Legacy content still broken - pathetic

Can’t upvote OP enough.

My thread had over 300 likes and is close to a month old and literally not a single word from blizzard other than Ions insulting comment saying it’s not broken.

Mobs are confirmed scaling past 50 (I take 2 characters, one 51 and one 60 and the level 60 sees the mobs with MORE HEALTH than the 51 sees proving they are scaling.

Level 50s are killing level 50 mobs faster than a 60 kills the same mobs.

It is taking level 60s the SAME amount of time to kill 50 mobs as it does 60 mobs.

How the HELL is this NOT BROKEN!?!?!

What the actual hell is wrong with Ion? They better act fast or I am done with this game, I always said world scaling would be the end of the game for me. It undermines any sense of progression or why I play.

Look at the 60 boost that they just added in to the shop, i literally looked at it and thought, why would I drop $50 on something that makes me ZERO stronger over ANYTHING including and especially old world content?

There is ZERO point to gaining 10 levels. In fact it feels like we a penalised as a 50 can dispatch those 50 mobs faster than we can.

Get your crap together blizzard before you bleed any more subs.

Link to my post: 10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA