TY vs Stats - balance discussion *spoiler alert*

Terran is by no means weak. All the results point towards Terran being a very good race in 2020. Is Terran OP? I don’t think so, I still feel that Terran needs to be operated by someone skillful to do well. Zerg is by no means weak as well but I don’t think Zerg is OP at any means. Protoss is quite miserable this year especially against Zerg.


This is not a balance discussion. This is just another whine post from another member of the TCF. I’d say one of Blizzard’s best final “gifts” to us is not IP banning every single prominent TCF poster.


The PPP are so salty about Stat’s loss. But the PPP neglect the fact that Stats beat 3 top Terran on his way to the semi-finals including Maru, Innovation, and Byun. All Stats did was feast off of how OP Protoss is against Terran to get to the semi-finals.

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An amazing feat for a mid tier player.


ONE Protoss player getting far in GSL is too many I guess… :man_shrugging:t2:


OK these forums are amusing :rofl: (PPP must be triggered their race to lose and still be called OP race)

Stats allows this imo because he’s soon going to service and I dont think he wants to try hard before that like Classic did.

So if he practiced less, that could explain it.

There is no balance reason for either the win or loss. Ladder is a different story and there it’s harder if you are terran.

I was talking about how Terran was missing last year for most part. 2018 was even worse but now I cant complain. Pro scene terran looks good. ladder looks unchanged and same issues for us players


it is if you consider how outclassed he is in term of skill…

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it really is, just shows how strong protoss is…

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Stats made literally every game numerous mistakes. TY played better in every way micro/macro, took fights better, better scouting, better builds, better map control etc.

Stats maybe the best Protoss there is, but he played terrible for Ro 4.
Protoss being the most buff race of 2020, and losing 4 1, tells you that there is a difference of skill between the players.
Stats lost, because he played worst, it is his fault, not a balance issue.

You all need to forget slighting my boi Trap.