Reforged feedback from blizzcon footage. Graphics/Cinematics/Campaign


Hello I am a bad Warcraft 3 player that tried to play a little competitive Warcraft 3 back when it was first out, but was never any good. Here is my feedback.
This is a very cool project, its great to see Warcraft getting some love after all these years.
I just hope the remaster doesn’t try to remake Warcraft 3 into a companion game for world of Warcraft.


Some of the new graphics look too cartoony. Even though the original was cartoony. I don’t know why. Possibly it’s the altered (more realistic) shape of the units contrasting with the colour scheme.
The old graphics made everything clear and distinctive, but the new style seems to make things too complex to look at from a distance, turning them into a mess of colour and shapes.

For example the necromancers have a lot of doodads they are wearing which lowers how identifiable they are.
And the Footmen seem over designed. Especially their shield and massive shoulders. You need to simplify the shield, removing most of the cross thing on the front. Just give it a simple spike like the original. Also the original white shield border helps unit readability, instead of the dull grey.
And reduce / remove the Pauldrons, since they make it hard to pick out the footman’s head. His head just disappears into his shoulders and doesn’t look like a footman anymore.

Hero units (Arthas at least) seems small, even though they are taller. It might be because their proportions are different now.
Now that Arthas hair is longer / more detailed, the fact it lacks physics and just sticks to his armour is very off-putting.

Jaina seem to be in a World of Warcraft outfit instead of looking like her Warcraft 3 version. Could that be corrected to use something closer to her original Warcraft 3 outfit (the larger over the shoulder cloak seems to be missing).

Looking at the new blademaster, he appears to have a tiny head.
Same with the grunt, his facial features are really small.

The dreadlord seemed to covert into the reforged version pretty well. The only thing that looks out of place is the giant fleshy wing claws. They should be sleek wings instead of scary monster wings. Because dreadlords are supposed to be smooth vampire masterminds.

The new buildings look ok, but now that they are more detailed, they don’t fit with the landscape anymore. Whenever you up the visuals of one part of this game, everything else adjacent to it also needs to be changed to fit. I assume the terrain and buildings will look like then belong together in the final game.
Comparing some specific buildings
The new altar of storms is over detailed, like some of the units. The new one has added spikes and and banner that were not present on the old building. I think these new things make it harder to identify the central focus of the alter, which should be the statue in the middle. The new coloured banner especially steals focus from the statue.
The new scout tower has way too many spikes.

So overall for the graphics, you need to remove the new excessive details on units and buildings that clutter the view from a long distance. You should focus on improving the fine details for cut scene close ups and possibly remove them when the camera is in rts mode (as the fine details should be small enough to not show up when looking down from above anyway).
Also don’t go crazy on the shoulderpads like you have from Arthas and the footmen, bring it back to a sane level. They need to turn their head.
And fix the scale of characters heads, overall they seem too small (like the units are taller but their heads are the same size)

New in game cinematics:

Adding coughing peasants to the intro was nice.
But otherwise the new cinematics seem worse than the originals. Since characters take up most of the screen instead of wide shots appropriate to an rts. The new style is kind of like you only remastered the talking portraits in the cinematic subtitles.
Also, the new cinematic doesn’t appear to take place inside the game. Arthas just teleports out of the cinematic to your base instead of it being a smooth transition from cutscene to gameplay.
You messed up the line order, and the new cinematic completely omits the first few lines of dialogue.

The new strathholm mission seems to take place on a sunny day for some reason? Even though it was raining in the original?
Also, Arthas delivering his later lines from a hill with his face in shadow is much more powerful than the new cinematic direction.
I think having more detailed and animated cinematic models is a good change, but don’t mess up the Cinematography.


New voices would be a bad idea. There needs to be an old voices option if you make new voices for existing characters.


The infernal in the opening trailer. There is too much stuff on it. Like random things floating near it’s shoulders for no reason.
It’s fallen prey to the should pad addiction that permeates the art team. Shoulders are too massive, head is too small. And now it has some silly rock halo? or something that makes it’s head not the highest point on the model.
Finally, the opening trailer infernal roar is not very impressive, like it needs to flare up slightly or do something. The original seemed to ‘heat up’ when roaring.

I heard there would be an Arthas / Illidan cut scene reforging. I hope it means a classic blizzard cg movie (To make it like the rest of the game).

UI Feedback:

Overall the smaller UI is probably a good change. Hard to tell without using it.
The borderless portraits look really weird.

Reforged Campaign:

Altering campaign maps is a fine idea to make a rerun through the game more interesting.
However, keep the world of warcraft people as far away from this as possible. The need for things for players to fight in World of Warcraft poisoned the lore. Any campaign changes should be based on the needs of an RTS, not of an MMO.
Make wow an alternate timeline please. Minor cameos from wow is fine.

