Lets Be Honest here W3 Needs Story Work

sylvos i found another instance of blizzard ripping off disney…

google “ariel little mermaid”, right?

then google “warcraft naga”

this can’t be a coincidence…

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lol you continue making a joke of yourself…well go ahead, I won’t help you with that i still believe in humanity.


if you look carefully, ‘rexxar’ backwards spells ‘tarzan’

guys we’re blowing the lid off this one, blizzard can’t hide from the truth anymore


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lol this is to much fun you know what the say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

haha perhaps, I did like old Jaina though… she was good.

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I thinks this fits in here pretty well for the most part

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Dude why are you still bothering to reply to this paid troll, he just caught you when I was sleeping lol


it’s romantic you watch each other’s backs

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Not as romantic as your relationship with Blizzard, shill


not as romantic as the relationship i want to pursue with you, future husband

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I’m not Pete Stillwell, you are quoting the wrong person


the eyes are the window to the soul and i’m fogging up the glass of that window, i’ve never felt closer to you

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Still wrong person let me correct the id for you: 1.31.1 Patch Notes

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and Blizzarf alsor draw inspiration for many of the sing you said they are rip-off

btw maybe even disney rip-off Jaina in frozen
from vanilla wow the mage class have 3 specs (arcane/ice/fire)
i am not sure if vanilla jaina was frost mage but i am sure she was frost mage in Cata even and WoW cata released in 2010, Disney released frozen in 2013

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No dude, in truth WoW drunked Blizz with money and killed their HQ creativity and passion.
No one cares about the monetary behemoth WoW is, plus WoW players will eventually leave on two weeks.
Without WoW, StarCraft Ghost and Diablo 3 by Blizzard North would have happened; Plus maybe Vivendi wouldn’t have bought Blizzard and merged it with Activi$ion


I always welcome the lore, and its details add through the expansion of wow. talking about simple things from class names. abilities. concepts and etc… i like it and its good that is getting covered.

but the story of wow is trash. apparently more then 50-60% of the upmost important things done in it are accomplished by a bunch of nameless hero’s.

and also a lot of the things that players complete in warcraft 3 are brought back and undone in wow because they were too scared to ran out of content.

Wow didn’t actually help warcraft 3. if your claim is that wow is the reason blizzard have blizzcon, then what did the astronomic success of starcraft 1 do if i may ask ?

it was a combination of work so don’t give all the credits to wow, and wow is also one of the important reasons warcraft 3 was left to rot for 10-12+ years before they started to patch the game up slowly that finally led to Reforged.
(one other being dota1 but i’m not sure how to feel about that)

Warcraft 3s story has a great arc, and it reaches a tragic yet satisfying end that good will not always come on top.

Burning crusade and Wrath of the lich king were also good because of their close connection to the events of wc3. even though they started to bring back sh!t even then. but after the end of wrath the story just nose dived to a black hole.

The only “work” i would do to the original warcraft 3 is some correct model of units and some fleshed out dialogs here and there, the ingame cinmatics being reworked is also a plus. and that’s about it, people also disagree about changing the landscape of stuff. like the culling mission. and i personally wouldn’t have issues with some of these redesigns of places because they can end up looking amazing. but i wouldn’t want to lean towards sacrificing the fact that its an RTS game and an MMORPG designed landscape might not do the gameplay justice.

like how in the showcase of the Culling mission at blizzcon one undead base was entirely removed. and the city was give or less heavily restructured, which again i’m personally okay with that but not with the removing of an extra undead base.


LOL I know, but as u said I wanna prove he has some intelligence left on him…maybe…

Not really, see Elsa is the snow queen a fairytale, and Jaina and Elsa shared nothing in common excepting frost magic.

My point with Elsa is, she was changed in order to look like Elsa, during her raid she uses two abilities drawn from frozen, and her hair braid was also changed so its the same as elsas, that’s my point.
I’m NOT saying Jaina was a copy of Elsa back then
I’m saying AFTER Elsa and frozen got so popular they exploited the similarities changed Jaina, in order to draw some popularity from Elsa…

In other words, to get elsas fans to like Jaina and ultimately get more subscriptions… Which is why they really care for.

Pd:it’s fun to see how sylvos (sylvanas) and Arthas can get along just fine while some other people can’t even get attention. They try too hard indeed.

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Illidan and Muradin both DIED in Northrend.
Also Kerrigan IS evil, and Joe Raynore neither “cured” nor wound with her.

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But let’s be blunt: World of Warcraft made Blizzard.

I’m not sure if you’re trolling or not. Blizzard was already counted between the most successful PC developers of all time.


WoD was indeed mishandled. But that was not planned - it was a developmental tragedy.

Cataclysm is literally the Elemental Plane expansion. Makes total sense that the Elemental Lords are breaking out of their prisons. The natural state of the world is Chaos.

See? That’s already deep, interesting and engaging!

Still, you don’t get it.

What's the point of repeating this same old song that is not even true?

It’s like you have not seen a single Pyromancer video. And are never going to. Yet you are repeating the stale old memes… for what?

Actually, I would agree that the WoW lore is different than WC3 - it is much grander and philosophical, whereas WC3 is down to the ground and mundane.