Looking at the Data & MMR - Round 3 - Enhance Edition - Getting 2400

Back again with more interesting data, but this time on Enhance! I previously pushed 2400 on my main hunter and alt hunter as Survival.

Enhance was a completely different experience with a completely different set of win conditions. Now that might be obvious to everyone, but it’s really interesting seeing it in practice AND how it affects your wins and losses overall.

For my hunter, who I matched up against was a massive factor in wether I was going to lose or win a match. The first was having a healer that could be CC’ed. CC for Survival is crucial for setting up kills. Any matches where I was facing an Evoker or Monk for heals, I was already dealing with an uphill battle. Pair them with a Shadow Priest, Shaman, or DH and that compounded quickly. Conversely, if I was facing priests, palis, or shamans and no one to dispel, the game would be heavily in my favor. Second would be a proper kill target. All the CC in the world is great, but if I don’t have a good target to hit… well, I can be out of luck.

For the enhance shaman, this was completely different. Healer largely didn’t matter as my main pressure was generated through kicks, purges, damage, and occasional CC. Likewise, Enhance can kill just about everything. Keeping my healer out of CC allowed me to keep up pressure.

So what was important for enhance? No all melee or all caster lobbies… This is probably true for most classes. While I tended to fair better against all casters, all melee were easily the most difficult. Key to surviving as enhance is having something to hit. Well, Blizzard in all their wisdom has given many melee ways to continue to put out pressure while entirely negating incoming melee hits. Blur, Evasions, DBTS, Bubble, as well as Fists of Fury. All of these prevent me from actually generating Maelstrom. Pair that with stuns and disarms… I do no damage and therefore no healing. I have ended many of these matches with 1/2 as much damage as everyone else, if not more.

Outside of that, pressure… Again, may seem obvious, but anytime someone on my team tries to pull back too much, it actually makes the game more difficult overall. This pushes our healer back which makes it harder for me to peel or prevent CC and it makes it hard for me to peel for the dps or heal them. If I’m playing with a caster, having them push up actually gives them more breathing room. A great example would be a match I had on Lordaeron. The healer and lock on my team never pushed up to the tomb. The lock kept porting back and the healer kept pushing back to stay with the lock. This left me getting kited a lot of matches and falling back to keep the healer out of CC. I had no good target to hit and my pressure was awful. Guess who the blame? Welp, had they pushed in, I could have easily kept the healer out of CC and peeled for the lock while putting our pressure.

So what do I need? Something I can hit. Often doesn’t matter what it is… even pets. In many matches people ask me the target and its completely situational. Sure, we can say lets hit the mage, but If I have a rogue on me, I might need to hit them while pushing for the mage.

So what’s interesting!!?

I had ZERO games where I went either 0-6 OR 6-0. I had lots of stretches going 3:3, 4:2, or 2:4. This was COMPLETELY different than my hunter. On my hunter I had LOTS of games where I would go 6-0 and then the very next match go 0-6. This made for huge spikes in my MMR. My shaman by contrast just kept steadily pushing up.


More then anything, diversity in matches was crucial. Anytime I had to face double warrior, double lock, double hunter, game felt pretty bad. One of my worst match ups was double lock with a BM hunter. I was almost completely unable to connect with anyone and I had to deal with an MS. Double Arms was equally brutal. Maybe this is already in Blizzard’s algorithm, but 2 ranged and 2 melee matches give everyone the best chance to win.

Outside of that, like my hunter, 2/3 of my matches my MMR was higher then the average MMR. Seems to be pretty consistent while you’re pushing up. While the degree of variance between my MMR and the average MMR was lower then my hunter, during pushes, it was clear my MMR was almost always higher, unless you can pull off lots of consecutive wins.


TLDR: Who you face can be a huge factor in winning. If you find you’re always losing against X spec, don’t beat yourself up. As I said with my previous threads, queuing during peak hours is going to give you the best chance of fighting a diverse group of dps and healers. Don’t be afraid to speak up with what you need from your team. I was constantly saying “Push up” or “Push in” if my teams was to passive. Be clear with what you’re going to do or what you might need or what you’ll do. “Please stun fists” or “I’ll purge Shroud.”

Now… what to push next. Shadow? DH? Fury?

Previous threads:




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But… it’s not.

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It was a good read and something different than the normal threads we get!



Was fun learning Enhance again. It feels pretty solid atm, though that wouldn’t be very obvious with its overall rep. I was pretty blown away with how different it was then my hunter. Some games I just completely dreaded and I knew I had no chance of winning. That almost never felt like the case on my shaman. It’s super refreshing to be able to just hit any target that’s in range. Instead of baiting for kicks to cast, you’re trying to look for targets that don’t have a solid immunity or disarm/evasions/etc. Doomwinds is a pretty odd ability, but if I connect, I have the potential to kill plenty of targets in 1-2 seconds.

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Another Enhance Daddy joins the 2400 club. Grats homie. Love the posts.

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Thanks duder! GZ as well! I think they are sleeping on enhance. :wink:

Enhance has the steepest learning curve. Such a fun spec. I really felt like you hit the nail on the head when you said

Even with grounding/swelling waves, you have to PUMP to do well in these matchups. What build did you run? I was running an alpha wolf build I cooked up and kinda hovered around 1800, then swapped to a Thorim’s Invocation build I cooked up, and literally had a vertical climb to 2400.

edit I also swapped my rotation priorities and proccd ascendance like crazy. Got some slick clips im gonna post to a YT video of it.

