290 Rounds of RSS - Looking at the data & MMR

I have a smaller sample size list of the same information from a healers perspective that I’ll post later if I remember.

It’s interesting to me seeing the relatively close mmr values on your graph compared to my two healers.

I also completely agree that the system could use a few adjustments on how fast the swing when you hit a rough spot. Do you know if the game currently averages all rounds at the end of the match to determine the gain/ loss in cr?

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I’d be curious to see them! If you need help posting I could take the CSV as well and do the same.

I’d wager it’s a blended average with some thresholds set in place for CR. I think MMR counts every loss as a loss and it compounds. I’m sure it’s a tad more complicated than that, but somehow I’m getting matched up to teams WAYYY lower than my actual MMR. Which gets me wondering is there ANOTHER hidden MMR. Because if my ‘actual’ MMR is that far off, what number is actually matching me with these players?

So we have our CR, our MMR… and probably another rating. :thinking:

I dropped from the 1800’s to the 1400’s in two days, my Fury is getting run over, I’m hard to kill so they just ignore me and burst the other DPS or Healer, not played today, going to see what the vault has for me tomorrow, then I think I’m done. 1200 rounds of RSS, I love the mode, but if the Dev’s are going to leave my spec in the dirt what choice do I have.

Looks like my long time lurking doesn’t allow me to post the image or link, but I’m back with my contribution to the thread. The graphs below are a sample of 56 games on hpal and 72 as disc priest.

So it goes without saying, I’m not good, but I think these graphs help to visualize what an average person playing a healer in solo shuffle is going to experience. The things that really stand out to me compared to your data is just how much of a swing a healer can experience from a couple bad rounds.

In my personal experience the biggest jumps I’ve experienced are 242 under and 282 over my mmr. I understand that they messed with how the lobbies are formed to get more healers into games quicker, but this kind of change really throws me off from game to game.

I’ve also anecdotally noticed that if you get a on a streak of 3-3, the game has a really hard time trying to figure out where to place your next game

h ttps://imgur.com/a/QLVCeCq

For sure. I’m definitely not a perfect player, and unfortunately I’ve always relied upon the cadence between myself and my partners. I’m certainly making mistakes. However, I feel like I constantly run into situations where healers are unaware or unwilling to understand the limitations of my class, and expect me to pony in to a wall of casters and be okay. It causes some minor irritation.

What addons are you using by the way? I’m normally an addon minimalist due to sensory overload, but I think RSS requires it to an extent. Let me know.

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I imagine if you were trending in the opposite direction towards the opposite end of the bell curve your findings would be the reverse with most teams being above your rating on average.

You being the highest rating in most lobbies is just going to be the reality when you are one of the highest rated players on the ladder. They could make the algorithm for putting higher Elo games together more restrictive, but your queues will skyrocket. Maybe you’d prefer that but the point is that Blizzard is making an intentional choice here to get you in games faster at the expense of those games having a perfect MMR distribution. The system is working for you, but in a way that leads to certain unavoidable consequences.

pretty sure u get points depending on your personal mmr only, compared to ur current rating, and how many rounds you win. not the average mmr, your mmr just changes depending on the lobby mmr obv.

That’s alot of time waiting. Get a job u bum. And not a maccas part time.

I laughed when I opened it. Even in the smaller segment you have, it’s still pretty apparent you’re facing a similar issue. If it’s worth calling it an issue. Maybe dilemma?

Love to see it though!


I think the important thing here is how wildly large the degree of change is even from game to game. Now compound that! That’s the real issue. What if you have 4-5 bad lobbies/matches. Well, now you’re down 200-300+ CR and maybe even more MMR. While the opposite is also true, it seems like these instances are more rare.

It does. The problem is, from what I can tell, it still is actively pushing you down. I think over time if you want to maintain rating, you still have to have a slightly positive win/loss. If it were possible to go 3/3 over and over, I’d be super curious what the numbers look like. I know there are plenty of players who have posted positive records and still lost points overall.

Yea, it’s tough. Without the help of others years back, I likely would not have improved. Having a consistent partner is pretty massive. NOT that it can’t be done on your own, but having the chance to grind out games and try new stuff is important.

Like you lose to a certain comp over and over. You say screw it and try something… crazy. Like you go all in on the healer every time. You run through every CD to stay offensive and if you don’t get a kill you lose. Let’s say it only works half the time. Well, perfect! But finding someone to do with is tough. Even harder to find two people todo that.

And as we all know, the unfortunate thing is RSS is actually making people play different. In some parts it’s good, but in most parts its kinda bad if you want to excel in 3s. That said, with how dominate RSS is becoming, maybe there is a time it will have a bit more esteem. Maybe in a more controlled environment… who knows.

