10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA

Never before have we had a squish like this. This is easily 2-3x worse than previous squishes. Our stats are at all-time lows. They are practically Classic WoW levels of stats on gear pre-level 50-60 items. Our power progression should be feeling good per additional point of ANYTHING we acquire, but it doesn’t. I went from 400 strength and around 10-12% per Haste/Crit and 20% Mastery, up to 900 strength and 14-16% per Haste/Crit and at 36% Mastery, and my dps hasn’t moved a single inch inside of Unholy spec outside of dropping ALL (Yes–ALL) of my cooldowns.


No, those complaints were in regards to incorrect squishing at the current level. When we gained levels from that squish it evened out again.
This time gaining the 10 levels has not evened us out, it has actually made us weaker.


where do you think the legacy buff came from?

The legacy buff seems to be irregularly applied if at all now.

They have tuned things the way they did intentionally. It’s not an accident or an artifact of the fact that we’re working on a new system. They wanted people to be weaker.


yes but it was put in specifically because we were made weaker. that’s my point. they’ll fix it eventually. they always do. would you rather them focus on your doing legion raids for mog or class tuning before the raid is released?

Increasing your level in WoW is like increasing the power ceiling of your character but thats all, you need borrowed power and mythic gear to be able to fill that ceiling to its full capacity


No. The legacy buff was a thing before devs decided it was fun gameplay to crush players and make them feel really bad about the game.

There is no “fix”. This is exactly how they want it to be right now.

If you want to farm old content, you’d better bring all your alts to max level and get them all into heroic raid gear. And keep them current throughout the expansion. They will continue to tune old content harder to force people to do that or quit.


0.o if you feel “really badly” about the game you should probably take a break. come back after you can no life mythic+ or some sort of catch up gear is released. or wait until a bit later and they do the tuning for the legacy buff.


This dev team is just slowly killing any sense of joy we can feel in the game. I feel weaker and weaker.


i couldnt upgrade any of my bfa pieces until level 58+ and didnt get any extra talent row or anything. only the covenant abilities.

so youre basically only 2 levels stronger than your bfa toon :wink:


How about you taking a break rather than trying to gaslight us?

There will be no catch up gear for old content. Clearly you haven’t been paying attention during BfA to what’s been happening to old content tuning, or you know and you think you can treat us like idiots.


you’ll get stronger as you gear. then you’ll be able to clear stronger things. that’s logic, not gaslighting. but if you’re really expecting to be able to clear legion mythic raids in quest greens a week into the expansion…lol


Totally agree. This game feels like it is dying with the direction (rail road) the devs are pushing it in, they really need to try and retain their players not push them away. Kind of kills any point of logging in for me. Like all that work for 10 levels for what? Some story and cut scenes? Whoopty doo. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


I did it in Legion for MoP, so why not Shadowlands for Legion?


they haven’t nerfed the non soloable mechanics and stuff yet. that’s the main reason. do you know how long it took them to nerf the first boss of hfc evevn though you could solo the rest of it?

that’s part of the legacy changes. they haven’t done it yet.

Indeed. As we’ve been told by white knights so many times, when we get our mains in heroic raid gear they’ll be able to solo hellfire citadel again. Just as always.

Which is a lie, since people always used to farm old raids on lots of alts for those rare drops. Being forced to put all our farm characters into heroic raiding in order to do firelands…?? Hello? Every 100 was able to solo that raid during wod. Try it on a 100 right now. I. Dare. You.


there is no 100 right now?

at one point in MoP my level 90 boost in greens could solo heroic 25m icc.

are you gonna argue that that’s how it should always be?

You know what I meant.

Yes. Old content shouldn’t be tuned harder to force players to level up all their alts to max and turn them all into raiders in order to do content 4 expansions old.

If you’re a control freak, you undoubtedly think I’m wrong. Us normal people think you’re the one who is wrong.


you are too far gone into abusive language us vs them stuff for me to continue this conversation.

i’ll remind you that what is heroic raid gear this tier is literally WQ/heroic dungeon gear the next. if you can’t wait a few months to get welfare gear, that’s on you. then unsub.

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Unfortunate and hopefully it’s fixed. But Blizzard seems set on having their “it’s current content until you’re 11 levels ahead of it” mentality.