Unable to start new campaign (WoL)?

So I cant start a new WoL Campaign. I did load a old save fill that did take me back to the 3rd mission to progress from there. I then tried LotV and it gave me the Sentinels instead of Zealots for the first mission. Also after that Spear of Adune is blacked out and noticing cutscenes being let out.

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I have an issue with HotS campaign; I couldn’t get past tutorial Zerglings. I tried cheating to fix it (skipped levels), which fixed the problem with the tutorial, but now achievements are disabled permanently even when I start a new campaign again without cheating.


Also having this problem. Campaigns are unplayable.

Thought it was my computer so I uninstalled with the intention of reinstalling, but apparently people are having trouble with installation?

New campaign worked fine for me in October so this is likely a recent update that did this.


Having the same problem


There’s several forum posts since November 11th about various issues in the campaigns.

Credits not working in Wings of liberity

Heart of Swarm using previous playthrough evolutions.

New campaign loading old saves

No way to rename replays

No way to delete old saves.

Cutscenes skipping



Here’s another one with a list of issues

Another issue is character’s dialogue not playing on the Levithan

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Having the same problem — when presented the choice of ‘Shatter the Sky’ or ‘Belly of the Beast’ and completing either of the missions, it just resets and I cannot finish the campaign. Blizzard, what is going on?

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I’m having the same issue too

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I am also having this Issue. I can’t start a new campaign in WOL it will just send me to the Archives, Lotv first mission has high end units and Saves are also not working for me


Having the same problem


So I could start a new campaign after switching regions. However, as mentioned before, achievements didn’t carry over.

It all worked flawlessly until I loaded back into the Hyperion’s bridge after Gates of Hell. See for yourselves:

https ://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/609747455210291225/909381251683713044/WoL_after_GatesOfHell.jpg

Those bubbles are the character models.
I think you’re supposed to be on the surface of Char by that point, so that’s where the issue may be. After attempting to go to the armory, the game properly loads to the planetary surface, though.

E: Also, the cutscene where Warfield catches some hydralisk spines didn’t play.

E2: Seems any cutscenes supposed to play in between missions on Char are bugged, and the game throws you out on the Hyperion’s bridge for some reason every time as well.

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Hey there, same problems as listed above but with EU region. I supposed it was me but this is not the case, it seems

This is when you know the current generation of PC gaming is in trouble when even single player campaign can be messed up after after its launch for so many years. And not to mention an official acknowledgement to look into the matter came a few days later after it happened.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.


Having the same issue.


I get what you’re saying, but I’m thankful they are looking into it at all. I didn’t expect to have an “official” response. Hopefully they will roll something out soon that will fix the campaign issues.

Why does Blizzard feel this way about the game? The problem has been around for a few days, but still hasn’t been solved.

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Having this issue as well

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-no credits on mission completion
-no renaming of replays
-spotty fail to save
-can’t delete saves
-cut scenes broken or don’t play
-some of the characters (for me at least in WoL) between missions don’t show up. (again this is spotty)
-Some people can’t even install the game
-Impossible to start a new campaign


Having these issues as well

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Cannot create a new campaign game on wol

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