This is a weekly series! Here are the threads so far…
- 20th Anniversary Celebration: Vanilla Memories
- 20th Anniversary Celebration: Burning Crusade Memories
- 20th Anniversary Celebration: Wrath of the Lich King Memories Edition
- 20th Anniversary Celebration: Cataclysm Memories Edition
Keep sharing! A new expansion thread will drop each week.
Cataclysm Memories
Now it’s time for Cataclysm. An expansion had to follow after the iconic and loved Wrath of the Lich King, and Blizzard chose Deathwing as the antagonistic lead. Swooping over Azeroth not only in the trailer but throughout the entire expansion as a herald of fire and death, the world was remade in the literal upending of the earth by the movement of fallen Earth Warden himself.
To get everyone into the mood, here is the iconic login music/screen:
Incoming Memories…
What were your impressions of the trailer when Deathwing destroyed parts of Stormwind? How would you rate it against Vanilla, Burning Crusade, and Wrath’s trailers?
The login screen carried on the continuity of Stormwind’s destruction with Deathwing looming over its melting towers, along with new music. How would you rank it among other login screens?
Deathwing would occasionally fly over random zones of Azeroth throughout this expansion, incinerating anyone caught under his wings to death. This also gave players a cheeky achievement called Stood in the Fire. If you played in Cata, when did you get this achievement? Was it intentional or unintentional?
Cataclysm gave Azeroth a much-needed world makeover. What parts did you like or dislike? Has your view changed through the years?
Cataclysm was the first expansion to introduce Looking for Raid, AKA LFR. How did it change your gameplay, if at all?
Cataclysm’s first season of dungeons were notoriously long and difficult compared to its Wrath predecessor. This made them a bit controversial with fans. What was your impression?
The long-isolated kingdom of Gilneas and playable worgen were finally introduced in Cataclysm. Did you roll a worgen? How did this change the game for you, if at all?
After years in the background as a neutral faction, playable goblins finally joined the Horde. Did you roll a goblin? How did this change the game for you, if at all?
What would Today You say to Cataclysm You?