I’ve been meaning to get back to this one for days!
Many consider WotLK the pinnacle of WoW expansions and look back at it with unfiltered nostalgia. Does it still live up to that hype?
Yes! Certain expacs were received better than others and still are beloved. LK, Pandaria, Legion… In general, all of those has something outstanding. With LK, it was the long anticipated storyline and unique features. LK was also still extremely popular in Classic.
What were the most innocently n00bish things you did as a baby WoW player? (C’mon, we were still doing dumb things in Wrath.)
Uhh, no? By this time I’d been playing for years.
What do you consider to be your greatest Wrath achievement?
Smoke and Mirrors.
I came over to WrA 2 weeks after the server opened with the determined mindset that I wasn’t going to run a guild again; I just wanted to RP. So, I joined an RP guild. I was good at recruiting, so I got our numbers up and started running RP events. Then the glead decided he didn’t want an RP guild. He wanted a raid guild.
Disappointed, I left. And when I left, so did most of the guild because I was the person they knew. I didn’t ask them to; they just quit and messaged me over a few days to ask if I’d make a guild. Ok, then. I made Smoke and Mirrors and invited the lot of them.
The original idea was it would be RP. But I ended up with some raiders. There were about 6 of us who had raid experience, so not enough to make a raid team. But there was a guild who needed PUGs. And then another. And then another. I made it my business to learn all the raids, all the fights. And at the time, I also learned all the classes, BIS, how to comp raids, etc.
So, my 6 people jumped from team to team to team. And then we found some unguilded raiders who for some reason couldn’t get a spot anywhere. Suddenly we had a team. Then two. Then seven as different raid guilds folded and all these raiders I knew from PUGs had nowhere to go.
We took in RPers, raiders, and a number of PvPers. There was a time when it felt like we taught most of the server to raid.
We did a lot of RP, spending time in Brill or out in the world. And for awhile, Smoke and Mirrors dominated Wintergrasp when we queued together. We’d go in as a team and Cole and Slithals would run it. We had some amazing PvPers. And I took some flak from some un-amazing ones when I said our guild would not graveyard camp the Alliance players and we wouldn’t do /spit. That made soooo many people mad! But most of the good PvPers knew each other at that point. Heck, I can’t count the number of times Xara hid alts in my guild. We didn’t want to make WG so nobody on Alliance side would queue for it. The point was to have fun, not stroke egos.
And then Xara faction-transferred to Alliance and it was on!
At some point late in LK, we surpassed Supremacy to be the biggest guild on the server because everyone wanted their friend to join. And then their friend’s friend would join. And I had a lot of trouble telling people no. We had 12+ officers at the time (one was just around to be a greeter because he was a guy with a funny personality).
All 7 raid teams had all the raids on farm except the Arthas fight. For some reason, none of us could do that fight. There was always someone who couldn’t move with the team or who’d get carried off, etc. What I really should have done was re-comp teams 1 and 2 into 1 team, get Arthas on farm and then rotate others in. But the teams were very tight. Team 1 became friends and team 2 did as well. The camaraderie was amazing. We had guys who’d play sound clips in Vent during breaks, or who’d play pranks on each other. It felt like the friendship was the point, not finishing the raid.
Team 7 was the first to get Arthas down. I still laugh about that to this day. It was run by a 17 year old who asked me if he could pick up his own raid team. I said sure. He wanted Sunday mornings. Why not?
I was online that morning and he was having to PUG in a few people. I hadn’t done ICC that week on Kirsy, so I sat in as heals. And dang it if he didn’t do it!
The other cool thing we did was almost server first on Ruby Sanctum. One of our tanks, Kemp, happened to be in Wyrmrest Temple when it came online. It wasn’t supposed to be online, but it was. I told everyone to clam up and we grabbed the best players we had available. We got in and NO ONE knew. No other raid guilds were there! We got all the way through to the end boss before any other guilds got there, but by that time, several of our raiders had to log. We ended up with people who weren’t ready for the mechanics. Oh well.
The Wrath pre-launch event recreated Vanilla’s Blood Plague but the devs meant for it to happen this time. Got any OOC or IC stories to share about the plague?
Not really. I stood in SW and cleansed people who didn’t want to be turned. There were a lot of people who didn’t consider it fun and were just trying to go about their business. I spent a lot of time helping them out.
Past that, I also took the priest (who wasn’t max level) out to do the rest of the pre-event because there weren’t enough healers for groups. Got the tabard 
The Argent Tournament patch was the first of its kind. What did you love? What did you hate? Would you like to see a patch like this again?
I liked the concept and the design. I was good at jousting but didn’t enjoy it. The location makes a great RP event site!
For better or worse, global Looking for Dungeon (queueing with off-server players) was introduced this expansion. How did it change gameplay for you?
At the time, there was a LFD on-server that was actually very good. It built community and you got to know other players on the server. I made a loooooot of friends that way. Off-server LFD destroyed that completely.
What would Today You say to Wrath You?
It’s all downhill from here.