This is a weekly series! Here are the threads so far…
- 20th Anniversary Celebration: Vanilla Memories
- 20th Anniversary Celebration: Burning Crusade Memories
- 20th Anniversary Celebration: Wrath of the Lich King Memories Edition
- 20th Anniversary Celebration: Cataclysm Memories Edition
Keep sharing! A new expansion thread will drop each week.
(Hey there, WrA. Took a small holiday break, now settled back in to a semi-normal schedule again.)
Mists of Pandaria Memories
We did it. We got past the “peak” with Wrath of the Lich King and polarizing follow-up expansion that was Cataclysm. Now it’s time to share memories from what came after: Mists of Pandaria.
For my old server, MoP is when we started experiencing a notable population decline but it’d be unfair to blame actual Mists gameplay for it. At least in my neck of the woods, much of the decline came between Cata and Mists. As to why, a few guesses: One, few liked Cata (hi) and two, whether it was just WoW fatigue or the impression that WoW was basically making an expansion to cash in on Kung Fu Panda popularity (no joke, this was a thing), it felt like WoW’s peak had passed and we playing out its elder years.
That said, there were a lot of things to like about Mists and plenty of things I’m glad they didn’t continue. Let’s share some memories.
Theramore’s destruction was the expansion opener for Mists. How did it affect your gameplay, guild, roleplay, etc.?
Alrighty, Pandaren mains. WrA has quite a few of these and your time is finally here: What inspired you to roll a Pandaren and continue playing one since?
What were your favorite Mists leveling experiences? (I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the conclusion of the Jade Forest storyline being the first WoW story to genuinely punch me in the gut.)
What were your thoughts on the introduction of the Sha? Did you incorporate them into your roleplay or stories?
The Alliance vs. Horde faction conflict ramped up significantly in Mists. (It’s a wonder really that we didn’t refer to the war in Pandaria as the Fourth War and I’m still confused why we didn’t to this day.) How did escalating tensions this affect your characters, roleplay, and stories?
Scenarios first dropped in Mists. What did you think of this new type of “dungeon” style at the time?
When Vol’jin started his rebellion within the Horde, who did your character(s) side with?
How did you survive the long, long year of the Siege of Orgrimmar raid?
What would Today You say to Mists You?
Also, feel free to add any general stories or commentary you wish on Mists. The above questions are just to stoke our memories and kick off conversation.