Starcraft 2 is saying battle net is down [Main Thread]

Here’s a solution that worked for me.

Disclaimer: I tried this at around the same time that the issue was “resolved” so it’s probably not actually the solution. i’m going to leave this reply here just in case it happens again and I can try this solution again in the future.

The problem is in C:\Program Files (x86)\ I assumed there was a bad connection to one of the servers that are linked in there, so I began my troubleshooting process by connecting to EU and looking at the file. Connecting to EU (my home server is the US) gave me the following CDN Host URLs (in the cdn host url column) in
(hyperlinks removed to allow post)

  • http:/ /
  • http:/ /
  • https:/ /
  • https:/ /
  • https:/ /

It turns out that it may be very important they are in the correct order. When I swap back to my region (US), it swaps the order to the following (the state I cannot log into):

  • http:/ /
  • http:/ /
  • https:/ /
  • https:/ /
  • https:/ /

See how the first two urls and the last two urls are swapped? I think Starcraft executable may be launched with these args and probably expects them to be in a certain order. So, what I did was change the order of the args in my US file to the same order that it was when i had selected EU:




...||Windows ...

Here’s the specific order I did the steps in:

Launch SC2 in another region. Close the game. This updates to the other region’s URLs (which is how i got the steps). Take note of the order of the urls
Re-launch SC2 in the home region (US for me). Close the game.
Re-order your home region’s urls to match the non-home region.

Thanks for getting the issue under wraps @Zayssie, any chance we could get some insight into the bug :wink: I’m curious.


reporting: Now i can log in US servers.

Servers now work for me. Thank you for that

I do though still have an issue with the coop commanders. free coop commanders being reset to level 5. Not sure if I can level them up at all

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A little bit late, but can confirm that I’m able to connect to US server(s).

Thanks for the support.

Out of curiosity, any advice on how long can an user be offline (without connecting into the game) without incrementing the chances of having further issues when attempting to get online again?

(I tend to go offline for long periods of time, but if a “ping” (to servers) every now and then is required to avoid issue, I would like to know it)

Thanks in advance.

30 days is required to be able to play in offline mode. I don’t know how long it is to avoid something like this but once every 29 days I’m guessing you’re good. And if you run into server trouble you can at least play offline

Hello Saber,

The co-op commanders level issue is currently being looked into. We do currently have a main thread that you can keep an eye on updates here.

Thank you, I’ll set an alarm for that… I’ll say that I’ll set it after finishing the campaign (after a long pause) but I know myself enough to know that I’ll forget about it LOL


Thank you very much!

can confirm that i can log in now. Thanks!

You’re welcome. All the best,

I can log in. ty engineers

thx for fixing it. Im having a blast now :slight_smile:

Just logged in after a 5 day awaiting time, thanks for fixing the US Server <3

Finally a fix a week later and no apology or anything from blizzard for this mess…Not buying blizzard products anymore…company took a serious nose dive since the original Startcraft release…

You seem to have missed that sc2 is out of development for almost 2 years, that means there is less than a skeleton crew who have to be pulled from other games when needed. And nice job trying to make it look worse than it was, “a week” rofl. Its been FIVE days and they even attempted a fix on day TWO. Sounds like you knew what was wrong the whole time and how to fix its since youre able to judge them on how long it took. You could have travelled to CA and showed them it how it’s done in less than FIVE days. Anywho, I hope you mean youre done HERE too.

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Thank you for reinstating the access and progress for us legacy players. :slight_smile:

Blame the Activision buy out. Activision got Vivendi Universal and got Blizzard with them since Vivendi Universal owned them. Blizzard literally had no say in the matter. or was it Amblin? it was one of the two. Either way, they’ve been Activision’s slave ever since.

On another note I can confirm I can load up the game. I have noticed it loads rather slow and some UI elements refuse to load. I found a way around this thankfully by loading a campaign mission and exiting. This also seems to fix the Co-op commander level issue too.

The previous glitch that made players unable to connect to the US server
seems to be resolved.
But there is still another error that make the authentication process too long.
This has lasted for about 4 months.
Hope you also deal with it soon.

People cried the same thing when vivendi bought them. People have been using the ‘downhill ever since bought’ cop out since day one. As if a procession from tiny, private, mom-n-pop business to large, incorporated, and sometimes multiple continent isnt how business progresses. As if Bliz is the only company ever that grew a ton and became much less personal in the process.

Thanks for the feedback everyone, and for confirming you all can log back in and resume playing Starcraft II.

Our engineers have confirmed this is resolved and are working to prevent it from happening again. One of the backend services that Starcraft II uses was having problems, so once that was discovered they were able to get it quickly cleared up.

We are going to close up this thread since we’re good here, but feel free to continue any off-topic discussion in General Discussion. Thanks!

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