I keep it minimal. Addon overload is one of the biggest issue I see with lots of players for sure. Even like massive scroll text just makes it tough to see the important stuff.

Gladius - Just for tracking trinket and DRs.
Big Debuffs - On portrait CC is pretty big for me. I use the Focus frame a LOT.
Threat Plates - I clean up plates to a really simple format. My target has a slightly larger health bar and everything else is slightly opaque. Also, I make Psyfiend, Tremor, etc. a little larger.
Clique - Just easy for mouse over macros. 100% not needed.
Reflex - For game tracking. That’s where I pulled this info from.
Details - Mostly for tracking CC breaks, interrupts, etc.
OmniCC - CD indicator

If I’m healing I’ll run Omnibar for kicks. On occasion I’ll also use Gladiatorlossa while I’m learning new abilities. I’d recommend it for most players, though like everything I’d customize it to fit your needs. Like, if you’re healing and finding yourself getting CC’ed a lot, maybe set it up to only vocalize Polymorph, Fear, Hex, etc.

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I have noticed a significant difference between a teams’ skill and their ratings, depending on what time of day I queue. During the day, some players seem to have higher ratings than their actual skills would warrant. However, players seem to match their ratings better in the evenings until 2am. This information would be interesting in the scope of your data.

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Definitely a good point and you’re likely spot on. If the bell curve peaks at 1600, it would make sense. Which it may. I’m still really surprised at how consistent it is though. Especially as I start to level out some. I’ll be curious to see what It will look like as I start to bounce around 2400. Maybe I peak out at 2600 and bottom out at 2100-2200? Then the question is, will my average be the same or will I still be facing players mostly below me. I would wager it would still be mostly players below if I maintain a 50/50 win/loss.

I work about 45-50 hours a week and do free lance. =/

It’s actually why I have so many games played as I’m already on my computer and queues are pretty long. So, I tend to work on some projects until the queue pops. OR, I’m just listening to podcasts.

The MMR of the who you’re facing is important. If they have a higher MMR, you lose less points. Both numbers work off each other.

Yea, would be tough to know. I would be interested to know if the quality of matches improves if queue times are lower. I know for myself, I 100% do better with variety. The more different specs I face overall, the better I do. Now, that might be different if all I faced was mages… I tend todo good against arcane and frost. So if every lobby had a mage, I’d probably push up.

Also, if more people are in queue, it likely will mean more people are in your similar MMR range. MAYBE NOT, but I’d guess this would be the case. So, that might work both ways. If you’re grinding rating, it might be good to have fewer people queueing as you might get into higher games. If you’re higher though, it’s likely going to be the opposite.

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Thanks for posting the image.

It certainly isn’t the biggest issue with the game, and I’m willing to put up with it since I’ve never had to wait over 2 minutes for a queue. However, there is definitely room for improvement in the system. I have a feeling blizzard really wasn’t sure on how to handle the mmr calculations with 6 rounds in 1 game.

It’ll be interesting to see as the season progresses how the mmr calculations are handled. Near the end you can see that the match mmr isn’t jumping like crazy and I have a feeling they are messing around with the formula on the back end.

I think there is a pretty good example of this on my paladin from the week where melee wings changed to 5hp instead of mana. In that time span I went 38 of 96 and dropped 421 points overall. I haven’t played many rounds since my scuba adventure, but it feels like i’m still trying to dig out of the hole.

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Dw is just jealousy talking, little kids are time consuming.


That’s how I’m running these days. I do think I could change it a bit. I tried running gladius on the left side and it was messing me up. I don’t like that so much important info is on the edge of my screen. Better players are definitely working more off gladius then focus frame. I don’t have target 123 or kick 123 macros. I do have a set focus 123 which works… most of the time. My problem is I have played with this style of layout for so long that changes are tough.

Years back I changed my key layout just to make my kicks faster. It helped, but it took weeks if not months to get used to. I’m also still playing around with how many buffs/debuffs I want to see on the target. Most of the I don’t need to see any of it quite honestly. I do like seeing the duration of my serpent sting. Things like BOP are pretty obvious, so I may clean that up more. I think as much as you can reduce clutter and contain the most important information, the better you’ll be.

Yea, my guess is it will improve. I think if most players put in the time, they’ll likely find a range they are comfortable in, but it’s unfortunate that that range might be pretty large. =/

If they don’t mess with it too much, a lot of people will be able to push higher if they simply play. As specs/classes get nerfed and buffed too, people might try new things. While I think I could have pushed up even without the feral nerfs, I do think it would have taken longer.

haha, yea, I completely understand. When I went from 2.4 to 1900 I honestly and to stop for awhile. RSS has been easily the most frustrating thing I have ever done in wow and I found myself getting actually angry. Way more then I’m comfortable being. I got SUPER angry playing Elden Ring. I don’t need that again. lol