TY vs Stats - balance discussion *spoiler alert*

The game between those 2 players was just sheer skill overcoming massive imbalance. Protoss is incredibly op but TY was just THAT much better. And even then, the protoss actually gave him a fight.

The game 3 is just proof that protoss is overpowered. The fact that stats could even put up a fight in the third game just shows how incredibly op the race is. Even worst than that, Stats almost won after getting rekt in the early game. Ty kills 7 probes and massacre Stats’s entire army then 14 probes with only 2 cloak banshees but Stats is still on equal footing. The terran NEEDS to deal CRITICAL damage or protoss just snowball into a free win. And even if you do get that critical blow to protoss economy, you still need to work for the win. You’re always only 1 disruptor shot from losing the game…


Ty was on one base when the banshees hit. This game clearly showed how stupid overpowered terran is. TY did three stupid allins in a row and then stim-a-moved the tossd down. Wow. A gsl-caster who does only limited training 3:0 one of the best toss of all time.

Only hardcore stupid TCF-member can make a whine thread out of a 3:0 against toss. You really should see a Psychologists.


I know what you cry babies protoss will say… HUR HUR, terran op cause they won and there is a TvT finals… Terran is really hard, way harder than everything else in this game. If you think otherwise, you are just wrong. If I played something else than terran, I would probably be master but I have honour so im a diamond league terran.


Yup. Stim-A-Move two basic units and randomly burrowing mines on the map in every match-up. Clearly a sign of skill. Terran is broken beyond repair right now. Great to have back 2017…tvt every tournament


You couldn’t do what a terran does even if you practiced for a thousand years

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Terran win = protoss op
Protoss win = protoss op
Nothing new


Jesus Shia are u going to complain that Protoss is OP when Stats the best PvT player got 4-0ed? Not to complain about Balance TY played extremely well and he fully deserved that 4-0. But the fact that you produce whine post after whine post about Protoss is pathetic honestly.


LMAO? He did what every terran does man…2 base push with raven. 1 rave cancels whole robo tech investment.
And mine drop. Literally every game was 2 base push with raven. Only when he tried cheeses it went the other way around. game 3 he did 3 different rushes, and protoss had 3 bases against 1 and terran like broken race that it is ,still won.
Plain BROKEN race.


You should put Spoiler Alert.

Mais ftg t es juste nul à chier et t expliques ton level par le whine, tu connais rien au jeu et t es sûrement un de ces attardés qui spam les apm pour se croire plus fort

you can say all you want (and yes I do understand French), but you’re just another Protoss abuser who don’t want his race nerfed.

Terran players in full damage control mode.


assuming they are not flat out trolling, you can spin anything when you already made up your mind with their victim complex. TY and Stats are pretty close all things considered and while TY won 4-0 this season, Stats won very convincingly 4-2 last season when Protoss only got buffs (albeit in Stargate only) since. My only concern for these trolls is that they mislead the newer people in this community, but to be honest this game doesn’t have that many fresh blood, and even if there were, if they are not smarter and look for better discussion places than this cesspool they probably don’t matter anyway.

Regardless, I like TY so grats to him, and I hope Stats gets more shots before he goes to the military.


At this point I’m not sure if its whine or self-parody.

Didn’t watch the games, saw the thread title TYvsStats made by shia and I didn’t know if it was a whine after a T win or a whine after a P win.

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It is still a spoiler either way. It reveals that TY dominated and some of his strats, plus you kind of understand TY won, that is why he put the Spoiler alert.

Last time I forgot to put the word Spoiler, I got insulted and a lot of heat in like 3 min hahah

shilalaretard back at it again with the troll posts

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Same stuff over and over again he even didnt tired whine and etc

it’s funny watching Terran go into full damage control mode right now.
they’ve spent the past 3 months claiming Terran is UP and weak and that the map pool would only make it worse.
now they dominated King of Battles in a way i can’t remember a tournament being dominated in ages (5/8 round of 8, 4/4 semis; the last thing this close (beyond GSL Season 1 earlier this year, was WCS last year and Zerg got NERFED after that, 3 patches in a row), and are wrecking GSL again for the what, 10th time in LotV alone?


Their entire narrative is obsolete, they are getting premier wins, we are seeing T getting games during lategame tvp, we see raven usage, tank usage, T winning against Z…months of parroting the same ideas and they are at a point in which they can’t justify their nonsense.


clearly you aren’t familiar enough with them, they could have 75% winrate in both TvZ and TvP, 8/8 QF and beyond and win 11/12 tournaments in a year, and they would complain cuz they didn’t win that last one.