What's the most brain blasting discovery you've made in co-op?

Maybe I’m just slow, but I didn’t realize until recently that a War Prism (warp prism) once engaged counts as a building for Alarak. So just fly three into a huge Brutal ball, activate them, and then you have three overcharged super cannons.

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the augustgrad palace gate is destructible on rifts to korhal, and there is an imperial bank around the middle.


Isn’t that what Pirate Ships are stealing from, or are you talking about an unusual destroyable thing?

When Dehaka is in a black hole, he does this weird animation where he runs in place. Was hilarious in a mutation.

When Artanis’ Guardian Shell saves a unit from death, the unit also becomes invulnerable for a few seconds and is ignored by the enemy until they finish attacking whichever next unit they moved on to attacking when GS kicked in.

Easy to abuse this on Vermilion Problem when probes are about to pick up a crystal.

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With mind control, a couple of Amon units have interesting differences between tool tips and behavior. Amon’s Medivacs for instance, list a afterburner with a 10 second duration and 30 second cooldown, but if mind controlled can be set to sprint indefinitely. This can be used for vision if you want to sprint a mc’ed medivac to heal a ally or to gain vision on a spot to use a Tychus’s Medivacs to teleport to a new location. They’re not really worth going after for mcs though, but they’re nice to supplement healing a bit if you want to use up a spare 3/3 charge.

He also does that sometimes when Dakrun runs him to him and Primal worms/Glevig pops under him.

It’s because of Knockback behaviour it applies to all of his units sometimes.

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Oh yeah, In Mist Opportunities and SCV can heal a bonus objective 33.33 hp/per second.
I let in 2 SCV into nearly battered Bonus and it was healed completely 1 minute later.

Honestly the recent Viper Shuttle abduct video on Miner Evac.

Edit: It’s on the Co-Op Reddit.


How tf do Gary ate btw? I don’t see the mouth.

Yeah, that’s a mystery. Stettman said it in one of his quotes. I doubt the highness of his quote though.

Probably the same way as Gary collects remnants of destroyed mecha zergs.

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P2 Dehaka
Dehaka burrows when a Pack Leader is out. You can still select him and give him a Deep Tunnel command that he’ll carry out as soon as the Pack Leader leaves. You can Deep Tunnel back to base, or onto the Pack Leader, wherever it will be when it times out.


Another fun fact about this: If your Dehaka has healing aura, you can heal your army near where Dehaka burrow as if he is there.


Detection work too. It’s really convinent

Found a new one. If you hit escape after generating cannon projections with zeratul the projections just disappear.

Yeah, you can cancel the projections from both the initial defenses or the projected ones.
I never paid enough attention to know if it allows to have a smaller cooldown, or just start decreasing the full countdown earlier :thinking:

I think the cooldown is the same length it just starts once you cancel the projection it actual might be really helpful to speed up the process of redeploying so the projections don’t just sit there until they time out

When Abathur and Kerrigan play together, all of Abathur’s Nydus Worms become Omega Worms.


A hollow point bullet.

Too dark? Smiles in Gary