What did you think of the iconic “YOU ARE NOT PREPARED” trailer when it first debuted?
I wasn’t into lore back then, so I kind of didn’t care.
Where you there on BC Launch Day? Did anything explode?
Made a Draenei. I was the only Draenei mage. Every other Draenei player made a shaman. Heh.
I got bored with the starter zone and ran through to the Exodar. I was the first person there. Got into trade chat and started narrating what it looked like. About 20 minutes later, some human found his way there.
Not on actual launch day, but early on there was a glitch with DKs. If you got on the boat at Booty Bay and death gripped someone, you could launch them around the world. We did that. It was wild.
Were you a new or veteran player at this point? What n00bish things did you do in BC?
Started a blood elf guild. It was huge for a couple of weeks, then everyone got bored and went back to their mains.
What was your favorite raid of this expansion?
I was still a PvP nerd.
What would you say was your biggest Burning Crusade achievement?
The only decent raiding guild on my server (Horde) finished Black Temple and then decided they were going to raid Stormwind. I caught wind of it and started calling it out in Alliance trade chat. I had a ton of PvP friends, and they ALL ported in and brought their guildies. There were so many PvPers and raiders in SW that Trade District was wall to wall. The Horde brought 2 40-man raids and some others. We met them at the outer gate. They tried to push in. We countered. By the time they got into SW, the lag was so bad that no one was hitting anyone. A minute later: World Server Offline.
I told you that story to tell you this one:
At that point, a successful major city raid had never been held on my server. Honestly, no one on Llane thought it could be done, and if it was going to be attempted, it had to be super late night in the middle of the week when people had work and school, right? Wrong.
Challenge accepted. I was bored that New Years Eve and started putting things together. Picked a city: SMC. Ran a warlock and summoners into SMC, into the throne room (the lock died SO many times). And we set up shop for the next day in the room behind the throne, underneath the teleporter that took you to UC. There was no agro there. Logged out.
The next day was New Years Day and I got on an alt and started pushing the idea in trade chat around noon. The Alliance was going for a city raid, and it wasn’t going to be at 4 am. People kept asking which city. I wouldn’t tell them. I got whispers from people asking who was going. I told guild 1 that guild 2 was going, and I told guild 2 that guild 1 was going. They both bought it and committed. Once I started getting the known PvPers, they all joined in.
We set a time. I told them they’d get a summons but to keep their mouths shut and tell no one. I didn’t want the Horde PvPers to find out what city we were going to. I wanted them all to think we were trying for Orgrimmar.
We got a small audience of Horde players while we were at the end of the summoning. We waved. Then we flooded out into the throne room, killed Lor’themar and friends. Still no Horde PvPers. So we kept going. We took out every NPC in the city (except the kid).
Still no Horde PvPers. So we ran to Undercity. And promptly got lost because none of us had Forsaken characters. That’s where the Horde PvPers found us. We died a glorious death. We made a commemorative video:
Past that, I kited Hogger into Goldshire and we just stood there, hanging out. People kept asking where Hogger was and they didn’t believe he was in Goldshire.
Kited Stitches down into Stranglethorn. I was heading for Booty Bay when some guild spotted us and decided they had to kill him. He was over half way there. Sad day. I was planning to put him on the boat and take him to Ratchet.
What would Today You say to Burning Crusade You?
Yeah, BC kinda sucked, but wait for it.
Oh - bonus memories:
Was running around Elwynn on alts when some random mage just started following a guildie and me. And buffing us over and over. And using 1 attack. We had no idea what was going on. He followed us for close to an hour until we were heading to Westfall. He really wasn’t leveled for the zone, but tried to follow us anyway. We had to keep leading him back into Elwynn. Finally, the mage’s mom got on the account and told us we’d been babysitting her 4-year-old.
Met a brand new player in Duskwood who’d accidentally crossed over from Elwynn and kept getting killed before he could get back. We killed off the wolves, got him back across the river and into the city. Explained what a mailbox was. Gave him some coins. It was his first day. Last time I saw him, he was in the top raiding guild on the server.