Except that’s what folks were literally saying. “Don’t change the campaign. The campaign is fantastic just the way it is. It’s a classic.” Here are a few examples:
Campaign story and dialogue should be kept faithful to the original.
12 unit cap should remain in ladder. Do whatever you want in custom games.
If you disagree, you are objectively wrong.
WC3 was the original Lore. WoW retconned that. This is a homage to WC3, not revisionist history, not WoW, but Warcraft 3.
If you want your WoW Lore, it already exists in WoW.
Edit: Guess what? Warcraft 3 has a campaign editor. If you want your WoW lore in WC3, make a custom game for it. People will be doin…
In several interviews, both with Polygon and now with GameInformer, you’ve stated that you are going through the story, making changes here and there. The dialogue is being looked at, ‘smoothed out’ as you said, and greater prominence is given to characters like Sylvanas and Jaina.
Please reconsider this. Warcraft 3’s story is iconic for a reason - indeed, it’s success is what spawned WoW to begin with, and now you’re changing War3 to correspond more with WoW’s story - see the irony? Warcraft 3…
Here’s a good example of a guy leaving feedback and specifically saying that the new cinematic displayed for Culling is not good.
Hello I am a bad Warcraft 3 player that tried to play a little competitive Warcraft 3 back when it was first out, but was never any good. Here is my feedback.
This is a very cool project, its great to see Warcraft getting some love after all these years.
I just hope the remaster doesn’t try to remake Warcraft 3 into a companion game for world of Warcraft.
Some of the new graphics look too cartoony. Even though the original was cartoony. I don’t know why. Possibly it’s the a…
And here’s someone giving feedback that the cinematics should not be changed at all…
Warcraft III and me
Hi, my name is Jacob… and I selfishly believe there is noone in the world who loves Warcraft III more than I do. My father first brought the game to me 14 years ago, when I was just 6 years old. It was high fantasy, it was gloriously (I can’t stress this enough) dubbed in Czech - my native language… and it was everything I ever hoped for in a video game. Becouse of that connection, this will be my first feedback to a game developer ever, for if this isn’t the time to do it, …
I could honestly go on for a while here. And this is only from this forum, if I were to search all the forums I imagine I’d find a ton of examples of folks saying “We don’t want changes.”
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