+reporting, and then i’d just get more people messaging me that I hadn’t even interacted with ever. Very obvious.
They did. The problem is that they didn’t agree with the blues.
This current thread’s OP literally voted to kick the person for the behavior they claim to dislike… or they lied.
In order for the person to be kicked from the group for being slow… the OP had to kick them, because it’s a premade and it requires four votes.
Of all the threads to try to use as an example of how dumb kicks happen… I guess this is one of them, considering the OP themselves did it. Then came to complain about it.
It makes me wonder why they arguing over this so hard. It’s not like the OP is personally attacking anyone.
I’m not sure what is happening with this thread, but I do know that I will not be answering certain users because they are just arguing to argue. I have zero patience for that.
There is no issue to resolve here, and there is no griefing. You are not obligated to anyone in the group’s time.
Nah, just you and others. The OP simply kicked the player out then complained about it.
Explain M+ leaving then? They’re not required to play with anyone. Yet randomly - actioned. You and Blizz can lie all you want about things, doesn’t make them any less true. It’s selective enforcement, that simple.
I mean that is them saying to stop making multiple tickets about the same thing
So I guess thats partially true for what you said at least
Vote to kick - giving forum regulars something to do since 2009.
Extreme long, constant pattern of leaving before first bosses, etc. to brick keys does not equate to you disagreeing with kick reasons that happen on rare occasions.
That’s how it works, yes. When you get kicked you get the debuff. There is no “unjustified” kick.
Explain the coriolis effect. It’s irrelevant to the conversation. There’s no abuse here. There is no griefing here. The only thing here that even approaches actionable is the sheer number of people who post these threads making impossible claims about something happening.
Was the only ticket I made regarding it, actually. The only other ticket I had was for reporting a real life threat made a week or so earlier.
I think the vote kick system is fine as it is.
The majority in a group get to decide on who they want in it.
That being said, I wouldn’t see the harm in dropping the debuff to say 5 minutes or less.
Is there any particular reason why it is 30 minutes?
This is what… thread number four in the last couple months where the person didn’t like the kick but everyone else saw exactly why they were kicked? And there’s this particular thread where the OP either voted yes to the kick or lied about what happened.
It’s like when people go to CS and claim they were unjustly silenced/suspended.
You can understand my hesitation towards believing this part considering the first line is about you making multiple tickets about it
Plus the vaguest message ever from you
It’s because there’s been a string of zero post characters coming to the forums with obviously made up stories about VTK in dungeons. This has been going on for months now.
Most if not all people would probably agree that the VTK system isn’t perfect, tweaks would be nice, former iterations were worse, etc. but the entire conversation gets bogged down by exaggerations, accusations, and lies.