Lets Be Honest here W3 Needs Story Work

Generally, I will be the first to defend tribalism, but the kind of tribalism WC3 adherents espouse is utterly laughable.

Nobody has upvoted the OP? I will take the potato chip the OP - and eat heart it!

I know, I know, this is an utterly unthinkable taboo but…

…WoW lore was the trashiest in TBC and WotLK. Since Cata onwards, it has only been better and better. Deeper and deeper.

But of course, Activision bad, WoW lore bad. NPC talk.

Watch Pyromancer’s videos on YouTube.

You were the chosen one!

The current WoW lore is incredibly rich and abundant. It is as deep as all monotheistic religions combined.

For example, take Life vs Death. Existence vs non-Existence. Destruction vs Creation. Infinity vs Eternity. Big words. Right in yo face.


But seriously, watch Pyromancer. BfA lore is incredible. Where planets are getting torn to shreds by baobabs the overly-abundant Life because Death was made inert! How poignant!

Here comes the Team Egg

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It’s sad that your entire identity revolves around the hatred of our Round God.

I agree what they did to kaelthas was terrible during the burning crusade…
But richer and deeper? How comes cata and warlords tagged as the worse expansions ever are better than any prior installation of the game?
How comes Disney’s Atlantis ripoff a. K. a highborne and suramar city is better? Seriously go watch the movie, they even have the same tattoos and story.
How comes the character that once were so unique like Illidan (worse redemption story ever) and Jaina (trying to abuse again Disney’s fame and make her frozen’s Elsa (I thought one reference in heroes of the storm was fun enough, but no they made her look, and even haven the same abilities as Elsa) ) are any better than warcraft 3 story?
**It’s funny how some people think deeper richer and better are synonymous of ripping off character and concepts that are famous and popular in their own franchises and putting them in one place.(they even added pokémon so it’s a good mixture of everything…) **
Sorry but I still rather creativity and originality over that deeper and richer.

**Do not get me wrong I’ve played world of warcraft since release and till battle for Azeroth I know it’s lore and it formed part of my childhood, but that doesn’t make me blind to what it has become. **

You want to change the story? Sure. No problem. But do it with a better story. That’s all I would ask.


Oh and don’t get me started in the fact that richer better and deeper only got world of warcraft back in square one with wow classic, something unthinkable for blizzard a couple years ago. You know when they had a steady subscription base

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Are you equating lore with gameplay?

What? Disney made a movie about Atlantis? Never heard of it. Does it have an all-black character cast as they all do?

How so? I for one consider Illidan’s depiction in Legion the best of all, the best possible even - in WC3, he was a loser dilettante, but it was incorporated into the story so seamlessly.

No, by richer and deeper I mean the archetypes such as Life and Void and Destruction and Order and Eternity.

Stop equating lore with gameplay.

You could have put a far better argument - the constant whine about BfA’s supposedly being MoP 2.0. But then I would have had nothing else to do but to retort that normies are dumb.

You are just a retail WoW Shill

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And now that we are in that subject, some lovely people thought I was a monster for not wanting female variations in the footman (footpeople) department, and leaving warcraft 3 units as they are and yet warcraft 3 succeeded in writing strong female characters, while wow writting focuses on ridiculing female characters, if they are powerful or have a strong wills they are crazy b. Ches… (sylvanas and maiev), if they want to wield power and save their people they can’t do it by themselves they need a bigger power and a transformation (alleria and tyrande) and again going deeper in tyrande which is the one that has suffered the most, she who told only elune could forbid her something to malfurion after he tried to stop her from releasing Illidan, is not reduced to a walking joke… Seriously I could not stand her dialogs during legion when she was rescuing him.

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Perhaps that’s a the reason you haven’t noticed world of warcraft is a giant rip-off of character and concepts from other franchises…
As they say ignorance is joy.

I love lord of the rings yet I wouldn’t watch another movie about people going about destroying a ring.

Samething with Illidan… His story its just another rehashed s*** predictable and old as old can be… Typical stereotype of the anti-heroes.

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For those of you who want to expand your mind…
Viewers advice is recommended, this is not sur amar nor highborne yet they… “resemble,”

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Respectfully, I disagree.
there’s a serious difference between abundant and good.
There’s so much pointless irrelevant crap to keep track of in that game that it’s not even funny.
But never mind the minutia lets just look at recent events and in no particular order.

Jaina spending way to damn long feeling sorry for herself and acting homicidal.
Does anyone here actually give a flying fig?

Sylv acting like a mustache twirling nitwit…
Cunning tacticians don’t send the absolute bare minimum to assassinate thrall.

Player to Thrall: Get off your stupid farm and go fix something! I do not care about your family, countless families are being decimated by this nonsense so go do something dammit.
Thrall to the player: But that’s your job…

Wakanda fo- I mean “Zandalar” For evah!
Granted I really enjoyed that whole thing but still.

Anduin is just weak, give that boy a stratholme purge.
might make him halfway interesting otherwise he’s just weak and boring as all hell.

Oh and Azeroth is dying?
No, no it isn’t. The only ones dying here are the poor souls that try and defend bfa in general.

but hey how about the backstories for all of the minor characters yeah?
Surely there’s some good stuff there right?
Well, actually yes but it’s all hamstringed by the fact that nearly every character in the game exists solely to ether beat you over the head with story that you do not care about (unless you’re a loon) OR hand you loot as a quest giver or another body to the freakin mountain-o-corpses.


