I finally got Legend yesterday and wanted to look over what it took. If anyone wants to take a peek, I’m 1291/2535 in total. In short… a lot of rounds played. Over all those games though, it really felt like MMR was working against me, so I decided to look at what happened. I have 290 matches total from 1700 range.
So what does it look like?
Of the 290 matches played, I was higher than the groups average MMR 201 times. 3 of those matches I was the same as the average. Honestly makes me a bit frustrated that more than 2/3 of the time I was higher than the average. This means I’m getting less points per win AND it means I have a higher chance of losing more points if I lose. While most of us know the game heavily favors consecutive wins, this makes it looks like the game is almost working against you.
If you have a few bad lobbies, the game will start placing you in groups that are substantially lower than your MMR/CR. The largest gap I had was 247 points difference against me. Conversely, the largest gap in my favor was 159 points. Even going on steady win streaks kept my MMR higher than the average MMR.
So the blue line is me and the orange is the average of all the players in the match. The item to take note of is how often the orange line is below the blue line AND the size of the gap. As I stated above, If you start losing, the game harshly penalizes you. Problem is… Even going on win streaks doesn’t remedy the situation. Closer to the end, there were a bunch of times I was floating around 2400 and I continued to get lobbies that were 50-100 points or more lower than my MMR. Every loss compounds super quickly…
Just to round this out a bit more, I looked at the win/loss ratios for all the SV hunters in the top 100 to see how I compared. The average was roughly 56% while I sat just under 51%. But how does that stack up against a trend? Well, the line in the graph is the trend line. Now obviously if I continued to play that would level out some, but I’m also curious to see if I can keep pushing higher.
TLDR: The game consistently placed me in groups with lower MMR then my own. This isn’t a complaint, but I would like to understand how MMR works better and maybe there is something I should have changed early on. Did all the games I played the first couple or weeks hurt me overall? Why even after so many wins is the team MMR below mine? Why is the game so heavily weighted in favor of losses?
It feels like MMR needs some work. The losses compound while the gains can be hard fought. Anyone else felt the same?