20th Anniversary Celebration: Burning Crusade Memories Edition

I was there on launch day, on the Venture Company server. I remember standing in Thrallmar and reading the zone chat where gank squads were running around - I didn’t know those people or their guilds (and I knew most regulars on the server by then). I had a sinking feeling they were…visitors? Transfers? Specifically showing up to gank and grief (I was right, it was a sign of things to come, though much later). I felt bad for the Alliance and escaped quickly - nobody was going to lvl that day with all the ganking going on.

I escaped to Nagrand and I remember wandering around there on my (at the time) speedy Kodo, and thinking how it compared to Mulgore. And dodging aggressive wildlife. I continued to wander around and get as many FPs as I could - hardly anyone escaped Hellfire so I wasn’t accosted by anyone in my explorations.

I was a veteran player at that point, I’d started around the third month WoW had come out. I was always a very slow lvl’er so I hadn’t done much raiding or anything (mainly BGs tbh).

Favorite raid…gosh…I’m torn between Sunwell Plateau (Hi Kalecgos!) and Black Temple.

My biggest achievement was being involved in coordinating a Halaa raid with the alliance - We had 9 full raids of people, met in Halaa, and literally crashed the server. There was a LOT of RP that led up to it, and a lot of RP that followed (and a lot of hilarity on the forums as we all pretty much ran there to see if we all just locked up - yes, yes we did). It…was…GLORIOUS!!! I would like to think I helped build a large and lively RP community between the Horde and Alliance…these were probably our glory days in VeCo, we became well known for our community and deep RP among our faction and with each other. I miss these days very much. :frowning:

VeCo was for FITE!


New week, next expansion! Here is the Wrath thread: