The most broken unit in the game

im going to give some hints plz tell me when you guess what it is.

  • takes 30x more skill to counter than to use.
  • can end a game if you arent paying attention for 0.5 seconds
  • players build this unit when they fall behind/or are bad
  • is either way to good or way to bad
  • should be nerfed into the ground

i will give one last final hint

in this example the protoss player got outplayed so hard and managed to come back using this crutch broken.

this unit is so stupid and is by far the most broken unit in the game.

if you are a protoss player below 5k this is by far the best splash damage option you have and there is no reason not to use it.

who thinks this unit is ok? i think protoss players who use them regularly know they are broken and disgusting and is a crutch that means they can beat good players without being good.


In my mind, utilizing disruptors well is the only thing that gives Toss a chance of even dreaming about being able to win macro games vs the “best players.”

It’s like, you know… hey… this is your only cost effective unit. Try to get lucky or form the most amazing synergy ever to have the disruptor offset the imbalance.

But, in the end… units that can attack ground and air trump everything, if they’re imbalanced… Liberator. It counters everything. Cost doesn’t reflect its strength. There’s nothing I could make that it wouldn’t counter… let alone not be good against. Def can’t say that about the disruptor given… only attacks ground.

Every race has units that feel unfair to play against. Eg., without disruptors… Toss can’t even beat a pure queen army. Not a joke/sarcasm. I feel like if anyone has a legit gripe about disruptors, it’s Toss players, though. Vipers hard counter them. Liberators counter every unit. What does Toss have? You can only fly over so many stalkers before phoenixes don’t help.

If it were up to me, I’d like to remove the disruptor from T vs P if Terran isn’t allowed to make liberators. Some of these units just win games themselves. Akin to pay to win.


Toss doing toss things. nothing new nothing to see here


thats the thing, they dont work vs the best players as well as they do against lesser players. such as 99.99% of terrans

thats why parting doesnt use disrutpors every single game vs innovation and maru. but its still a broken unit because it either doesnt work at all or works way to well. thats a problem no?

i dont really use liberators but i imagine they dont feel unfair to play against. you can see them move, seige, and do whatever, and you know exactly what you need to do to avoid them.

with disruptors one of them fires and the game just ends


Are you hinting at disruptors? I mean I kind of agree. They are one hell of a glass cannon. I’m down for removing them. But in removing disruptors, there needs to be A LOT more Protoss buffs. The reason why you are seeing much more disruptor play is because Protoss doesn’t have much else to work off of.


i think a storm buff in exchange for disruptors being changed wouldnt be unreasonable.

I don’t think storm should be touched… They should just revert Colossus nerfs. Maybe even add a buff on top of that. Colossus just fall flat after a certain point against Terran, and there’s only been a recent resurgence with blink stalker/colossus vs. Zerg. It’s also used in a niche way in PvP. If colossus gets a buff, then we could see it used more in all three matchups.

No, they’re absolutely unfair to play against. They’re the sole reason I started going sky toss in T vs P… only for me to find out, guess what… a few liberators hard counter sky toss, too. It’s absolutely incredible.

Terran was the leading race for over 40 periods in a row to start LotV, due to this unit alone. Even after a million nerfs, still one of their best units… Toss players who didn’t quit at some point, due to this unit… have to be ignorant/weird.

It’s a freaking flying tank that attacks air + splash damage, while also being the best harass unit in the game, in my mind. How much should that unit cost? 150/150 and 3 supply? Lol. Yeah, give me a freaking break. If they even made the void ray be 150/150, I’d probably never lose a game vs Zerg.

That’s the problem with Terran players. A lot of the biggest whiners don’t even use the counters to things. Like so many guys will whine about storm or what not, and then you find out… they haven’t tried making ghosts before. It’s sad, really. At least exhaust all options before becoming the biggest critic (say this in general).