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Yea, you really have to multitask a lot todo well. It’s the very antithesis of tunneling. What’s happening to your healer? Where is your healer? What’s happening to the other dps on your team? Positioning is crucial because our closers are limited.

You can play it safe some games or you can burn two groundings to keep your uptime on a lock. Some games you’re going all in instantly and other games you have to feel things out. Super diverse as far as gameplay goes.

Pretty standard, vanilla build I think. I always prioritized tools over damage when possible. I rarely took things like Ride the Lighting or even SkyFury. I did find it funny taking Counterstrike in lower games vs warriors. Doing 150k+ damage during their bladestorm made me laugh.

Enhance’s second to last row is just so damn good that it’s hard to push to the last row. That said, looking over the changes for next patch and set bonuses, I’m sure i’ll need to change things up.

Solid! Looking forward to seeing it. I love that the spec has a bunch of potential builds. I know I was far from uptapping it. Being able to win on the toolset alone though was pretty fun.

This is too often a real issue.

Female human arms warrior :smiley:

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Been taking a mental health break from RSS and playing my ps5 I just got. I could get 2400 if I wanted but it’s not worth it. DPS would be easier

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Yea. Some specs do well with being a bit passive. SV being one of them. Enhance it’s entirely different. Once you’re in space, you have to keep pressure up the entire time.

I do have a level 40 female human warrior. hrmmmm

But I also have a level 70 female orc. :slight_smile:

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Saw quite a few fisty monks higher up. They are rather obnoxious. >.>

Human gets to use double DPS trinkets!

Great post. Been grinding my Survival Hunter. Definitely agree on some match ups just feel significantly harder than others. Good message though, some classes just counter you. Although I feel much more viable than my ret did even in hard matchups.

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True… Trueeee. :thinking:

Yea, SV had such massive swings. I was super discouraged the first time I got close to 2.4. I went up against 3 feral teams in a row and every single of them just ate my pet alive. No matter what I did, my pet was dead. Granted, with feral slightly nerfed it has helped, but it’s still rough.

SV also has really high risk, high reward strategies. Every harpoon > trap with a rogue or a feral can be dicey. Pulling yourself away from your healer and having to push in deep to get CC opens you up. With how SVs damage works as well, staying in as long as you can while you have Mongoose stacks can make or break a game. If you play to conservative you lose. Play to aggressive and you lose as well.

It’s just funny going from game to game and having one game people call you trash to another game where some healer is complaining about broken CC.

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Totally agree and appreciate your thoughts. First time playing Survival to be honest. I’m enjoying the play style. I feel as if I have much more control on the pacing and outcome of the game versus playing ret where you hit a certain MMR and people know how to neutralize you well.

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Yea. With where priests are at right now, ret can’t feel great. Improved MD needs a nerf or just flat out removal. MD is already amazing.

And yea, with SV, you can make your own plays most games. Granted, you mind be burning scatter one one target, stun on another, and finally trapping heals. BUT, it does feel rewarding. It’s why I’m really worried about these upcoming CC changes. It’s pretty clear where I do well and where I fail. With so many of my wins being linked to my CC, losing anything is going to hurt.

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i typically have way more trouble with all caster lobbies assuming there’s no demo or bm hunter

i do fine with ele and sometimes spriest against non double melee
but moonkin/mage/destro/aff are nightmares with and against

enhancements freest lobbies are arms/ww/bm/demo
but any combination of arms/dh/assa/ww/feral feel pretty good even if you lean off of healing and lean into mobility

this is something basically every single wizard that only plays shuffle and has no real arena experience needs to learn in general when playing melee/wizard

but yea good take


what you face is and has been more important than who you face for a long time now in arena in general to some extent

i can go 1-5 in a 2200 lobby against moonkin/devoker/destro
i can go 5-1 in a lobby at 3k against bm/demo/arms

anyways interesting post thanks for sharing

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Yea, I’d be curious to try out some different builds to offset my losses against the melee trains. WW and rogues are just painful. If it’s rogue + caster, sitting full stun into an evasion and this disarm… ugg. I just don’t feel like I have the uptime to pressure rogues enough. Same with WW. Seems like right when they have their most output with FoF, I can’t build Maelstrom. They just seem to shut down my goes so quick as well.

Also, I’m sure what map I’m on with the casters makes a huge difference. It’s unfortunate there are soooo many bigs maps in the game now and then not allowing sewers to be in the rotation.

Yea, it’s kinda crazy how it’s something that I can completely ignore as SV, but it’s super crucial for enhance. Casters get so gun shy when it’s like Arms + MM or BM. The hunter just plays back and kites and the caster on my team just tries to play pillar… while still getting smacked around. They have to either fully commit to pulling the melee LOS and punishing them OR fully push in and force the melee out into space and pressure the hunter.

It happens so many games. Lock gates back and out pressure drops to zero. I try to run back but the caster doesn’t fully commit to los and then it’s us just getting cleaved. Then the match ends and my damage is off because I never fully connect. Super frustrating.

haha, yea… that’s how I feel. While it’s much more apparent on my hunter, I still feel it as enhance. Granted, I feel like I more tools to keep myself up where as my hunter feels wholly reliant on the healer. It’s nice to be able to make up for bad healer play. Like, if a healer wants to be aggressive, I can play around it to some degree and keep them in the game.

Kinda wanting to try Shadow and see if it feels the same. Play style has always felt like a mix of hunter + sham.

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