Yet you try to hide the sun with the tip of your finger.
I’m not talking about gameplay, I’m talking the game as a whole, because lore doesn’t stand up for itself.
And gameplay = lore for your information, for a long time it has, warlords as an example, was it really good how we started fighting orcs, and one patch later, grom who was only depicted as vicious and evil becomes one of the heroes of the story? No reason at all, no explanation, it simply was what is was,and we even release him from his cage. Like you watch a serial murder and you think we’ll let’s release him because there’s a bigger thread out there… Thats weak story telling where it goes.

Going further gameplay = lore simply because they wanted to make it about orcs and when they realized people was bored with these orcs and the limited mechanics their raids could give they made it about demons. And the lore changed because of that. That is the reason that expansions last patch seemed like stuck with glue.

Lore changes in order to fit the gameplay, that’s how wow navigates… If you didn’t know about it.


She was trying to corral the lazy old Orc into reuniting with Jaina.

Then she let Baine escape.

All to unite the Alliance and the Horde into fighting Life and Light and Void.

No, lore and gameplay are utterly separate.

You do agree that TBC butchered Kael’thas. Then you must also know that TBC is the most beloved expansion.

Wrong. Quite a lot of things are happening now that were planned back in 2005. The crown of stars in Deepholm put there in 2010. Sargeras’ story is the same as was told in the now supposedly “non-canon” WoW RPG.

Yeah, keep believing that, or don’t.

appealing to your intelligence, if it’s like that it’s worse than gameplay changing the lore… Why? Because again putting grom as example, and the big lore hole there is in wod with grommash… If it was a plan, why would there be so many stiches in the lore? May I ask.
No man… You are deluded

Cataclysm is another great example of gameplay affecting lore… They wanted to change the old zones because they thought It was gonna be cool and they needed to be revamped…


lets not talk about rip-off because Warcraft is rip-off from Warhammer games and Warhammer are rip-off from Lord of the Ring books and LotR is rip-off from Myth … :stuck_out_tongue:

i agree there is many things WoW added to the Lore ruin the Warcraft univirse
but they also add cool things to the lore


Blizzard Dev’s allways focus on gameplay 1st not lore graphic or any other thing and that very good and like we see WoW is one of the best if not the best mmo-rpg

is WoW story good ? no its not but in the sametime its not bad and we can all understand that making Story in mmo-rpg is not eazy thing

in RTS you can change the world in 1 mission you can play with the characters like you want

in WoW the writers have many limits
he can’t change the world
he can’t for example make the undead leave the Horde and make thier own faction
everytime he kill beloved character from 1 faction he must kill beloved character from the other faction or army of crazy people will go to the forums and made S**t posts
and more and more limits

so the story have changed from medival fantasy with war’s politic and factions fighting to survive

to marvel or dc comic book and every xpac there is new big bad guy or force try to destroy the univirse and we the heroes must save it (cries on Thrall and what they did to him in Cata) so we fight Big Dragons Demon lords and now we start to fight gods and old gods idk what we gonna fight next

why ? because that fit the gameplay of mmo-rpg

You are totally right however there’s a difference between drawing inspiration from a source than straight up ripping it off

You wouldn’t say lord of the rings it’s a rip off of the Bible or beowuf… Would you?

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They didn’t make wc4 because they wanted to make a big giant worthless amount of lore so like in wc2–>wc3 they could add 2 more factions in hopes. But now they are just remaking wc3 and doing a test run on to see how much of their community still will follow the WC Fandom if put back into RTS style. If this is a successful run for them then within 4 years we will see wc4. They are testing out the market because plans in CHINA crashed and burned.

Granted most of my comments are sheer speculation, but looking at it from a business perspective its the most optimal solution, as Diablo is going through a Re-vamp (speculation d4) and I don’t think sc2 is quite done yet as that I believe they’re going to milk out about another 25mil from that project at least.

Honestly something I’d totally play is if Diablo hit RTS form, that’d top the scales entirely, You already have a whole SPEW of creatures ranging from all different forms. At this point you could classify all the demons and give their commanders as one of the pinnacle demons of Diablo Lore. Each specializing in its own form of mischief an Mayhem. As far as the Humans go you could incorporate the nephalim into them as well.

But all in all i’m a die HARD RTS fan, and when Heroes that have a growth potential are administered as such as was first seen in wc3 I can’t get enough.

And to boot what’s even more inspiring is the Community that goes through the Gruel of Pumping consistent updates Custom maps that blow you out of the water. It’s been far to long since I’ve been truly entertained by a RTS I Consider to be the Warcraft level, and as such I am waiting with a Ravenous bit of Impatience.

Sc2 sated my appetite for quite some time but It’s not the same, I need more! and It needs to be huge. and I sware to god if its a campaign per a race like in sc2 I’m going to lose it. I understand you wish to make money Blizzard but Don’t tease us like that again. And if you intend on doing that at least sell a collectors version for an upcost of 80-100 so we can put what little faith we have left in your hands.

So Blizzard if you are actually Reading this @blizzard For the love of RTS do not stop the hero component Model you Displayed in wc3 across all your platforms. Obviously sc2 is going to be rough more so because of the heavy amount of units you can put to the field and the differences of each race, but i’m sure wc3 was such a beast once upon a time and look at how well that did. That game never died! You found the one thing each and every person loves, The ways of leveling up and becoming Stronger, maybe you’ll make bonuses for units next if they continually survive in combat while killing/healing/ccing. who knows, but I’m finally exciting once again its been a decade since you’ve sparked any form of interest from me. Sc2 was a Shiny pearl for a while but a pearl never cleaned gets dull. Wc3 was like a Ruby, it never got boring.