I kinda like how disruptors force the other guy to at least be semi decent. Can’t just f2 amove around everywhere and never watch minimap or at least has to try splitting units every now and then…

I’m on the fence. I’d never win a game versus Zerg without disruptors. Never. I’m never going to beat Terran, regardless, so it’s whatever. But, anyone who has played P vs P should “get it.” There definitely are games where the guy who played the best didn’t win, solely cause a guy made a disruptor comp and you didn’t. At least it’s very easy to feel that way, even if incorrect.

Toss just isn’t really a good enough race to do anything to disruptors. It’s like a cannon rush… we all lose to it, but since no one is winning GSL with it, no one does anything/cares. People literally quit the game over some of this stuff, yet… we’re just supposed to ignore it. No net gain. Opposite in fact, but hey… traditions are cool. Just like if you name a build after someone, gotta keep calling it that… even after realizing… they copied someone else. Like… people are kinda stupid you know?


did u built a tempes


Liberators annihilate tempets with splash damage too. Tempests don’t kill a single unit in this game. I’ve tried for years to make tempests work in P vs T. Tried everything. Even opening tempest first… Part of ranking up with Toss is being smart/educated enough to NEVER make a tempest.


i will have the boys check into that one.

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Are you serious or trolling

Ok I a now convinced that you are trolling. 5c3

I am not going to go back and count how many units that was. I will take your word for it…

With that being said you know that over the past 2+ years that PvT has been 50% or more To start this period it is nearly 60%. Just something to think about.


“The boys?” I linked a clip on here of an Avilo game before. A few liberators killed around 8 tempests in a couple seconds with splash damage. I once tested out how many phoenixes can mass libs kill… and it was some absolutely absurd number… waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more supply than allowed in a game.

Their splash damage vs air is the most hidden imbalance in the game. Can completely out play a guy. Be maxed on carrier, colossi and disruptors and you have to run for your life the second you see like 5 libs. It’s hilarious. Oh yeah, that unit also dunks on all ground units and is probably busying killing all your probes, too. It’s truly a sight to behold.


a few?
you are aware you can split the tempests against the liberators. as someone who goes mass liberators in various meme games(golden megaton ect) i can say mass liberator does not preform well against mass tempests, also you have storm.

you are in grandmaster and you think liberator aoe counters mass tempests? thats something the kind of things forum noobs tell me all the time.

liberators get more and more anti air value as they go up in supply, and im pretty sure 200 supply of liberators beats 200 supply of tempest despite that being the optimal supply for the liberators


I dunno man, not playing in bronze league where people are allowed to make templars because people don’t make counters to units. You can’t make tempests vs liberators because for some reason you’re allowed to reactor the best unit in the game… Liberators outproduce their rate of being killed. It’s like trying to kills ants one by one. It’s pointless.

You can’t do jack vs liberators with tempests. Best case scenario… you retreat and watch them kill your base. Get that kite micro in while you watch everything die. If you play Terran and you don’t mass liberators… lmao. Like being a billionaire and complaining about being broke and having to ride a bike.

hey…tvz libs suffer from overkill of lings and banes!!! so they are not god like!!! LOL

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here in this game maru goes libeartors and parting destroys him using skytoss.

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I think I linked that style to Parting, as I used it forever and was tired of maxpax just jacking my builds. Parting won that game via dts… If you have a lot of eco and your opponent loses all his eco to dts, you will win regardless of comp.

It’s like winning on the ground vs disruptors. Can you beat a guy on the ground who made disruptors? Yeah, probably so. Are you favored? No. You should lose. On even footing… the better units win out.

Sky toss + ground is merely the best option at giving yourself a SHOT to beat libs. It’s still pretty horrible, but beats auto losing.

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I’m definitely not a better/more experienced player than you, but I can’t see liberators being OP vs anything but ground comps. The AoE damage they put out feels so weak. It also forces them to clump up real nice if they want to get anything done. So stuff like parasitic bomb and storm seem extremely dangerous. Idk, they just seem trash to me for AA.

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they can be good but you need allot of them, liberator anti air grows exponentially as you get more of them, but a unit like battle cruiser would grown linearly, im not sure if that makes sense but basically you need an insane amount to be used as anti air and thats why its rare that anyone does it.

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