Thanks to patch 5.0.9, we can expect NO PROTOSS will win...;


If you have good memory( i doubt you have) then you will know that historically terrans were the most nerfed race of all three:

  • liberator AA - nerfed
  • tankivac - nerfed
  • raven - nerfed INTO oblivion
  • marauder nerfed (luckily brought back)
  • ghost snipe nerfed (compared to old snipe it’s a HUGE nerf, because you can’t snipe HTs any more
  • widow mine nerfed

Now tell me who had to ADAPT over the course of the last 6 years, since LOTV came out ? I understand that many tosses will no longer win with proxy voids but for pro-players that nerf should have almost no impact as now possibly other strats will become viable.

To summarize, think of 5.0.9 not as a “NERF” but rather “change of playstyle”. Queen walks will no longer be viable, lurkers burrow nerf will allow ground toss to be decent again. I’m sorry but just because ONE unit got nerfed is not the reason for all these tears.


did not know that random tournaments are… poor korea randoms …

2021 AfreecaTV GSL Super Tournament 2
Zoun -Trap both not P ?

2021 AfreecaTV GSL Super Tournament 1
same Zoun -Trap still no Pvp?
Quarterfinals 5 P 3 T 0Z…

2020 AfreecaTV GSL Super Tournament 2
Trap - Stats, we all know stats is terran?.. not

You have so few nerfs to list you had to mention marauder, which had its nerf REVERTED, AND nerfs that, to my knowledge, did not take place during LotV (feel free to check me). Example: tankivac (maybe early LotV at best?) and ghost snipe, maybe liberator AA - this is the damage right? This is pure sadness and delusion

No, it’s not delusion. Tell me what major nerfs did protoss have over the course of the last 6 years ? I’ll tell you: graviton catapult removed and that’s it. Stalker did not have any nerfs, just reverted the buff which was present in 2016-2017 where stalker did more damage, but that buff was reverted because with warpgate mechanics they would be too strong.

Btw. look at thread list. Literally the first 5-6 threads are protoss complains. I don’t recall terrans being THIS WHINY.


Take your meds,you forgot the classic post GSL thread every time T lost a game.


TY vs Stats - balance discussion spoiler alert

remember this post? despite TY dismantled Stat with 4-0, this nutcase (ShiaLaBeouf) could still whine about it, lmao


dude you missed the all time most pointless / useless unit in the game with reaper.

Warp prism
Assimilator?? Shield battery??
Adept - for early or pre LotV?
High templar
If you want to go into HotS territory, I can certainly list a few more

Is this a joke? I should stop asking this even though I know the answer.

Remember in early LotV when Terrans were literally trying to beat 8 armor Ultralisks with mass marines and then complaining that it didn’t work? :rofl:

I do. The even funnier part is LotV introduced a unit called the Liberator which at the time was bugged and un-nerfed - and nobody tried to use them (or Thors which actually won fights vs Ultras) to beat the Ultralisks…they just kept making marines.


Tbh, these ultralisks were busted, and I think marauder was also nerfed (attack being split meaning armor had more impact), so making marauders didn’t help. I think even Nerchio the whinner made memes about ultralisks on twitter about how the game was won at the moment they appeared, i remember ladder these days, trying to kill Z, they made a ton of ultralisks and it was over.

Libs were strong too, with minimal clump, air units like corruptors would disappear.

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So you claim that 200 hp adept at the beginning of Lotv and warp prism 6 pick-up range era was balanced ??? :slight_smile: Seriously ? Actually WP range was nerfed because of zerg who didn’t know how to deal with archon drops, not terrans. Tempest was not nerfed, it was changed from 450 hp slow “anti-BC, anti BL” unit into faster, more versatile 275 hp siege aircraft. High templar was nerfed only because of how ghost snipe is working. If not steady targeting HP’s feedback would remain the same. FB was changed to make ghost vs HT battles even.

And you stop taking yours

Tosses are whining just because ONE unit (void ray) has been nerfed which, in reality will not change anything in T vs P relation. This change will affect P vs Z because, with queen walks being nerfed, now we will hopefully see some protoss ground army rather than boring turtle skytoss.

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We hope see more pvz where Zerg spam ravager bile against literally counter units lol just print roach ravager and immortal not a thing not speak about lurkers


I didn’t make any claim other than providing counterpoints to your claim. The rest of your rambling is a joke. Just admit you’re delusional - I’ve proven you wrong, and instead of admitting it, you hit me with some ridiculous claim that isn’t even mine.

So what should you do at this point to save face? Admit you’re wrong. Bonus: move on.

You haven’t proven anything. My whole point (which i still support) is that protoss players like you are hipocryte whiners. You call terrans whiners, and proceed to whine yourselvers the moment one unit gets nerfed.

Btw isn’t it you who created one of the balance whining threads:

Do not respond as it is a waste of time.

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lol they are still going air, these “nerfs” have not shifted meta one bit.

oh and what i’ve learnt today, protoss are never whining or wrong, they are the one true truthseeker and they have found all the answers, only zerg and terran can whine and if you disagree you deserve to die.

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LOL you’re crazy. Go cry in a corner and reflect on your actions

yeah yeah, yeah keep whining protoss crybaby. Maybe one day blizzard restores your buffs to void rays so you can have easy wins on ladder and call it “a skill”


shield battery wasnt a big nerf truth be told or major i do think your over-exaderating on the protoss nerfs
admitly i havnt been around the past few years that much poke my head now and then but not realy so not sure about the other ‘nerfs’ but considering i know about that and know its not that big of a deal and your calling it major …

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Cutting starting shield battery energy in half is a huge deal for all proxy shield battery strategies. 100 to 50. If that’s not a major change to you, then nothing is. Get out of here