30 Min Debuff abuse

The 30 minutes was in line with how long dungeons used to take to run. Now, they take about 15 minutes on average.

So I don’t see an issue with a couple of ideas people came up with:

  1. Reduce the debuff to 15 minutes.
  2. Add a 5 second countdown timer to the “yes” button when voting for those people who aren’t capable of hitting “no” to get a box they’re not reading out of their face.

Someone also had a great accessbility option: add a sparkly path through dungeons that new people can follow.

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It’s the exact same small crew that do that in these threads. They’re not here in good faith. They’re just trying to get people going.

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Feel free to ask CS if it was the only ticket I made regarding ongoing harassment - since it was. Still is the only ticket made in that category - and I only opened tickets to report people twice - one for RL threat and one for using RP addons to bypass ignore and continue to harass.

Reducing it to 15 minutes seems to be the most logical idea. Even the old classic dungeons that were incredibly long doesn’t take as long these days as it used too. I am on board with reducing the deserter buff to 15 minutes.

I thought it already had some kind of wait time to interact with it?

I mean, can’t exactly ask CS for information on what other people are reporting

Not that I know of. Saw my first one in years pop up the other day, both buttons were there. We decided to remove them because they’d been disconnected for half the dungeon.

that’s fine, thanks for your concession.

Sendryn we don’t want reasonable solutions! Then what would the people complaining about the vote kick system do all day?


You’re 100% right about that.

They’ll just move over to “people are having fun, please remove the fun”

True, even provided actual evidence (screenshot) which CS forums never actually show from their own data. They just say whatever they want.

Been a while since I saw one, maybe I’m thinking of the re-que button when someone leaves and you cant do that in combat or something

Blizzard does need to make ignores account wide to stop the alt hopping stuff, cuz that is kind of an obvious oversight

The fact acc wide ignore doesn’t work for people on other servers is goofy. The fact that streamers can have people bother you for ages because they don’t type it in game for them to do it after you reported the streamers - even if you link them the clip/vod is also quite funny. Warning someone for making 1 (one) ticket reporting what was ongoing harassment with people from various servers I never interacted with or grouped with is also quite an oversight.

My favorite was someone getting kicked because they “talk too much”. Only because they greeted everyone, said something like, “this dungeon is cool!” and then “whoops” when they accidentally died. It’s absolutely ridiculous. I left the group and took the 30 minute punishment too, because I can’t support toxic people. Offered the kicked guy a faster dungeon when our debuff expired.

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There needs to be a lot of improvements to the tools within the games as well as the forums to help protect users better from those bad actors.

You’ll get no argument from me about how bad the ignore system is in this game (and on the forums)

I can totally see that, but to automatically assume lying is a bit far fetched.

The OP claims a premade group kicked unjustly and the OP disagreed with the kick. That is an impossible claim.

To be frank, don’t concern yourself with the CS forum. It’s just a cesspool where some clique hangs out and brigades anyone who doesn’t agree with them. I feel bad for people who get nothing but robot replies to tickets and post there out of desperation to get help and instead get dogpiled and made fun of. The blues allow it to happen.

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They will not listen. It doesn’t fit their narrative.

According to them, we’re all elitist people who constantly kick others from dungeons and hate new players and will never help teach anyone anything ever, while also refusing to come up with ideas and have a conversation about the topic as we yell and scream that no one ever in the history of this game gets kicked for a dumb reason.

Even though all evidence to the contrary is right in front of them. Including ideas they refuse to acknowledge to tweak the system.