Trust Level Transparency

For those of us who post here often, being able to add additional content (links, images, etc) really let’s us add to the community and bring a bit more depth to ours posts (example). That said, as far as I know, there is no way to see what is preventing you from first getting trust level 3 and also maintaining it. While there are a host of threads (1, 2, 3) outlining how to see what your current level is and also what it takes to earn trust level 3, there isn’t any visibility into what may be preventing you from earning it.

While I understand the forums are a third party product, being unable to focus on what may be holding you back is unfortunate. I’m currently working on a thread and would really like to include some images (graphs!), but I don’t have the option despite having it in the past. Also, the forums were a bit more lively when more people were able to use those features.

Regardless though, it seems like the current threshold is pretty high if someone who is here every day is unable to earn or maintain it.


There should be a tab in our Preferences panel to show us the information.

And also, when people grind out the freakin’ forum rep… don’t make them have to maintain it weekly. That’s ridiculous.


I have a going theory that the discourse devs are basically just trying to push people on to mobile for their product because it seems mobile users can still post youtube videos and those who are desktop cant for tl2.


I operate 85-90% of the time from PC and can post everything fine. Just had to drop a few likes, get a few likes, read 20k posts, and be here 50 out of 100 days. It’s not tough to do if you pop in every other day, like a few posts, scroll through a large thread (that you are contributing to) and then let it ride.



Currently you don’t know how long until you get your trust level 3 or when you are about to lose it either for lacking of engagement (you need to keep up with engagement).


Ur right I just posted a video from mobile

I can’t on desktop


The whole trust level system is stupid and whoever signed off on adopting the Discourse software should be ashamed of themselves. Why do you think my name is what it is? It’s a constant reminder to everyone how utterly ridiculous the entire concept of trust levels truly is.


With such upbeat and optimistic posts, I can’t imagine why you are not already WoW Community Council.

Yea, that part is confusing to me. All of us have times where were going to step away or just be busy. If losing it means again maintaining another 90 days of posting or reading, that’s pretty harsh. I don’t know if that is how it works, but it seems like it is.

My metrics are pretty high so not sure. :man_shrugging:

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no its not i dont want to click and a false webpage and get sent to a nsfw sight from someone that just joined these forums


So weird… were you gone awhile? Or ever suspended?

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omg its a trust level 4.
take my bananas.

you’ve got to be trolling.


Has that ever happened though? Honestly asking. Amazingly enough I have never seen a bad link or nsfw content.

Ages ago. I got mass reported by the multiboxers. Nothing in recent memory. That said, I had trust level 3 even after that event.

Might be worth opening a ticket. Also, if you don’t remain active the 50/100 days, that can do it too.

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For sure. I’m here more than I’d like to admit. :laughing:

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idk a lot of people who were once trust 3 lost it like a few months ago when they did something with the forums

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yes the old bungie forums can have you hide the link to a nsfw gif new users did this a lot.
and the same thing can happen here

Yeah, at that point it’s anyone’s guess. I just know gifs, YT, images, links and more are no issue for me on mobile or pc. Seems like Mobile is a way to curtail the requisites.

For sure, could happen here, though I haven’t seen it. Given how long it takes to get trust level 3, I don’t think anyone would risk it unless they were on the way out. While I’m fine with there being a decent hurdle to get trust level 3, seems a bit high atm.

I want to say that has happened a few times, though I could be wrong. It was about a year ago I lost trust level 3, along with a bunch of other people. There were posts about it, but I assumed I’d get it back quickly considering how much I’m here.