3 Players LF SemiCasual PVE Guild Horde/Ally: Help Us Find Our Home

Myself and two friends are currently looking for a PVE focused guild.

No preference on Horde or Alli. Looking for a guild of more mature players that have lives outside of WoW as we all have kids, jobs etc…

Ideal raid times would be 8PM - 12 EST.


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Hey buddy. Our raid times might be a bit late/outside your window. We plan to start between 10pm and 11pm and go for 2-3 hours. Check out the post and hit me up on discord if you think it might work for you guys Firestoned#9463

Sanctum is a PvE focused raiding guild on the Atiesh server. Our current membership is mixture of WoW veterans with over a decade of experience, private server game and guild masters, original vanilla players, recent raiders, and some novices. Our guild environment is friendly, fun, 18+, and respectful. We are a semi-casual/semi-hardcore blend looking to progress through end-game content in its current raid tier, but we will not be pushing for realm firsts.

Raid Times:
Saturday, 6-10pm PST
Sunday, 6-9pm PST

What We’re Looking For:
We’re looking for anyone regardless of experience level who is interested in learning their class and dedicating a few hours to raid content. We’re recruiting anybody, regardless of class, but do have an ideal raid composition in mind. However, that composition is very flexible based on individual performance. Even if you’re not too keen on raiding, you’re always welcome to join the team for the roster of people available for other content!

Raider Expectations:
We expect every raider to join the guild discord server. We’d prefer everyone be on time, repaired, and come prepared with the proper consumables and a solid raiding attitude. We will have a guild bank with available raiding supplies to those who truly need it, but Classic WoW is a team effort and you are expected to help out. Those that are willing to contribute above and beyond for their fellow raiders will be rewarded for it.

Loot Rules
We will be using an EPGP system for transparent and efficient loot handling. Legendaries will be awarded on a priority basis. The priority list will be decided by the officers in advance and posted publicly in the discord so there will be no surprises. For example, Thunderfury will be awarded to all tanks before others have the opportunity to receive it.

Guild Discord:
discord.gg/H2eVJwP (Please join this we are way more active there than here)

Feel free to reach out to the GM for any more info or questions!
BattleTag: Brugin#1105
Discord: Brug#1337

Infernal is recruiting for Horde on Thalnos PVP server. We will be focusing a little on everything casually. Please check our post for more details, its worth the quick read!

Hey friend! Zenith will be Horde-side on Herod (PvP-EST), with the flexibility to recruit a small group of any classes you still want to play. Although on a PvP realm, we’ll primarily be focusing PvE content. We’ll be raiding 8pm-11pm EST on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and looking to see what works for schedules for PvP beyond that.

Would love to talk to you more to see if we’d be a good match; lots of us in our late 20’s and early 30’s looking to relive our glory Vanilla days! Hit me up if you’re interested!

Discord (preferred): DJ#7415
Btag: DJRay87#1487

Hope to hear from you, and good luck in your search!

Hey there! Looks like our raid times fit in your window, though we are on a west coast server. We’ll be looking at 9pm-12am est block for weekday raids, though probably a bit earlier weekends. Take a look and lemme know if you want to discuss further.

Good luck in your search!

Hello there, thought I’d extend a message in response to this looking for guild post.

Ethos is currently recruiting healers and dps. If you have any questions regarding loot or expectations don’t hesitate to ask! Our raid days are Tues / Thurs 8-11 CST. We have chosen the server ‘Herod’. Will be having a guild meeting (TBD) a week prior to launch to discuss class roles etc.

Very straight forward application process if interested -

Discord: Sawz#8386

Reddit: Sawsy587

DM me if you have any questions / application form.

Hey Syrupt! Cakewalk raids on the more casual side of the spectrum. Looks like we might be a good fit for your crew. Our raid times are a little later than your ideal, don’t know if that’s a deal-breaker or no. Let’s chat on discord: Hoax#1492 or on Bnet: Hoax#11674

Hope to hear from you soon!

Hey Syrupt, sounds like our guild would be a perfect fit you: [A] <Unity> | Pagle | Semi-Hardcore | Tu/Th +Sun 8-10PM EST

We have a core team that will raid on week 5 and from then onward, players that are ready at their own pace will be subbed in and formed into alt raids as well. We are a unity of core and casual players, so to speak.

Hey Syrupt,

We’re a newly formed Alliance guild on Whitemane seeking to build out our roster with mature, PvE focused players looking to clear content while also achieving balance with outside commitments. Below is some general information about the guild. Not quite 9PM PST, but wanted to reach out in case you had some flexibility. Check out our discord or message me directly with any questions!

Unity - NA - Alliance - PvP - Whitemane Server - Tues/Thurs 7:30-10:30 PST - Loot Council

https:// discord.gg/h2AqqBC

Just set up my guild discord if your interested: https://discord.gg/dCBPx8

Guilds name is [Best in Slot]. We are definetly more of a semi-casual progression guild. Most of the lead members work until late so we are going to make a flexible raiding schedule for our members. A few of us also played on Nostalrius and made good progression before the servers were shut down, just let us know if your interested!

You can also reach out to me on discord: Arishnakrov#6398

Hi Syrupt,
Sounds like we are a good fit. Feel free to review us and reach out with any further questions.
Circle of Vengeance
[Circle of Vengeance | Windseeker | 18+ | Casual Raiding | Multi-Gaming | Alliance](CoV Info link)

Hi Syrupt,

We may be good fit for you and your friends. Our raid times are weekends and very close to your ideal times. Here is our recruiting post:

< Fran Aska > “From Ashes” Alliance | PvP Server: Herod | Semi-Hardcore | CST |


:crossed_swords: Focus :crossed_swords:
To have fun! A semi-hardcore Classic WoW experience. Designed to fit a working-person’s schedule. Fran Aska will have something for everyone including consistent raiding, PvP, or just chilling. Leadership will strive to be transparent, fair, and effective at making raiding goals and group play events a reality.

:crossed_swords: Raids :crossed_swords:
Progress & supporting raids Sunday/Mondays with a 8PM CST Start, with Saturday being for raid quests and attunements. Loot council will give drops to characters to benefit long-term progress. An alt is encouraged to enable more raids, splits, and scheduling flexibility. Attendance requirements will be more relaxed when compared to hardcore guilds.

:crossed_swords: PvP :crossed_swords:
Groups for days

:crossed_swords: Leveling :crossed_swords:
We are making 5 man leveling groups to boost the leveling process. We will assign a group based on your availability to play so a group can be on the same schedule.

:crossed_swords: Discord/Contact :crossed_swords:
We are looking for various levels of players: Officers, Raiders, PvP-er’s, and Casual.

Message me on Discord: Meo#5613

If you haven’t found a home yet we may be a good fit for you.

Grievance is a mature 18+ guild that plays with the motto of real life first. Most of us are older, have families, jobs, real life obligations that stop us from playing like we did 15 years ago.

We will be raiding when we are ready, we plan to enjoy the journey and when we are all ready get in and kill some bosses!

If this sounds like something you are looking for you can read more at grievancegaming dot com or add me on Discord Nionya#7814

edit: we will be Horde on Mankrik and Alliance on Pagle


Hi there,

We are Semi-hardcore, Horde, on PVE Mankrik Server, looking for experience players. Our raid time falls in line with your schedule.
If you have time please read our recruitment ad, I think our goals may fall in line with yours.

We are in need of melee dps.
Let me know if you have any questions.

Were still scouting casters and some heals. If you want to check us out feel free to hop in discord before launch and hang!

Not sure if you found your guild yet. If not, check us out!