Stratholm is tiny now for some reason. It was a expansive city before, more like an actual place.
Adding the new ‘hidden’ bosses was cool. This would be the way to reference any lore from wow you want to canonise.
You can add little things to try and entice world of warcraft players over, but don’t make drastic changes just to emulate world of Warcraft.
The dev grubby had on his stream excitedly pointing out the scarlet citadel and other wow references makes me worry.

From polygon: Writer Christie Golden, who has worked with Blizzard on multiple novels set in the Warcraft universe over the past two decades, is helping to bring “parity” to the stories of Warcraft 3 and World of Warcraft, which will require retconning some of the strategy game’s story.
This article is a huge a huge danger flag and makes the game a wait and see. Retconning the high point of the series is not a good idea.


this has me worried… ill wait and see for more information to come out but… if they are going to retcon a lot of warcraft 3 stuff then they need to be super careful :frowning: this is warcraft 3 not “we gotta make it match WoW so lets change everything”

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Hey guys ! , I’m kinda new to posting on forums and this thread/topic looked to be about what ive wanted to say so , here goes xD , I’ll start by saying i am a MASSIVE Warcraft 3 fan, I’ve been playing the game since i was 7 and to me it is the greatest game of all time , the game has literally moulded me and changed me , and with the announcement of WC3 reforged i was ecstatic and have spent most of all my free time in these last two days watching and analysing Warcraft 3 reforged content and this is the feedback i want to give along with all the feedback i could gather from the community e.g from grubby’s stream and YouTube video comments ( warning : i really love the blizzard team and what they do and are doing, and i am very grateful to them for taking up this project , this is just feedback to make the remaster the best it could possibly be , not criticism to the team )( those that want a TLDR can read the 6 headings and whatever they feel like reading within them )

  1. stick to the old Warcraft 3 art style :
    This seems to be a big thing with the community , we love our old artstyle and I’d agree the new artstyle is a little too cartoony for me ( the old one was somewhat cartoony too but bot this much ), but personally idk i think it could grow on me because i love cartoony artstyles and it looks pretty, i still would want us to go back to the original though because this doesn’t seem to fit well with the vibe of the game ,i wouldn’t want Warcraft 3 to feel like Fortnite or clash of clans, and the original artstyle with this kind of graphical overhaul would look even cooler and would be a dream come true. that said I’m no visual design expert but I’d like to give some suggestions ,the new models for the footmen , Knights , riflemen and all the heroes are jaw dropping gorgeous , amazing and beyond anything i could’ve asked for/wanted xD, especially the uther (paladin), dreadlord, and the blademaster models, i can’t explain the feeling i got looking at that Bm model change . The new grunts look great with their new beards and all too xD , yet there are some models that could use some work like the troll headhunter , he seems to be too brightly coloured / moves around too much in his animations, i feel it doesn’t fit in well to the original silhouette, could be just me , also i like how the new Tauren looks more like the playable WoW race Tauren , but like the original design looked alot cooler , make the hair on the head black from dark brown and the rest of the body hair a darker shade maybe ? Its not really the Taurens that are putting me off as that cartoony totem, please change that to look something like the old one , the real problem with the artsyle comes in the human buildings , i find the new barracks is good but not as good as the old one , the new farm is slightly more cartoony, but it looks really cute and is a faithful adaptation of its older form , it looks like a medival farm too xD , the arcane sanctum could use some work , and the castle and keep need to be sharpened and made to look more realistic . As for the alter of kings i think that model looked Really rough an cartoony and needs work , all the orc structures I’ve seen in the images look beautiful , especially the fortress, baracks and war mill, the spirit lodge Should be a little darker, the only concern i have with the orcs are that the watchtower has too many spikes at the bottom , and that the skin colour of the orcs is a little different than what it usually is , Making them look more cartoony, reduce the yellowish tinge a little and make them a slightly darker ? ( Idk how to explain ) we haven’t really seen anything nightelf yet , and as for the undead the abominations are gorgeous , but the ghouls need a lot of work , too cartoony , need to be more like the original imo ( I’m sorry if i sound like an entitled jerk , jeez this feels rude to write , once again, I’m not a visual videogame designer and i love the work the dev team is doing overall ) also , some members of the community feel the new models may be harder to track and may cause clutter on the screen , i don’t really think so and love the prettier models , it’s just a matter of muscle memory and getting used to it i think , like grubby had speculated , but hey , if he says we should have some changes , I’m with him xD ( oh and I just remembered some small walls in the culling mission looked too cartoony too , the houses and all Could use some slight sharpening… DID I FORGET TO MENTION the trees ! They look good , but could use a better colour blend( with some shadows and darker hues to look more realistic) , the extra light green on top makes them look more cartoonic , and the lumber stacks also look odd , kinda , an overall addition of darker colours to the more vibrant snd colourful remaster wouldn’t be a bad thing) p.s: some people feel the heroes Should be larger and the units like Knights smaller , but i think it Is fine as it is rn

  2. i love the idea of cinematic cutsecenes but the one for the culling felt very clumsy:

Nuff said ( I’ve already rambled enough and will try to keep things short from here ), the community and i feel this has a lot of potential , all the model’s look amazing in the cutsecenes, but arthas hand and body movement seems overdone and unnatural , the lines also felt sped up and rushed and it seems some dialogues were skipped , also , arthas wasn’t looking down on his army and uther from the hil, nor did he see that the grains had already been distributed from the hill ,the cinematography was amazing for the original cutscene, the positioning of the characters , the tonality of their voices, Many other people have already touched on this better than i can tbh, the remake didn’t have the same emotions or impact as the original, still , we all aknowledge this is still very rough and a work in progress so we will end up with something spectacular because the potential is certainly there , i really hope the illidan vs arthas cutscene gets turned into a proper cinematic too , as was originally planned ( just putting it out there :joy:)

3)UI changes:
I personally am a fan of the old UI and like all those beautiful borders for each race , and that race insignia in place of the inventory for units that didn’t have one , but i really like the idea that the team is experimenting with it , the smaller minimalistic UI Should be better in theory, can’t say until i play with it though , this is a good change overall, the only thing that really stings is the hero portrait , can we not have it look green screened ? The backgrounds used to make it look alot cooler xD , try something like dota 2 maybe ? Or if not atleast zoom the portraits in a little and put them at an angle from where the characters look badass, like the portraits shouldn’t be showing much more than the faces , just like the original portraits , which were really badass

    Most of my best Warcraft 3 memories were made thanks to lan play , and even in this day and age the golden feature has its uses, sometimes in places like my country you don’t really have good net or we get high pings due to our distance from the servers, with LAN play we can play wc3 on two pcs sitting in the same room without having to connect to the internet sending info to a server and then back, and without any ping at all , this and the convenience this offer’s is key to what made lan parties so amazing

  2. allow us to save maps and custom games to our pc:-
    Just like old times, I’d want for us to have a convenient menu to scroll through our games/maps to choose and play , add a search feature maybe ? It wouldn’t be bad if you could upload maps into the client to share with other users directly from within the game rather than using another site , but like i wouldn’t want to wait for my maps to load before i can play like in StarCraft 2 , that is painful :joy:

  3. potential improvement for users with high end pc’s and other cool features that can be added:-
    I am already really impressed with how well done and realistic the shadows are , i was just thinking , i saw some really good , high quality grass in one of grubby’s culling play-through videos , and like , it would be so cool if grass all around the map Could look like that , or even better if your pc Could render it , also , this other suggestion i have may be slightly performance intensive , but it would be a dream come true if i could feel the hours pass by in the in game day/ night cycle for example it would be so cool if Like the early morning hours would have this light blue hue in the lighting that would slowly get brighter and brighter as the hours move on , turning yellower , being very bright and yellow at the noon time, and slowly going to oranger shades as the hours move on , it would also be really cool to see shadows shorten to almost nothing at noon and extend throughout the day cycle. So like in the evening the lighting hue Should be at its orsngist ( am i making new words now :joy::joy:) right before evening , when it should turn light blueish again slowly dulling into the night , this along with weather effects , such as capes and hair fluttering / blowing with random winds that can be set by map makers to happen at certain times or would happen randomly would be really cool, as would seeing your armour shimmer differently in accordance to how the light hits it in the day or seeing water flow off armour and wet capes in the rain xD, i know this kinda stuff is really minor and nitpicky , but if we could get it that’d be amazing , also , i am glad to hear the world editor is being improved and that we will be able to use that just the same , because I really really love it

Apart from that, i am Very thankful to blizzard and the classics team for taking on this project , love you guys for all of your efforts, and I understand that many things look rough because they aren’t finished yet and i have faith the finished produt will be amazing I’d also like to thank everyone who actually read this far , love you guys ! reply about what you think or if you agree with me , i really would love to theory craft with you , ( i just spent a good hour and a half writing this , and the whole weekend researching for this , god help me. I just hope someone at blizz actually reads through all of this lmao , or like someone else here in the community takes what i have written here , summarises it /explains things better ( if possible ) , thank you all for your time i am truly grateful for your desire to read my ramblings xD ).

Edit: Something i seem to have intitially missed when writing this is , please don’t retcon the story ! , Like it would be fun to see some new voicelines added about guys like saurfang , or for some new Hidden secret missions added with new wow characters , but please don’t change the masterpiece , also I’m all for new easter eggs , as long as no one is changing the old ones !! I would rather have the old ones as is instead of getting new ones if we had to replace the old ones.


Wishlist / Ideas:

Since I’m a casual, most of the wishlist section is based on non competitive warcraft 3.

Ability to load old replays. Watching good players is fun and patches preventing you from watching replays is bad.

Preferably unlimited unit selection, for ease of large orders.

An an idea to change mana burn:
Mana burn ‘infects’ the x amount of the targets mana bar. For the next x mana used by that unit, the unit damages themself. x reduces at the rate of mana regen.
So the owner of the burned unit can choose to not cast and not take damage and wait (sort of like normal) or they can cast anyway and take the damage.
The current Mana burn simply taking mana is unfun because it removes the ability for the hero to perform their unique abilities, ie the reason you are playing that hero. Now you can choose to use your abilities and take damage for it, similar to fairy dragons.

New cosmetic Features:

Alternate gender heroes for the non tavern hero units. They have a different model, keeping the same theme as the existing hero, keeping old heroes old, keeping clothing style etc. And same silhouette.
Even for heroes like the Priestess of the Moon. Though probably if there was a hero that wouldn’t get a swap it would be POTM.
Lich/Crypt Fiend would just have small visual changes.
They all need new voice lines, same lines as the old ones with different actors.
This is so your heroes are like ‘your dudes’ and not specific characters in lore.

Possibly the ability to enforce other teams heros to look like the default heros (for you).

Unlockable decorations for your buildings? (maybe just your hq).

Please add melee unit ‘windup’ animations similar to heroes of the storm. Where unit smoothly ready their weapons as they close the distance to the target then follow through when they get there. It looks so smooth (at least on muradin). Though this might require changing how fast a unit attacks from walking, which might upset the game.
The reason I ask for this is in the gameplay trailer, when the final footman and orc run and attack each other there seems like an awkward pause when units change from moving to attacking.

Gameplay ideas:

The only thing I’d really change is that melee units follow units better when they move away. Similar to how Heroes move in heroes of the storm. But this might be too drastic a change.
Experimenting with original warcraft 3. It just seems there is a delay for a unit to automatically follow a unit after an attack.

An introductory skirmish mode:

A mode where an AI builds and control workers and base placement, and you control unit production, research and controlling units. You can temporarily control workers if you need them to fight. Move them back to work to get the AI to take over.
The AI does not spend money, everything it does is free.
The AI instantly builds the altar as the first building so you can get going.
You need to choose when to tech up and have to spend the money.
You need to spend money to expand, you choose where to expand and the ai will do it. You can move a worker over there in preparation and the AI will use that worker.
This is kind of gimmicky, but might be a good stepping stone to real rts play.

New team play features?

Would it be worth trying to partially defeated players in a team game?
Can revive heroes at allied altars (separate queue per player. Maybe combine all altar queues for each player into one queue if having multiple revival queues is too powerful)
Can build workers from allied town halls? (separate queue per player, not while the building is teching up) To help allies stay in the game in some capacity.
Easier way to share resources around the team? Like you can see other players gold / wood and click on their resources to give money. Or right click to ask to get money? Something like that?

In team games, can/should anything be done to change how quickly buildings can be destroyed when multiple players attack a base? Maybe players just need better scouting to see large attacks coming.


In FFA, when a player is eliminated and they stick around, the dead player can be hired from the tavern by any live player (The dead player needs to accept). This summons their first hero heroes under the control of their original player but allied with the purchaser. You can hire their second and third heroes for additional cost (like reviving). When the heroes die completely, they can be hired again by any player.
You can share unit control with your hired players. You can’t make other players drop their items.
When you are dead, you still have full spectator vision. When hired you only have normal vision.
The ability to play on with the reduced complexity of only needing to control your heroes might make this an appealing game mode for new players. So they can try to win normally, but if they lose they can come back into the game and keep playing if they want.

New campaign features:

Co-op Campaign? A shared control of a faction.
Possibly one assigned to each per player. With a 2P hero added for missions/sections that normally have only one one hero. The 2P hero should appear in cutscenes when appropriate.
A good candidate would be a character like Shandris to accompany Tyrande in co-op mode, and then show up as a 3rd shared hero in the final NE mission.
Likewise that gold plated footman Arthas talks to in cinematics could be the main 2P hero for the human campaign. He gets promoted from a normal footman between the initial missions and when Athas gets to northrend, and becomes playable again when Muradin dies.
The 2P heroes have new or repurposed abilities, it’s an opportunity to flex some new gameplay creativity without impacting on multiplayer balance (and the room for the co-op heroes to be added to multiplayer later).

In single player campaigns, you can sell unique items to your ‘vault’ which puts them in storage for the campaign. You can also withdraw (copy) them from there.
You can only store one of each non consumable item.
You can only withdraw the item if the item isn’t currently held / is present of the map.
Items retrieved from the vault are worth 0 gold when sold to a shop.
Basically this is like a collectathon for the campaign. Give hints to where you can find missing items (like killing the giant panda).