I understand protoss can be frustrating to play against, but zerg doesnt have much to complain

Oh yeah… of course… an entire race of people ALL have a victime complex. Could it be that there is an underlying imbalance and people are tired of it? You are like a dictator, saying all the slaves below are a bunch of whiners…

i play zerg, and badly at that, i’m not dictator, i just tell it how i see it, bunch of delusional terrans.


How many times have YOU made threads like “this terran player won, but didn’t we hard enough, there IMBA!!!”

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I never said anything like this. I said a C-tier protoss shoudnt almost win vs a S-tier terran. It SHOULD be a stomp because the terran player is >>>>>>>>> the protoss. And i stand by that. Mike Tyson shouldn’t have a close match against a teenager.

Mike Tyson was stomping grown men in his teens. All the way up to the title, he turned 20 just before that.

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How about this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

Just a whiny little child

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I agree with you in part, because the facts say what they say. The last dip was in September at around 45%, since it has been more or less balanced.

However, be honest with yourself, if not me: Did you or did you not ignore aligulac for years when Zergs were eating Terran players alive? Or did you start to believe in facts once it became convenient to?

Like I said, superior terran loses to B-tier protoss (like parting). If Nadal loses to a teenager in a tennis match, would you say the game was most likely rigged?

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:
LUL, OMG, this 7000MMR Terran has so strict builds and never float min/gas…
That 100/150 Tower is going to break his game…

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Specially during mid-lategame when you are playing a passive style that allows you to delay almost anything, instead of a tank or a cyclon you get a turret and it cost less. I have seen low level players get turret at minute 8 and it didnt cripple their eco or macro.

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Tell that to the pro/GM player that I was listening to that goes mech and explaining the reasoning behind delaying the sensor tower. That sould be another tank or thor or lib. and that could the difference in holding an attack. could also be 1/1 upgrade. its best to delay it until at least mid game.

You can usually afford 2 when you move out to take your 4th.

I don’t see what the argument is here. If that is not as close to mid game that you can get then I dont know what is…

Terrans are whiny for a few reasons.

  1. Popular Terran streamers made it acceptable to balance whine and Avilo was one of them. Yes, you’re following in Avilo’s path, he was actually the first Terran that started flooding the forums exactly the way you are.

  2. Most inexperienced players are Terran and low level players are the ones that whine the most.


Zerg maybe be favoured against T but tbh the match up feels way more playable as their army aren’t a bunch of Terminators that transition into God comps. Mech works against Zerg as well so the is a strong viable late game against them if you play Bio then yeah you’ll have a harder time as it’s easily countered especially as their production can ensure a good amount of banes are ready on hand.

If you play mech against Z and get the hang of it you’ll find the match up is way more playable compared to if you try to play the GSL Bio play plus Z are much weaker to harass than P.

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If that was true it would be a good thing but: Heromarime, Uthermal, Demuslim, Marinelord Special beg to differ…
Junk-players see their “heroes” whine and follow the beaten path.
This time ShatZ you are right, and no more a punitive glass of water, but a celebrating glass of champagne for the good post.

Stats, trap, parting c-tier…this :cactus:


I think that he is just trolling. Not possible somebody can be serious with those outrageous posts.


Not really an argument, just stating the timing I usually use.

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So you think most pro terrans are troll too i guess ? I follow Avilo pretty closely and he can be pretty childish sometimes but he does have a better grasp on the game than you and I combined (hence his higher rank). He can be biased towards terran but I think he still has some very valid points. Try to listen to what he is saying sometimes. I know he can make really outlandish claims but most of it makes sense.