Not buying TWW until legacy scaling is fixed

Since WOD there has been a 10x modifier on damage done in raids which are 2 expansions old. This compounds to 100x when its 3+. You can test this yourself with characters at the post-squish level caps for each expansion. None of this is debatable, this is fact. It has always been the case that content from at least 2 expansions ago is TRIVIAL.

Not trying to start an argument here (“dont let the door hit you on the way out” - some poster) but this is a serious make or break issue for me and many other players who just casually transmog and mount farm now. This was an issue almost 2 years ago at the start of DF when the bonus damage was not there, and many legion raids were still extremely difficult to solo (3 expacs old) when they should be one-shottable by historic standards.

I was looking forward to being able to easily solo the SL content in TWW, but it looks like that is never going to happen based on how this expac has gone. Obviously they are paying attention because they finally removed unsoloable mechanics at the END of this expac. They purposely did not add the legacy damage multiplier to make mythic BFA raids soloable by anything less than max level characters in end patch raid gear (480+).

Legion raids should be taking 100x damage and BFA raids should be taking 10x damage by the standard which was set since WOD, but broken in DF. Hopefully someone at Blizzard sees this and realizes the changes to transmog are pointless if casual players are unable to easily go through old raids on all their undergeared alts. This is all I really do anymore and I’m willing to pay a sub / buy the expacs as long as it remains possible.

Additional Edit:

Something that has been pointed out a number of times is that these damage bonuses were introduced to offset the player’s relative power after the first (MOP → WOD) and second (BFA → SL) stat squishes took place. There is no concrete information from Blizzard regarding the calculation of the stat squishes, or the actual numerical multipliers for bonus damage.

There is an important point here - during the SL prepatch, DF prepatch, and now the TWW prepatch, the shift in scaling significantly increased the HP and damage values of recent legacy content. This means you do not strictly become more powerful upon hitting level cap in the new expansion, you simply regain the power you lost in the prepatch. This is a very good example of why a legacy modifier is needed to offset unintentional difficulty increases in legacy content, much like the reasoning behind the original legacy modifiers.

Examples from when this happened going from BFA → SL:

Examples from when this happened going from SL → DF:

Example article of this happening going from DF → TWW:

Note that this means BFA content has been indirectly buffed 3 times now (multiplying each time) with NO LEGACY MODIFIER!


the people will gaslight you with what ion said cause he also gaslit us about it

“its not how it works with the 2 expansions BUFFS”

“essentially, every expansion you get x5 more powerful in an old instance. 1 expansion after you’re as powerful as a group of 5. two expansions after, you’re as powerful as 25 people, three after you’re as powerful as 5 raid groups.”

i dont feel it in war within though. it takes longer to kill mythic wrathion at level 80 in max level gear than it did before WW prepatch hit.

if they hadnt buffed the boss HPs it would have been way faster but realistically they added so much HP, your damage at 80 feels like a loss anyways.

perhaps he meant at the end of every respective expansion lo…


Oh yeah I remember that quote all too well. He conveniently and purposely ignored the observable 10x modifier players experience in old raids, and simply chalked it up to the natural power difference from ilvls between expansions. I quoted that in an old complaining thread from almost two full years ago:

I noticed a distinct lack of power increase after coming back for the prepatch event and getting a number of characters between 480-490 ilvl. The fact this is still an issue just blows my mind.


you actually lost power with the HP buff they added.

2.86x more HP.

wrathion had 17m and now has 29m

nzoth has close to 40m


As it stands some abilities are already calculating their damage as though the 10x mult was in place in bfa raids (specifically, abilities that proc extra damage based on the damage you did). My 502 druid skipped the ice phase soloing mythic jaina by doing 884k dps, 50% of which came from Berserk: Frenzy and 25% came from the 4set bonus.
So I’m pretty sure the damage bonus for bfa raids is coming into effect next expansion proper, which tracks with the historic ‘raids over 2 expansions old’ but its misbehaving a little atm.

Incredible… they have continued to make negative progress after all this time :man_facepalming:

I thought I noticed something when doing a BFA mythic raid earlier. I didn’t finish it. Maybe I’m just grumpy but I dont enjoy bosses with 20+ million health when they should have been trivial since DF launch.


according to our lord ion hazzikostas there never was a damage bonus. but progression of power with the gear and levels. they only add a “buff” after a squish

And it’s going to be even more borked when they do a stat squish in Midnight.


they want you to buy WW to gain your power back you used to have.


playing this game for 20 years has taught me to ignore everything blizzard says about how the systems work and observe how they actually work instead.


If this gets applied finally for BFA it would mean they have changed it to be 3 expacs now (BFA → SL → DF → TWW) which would be nice clarity at least, but it seems like the presence of this damage bonus has been ignored / denied since the launch of DF.

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They’ve seen it. It’s a common complaint.
I don’t blame you for leaving. It’s annoying.

I was making my way through SL raids on normal before the prepatch. After the prepatch I was unable to do it anymore. This seems intentional not overlooked.


when you hit legion for millions and then do uldur and do 400k its really wonky af

the average crits i was getting on pally in 571 gear was 500k. and wrathion felt way longer compared to before WW prepatch

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over 2 =/= 2. I didn’t have a damage bonus soloing warlords raids during bfa but i did soloing mists raids.

If you don’t want to actually play the new content of TWW you shouldn’t buy it.

Yeah and with legion (at least last time I tried) I’m still unable to kill some bosses. Kil Jaeden (Mythic) was still giving me issues with the knock back because I was unable to kill him in the first 4 seconds and eonar is still extremely difficult to solo. I think there is one more boss but I can’t remember. It’s been a patch or two since I did legion raids solo.


The buffs are there because of a level squish. Expect the buff to be added in midnight to legion/BFA/SL/Dragonflight

the new content needs to be done in order to be able to do what we did in the expansion we bought called dragonflight.

its scummy

want to kill the bosses like you did before the prepatch destroyed it? 60 dollars please! oh and level to 80 and get 600 gear. thanks!!


I don’t think it’s wise to expect anything like this.


i’m buying a token to offset his lack of purchase.

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