Real replays from tehbatz

Why don’t you do any tournaments then? Even the weekly tournaments. Even if you made to round of 16, you would get way more credit than not doing a tournament. Weekly tournaments arent that time consuming and you dont have to take them seriously.

Just any tournament results where you make it a few rounds in would earn more “credit” than not doing them at all, but then still bragging on the forums how good you are.

If you’re going to brag on the forums, at least do some tournament and get mediocre results.

The SC2 ladder is a continuous tournament called a “promotion and relegation” tournament.

No im not referring to you. I am talking about the ‘goba’ phenomenon and his trash talking anyone here , no this was not alright and still pisses me to just think about, the 1 time silver cant even play his 10 games

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Ah ok. I was confused at first because 3.5k MMR is diamond, where Goba is silver and that’s probably 2k MMR or so.

I recently became aware that you can view your followers on Reddit. I decided to click through a few of mine. Every single one was obviously female - no doubt about it. I’ve always been amazed at how I am a chick magnet in real life but I had no idea it happens online too.

One time one of my buddies said women love to ask him about his friends, and when he tells them the women are always the most interested in me. You know, just an offhand comment. He even used the word “fascinated”. He was just amazed frankly - he just kinda blurted it out like he couldn’t keep it back anymore.

Of course my buddies are always try to set me up on dates but ain’t nobody got time for that. You start dating and all your money goes down the toilet. The bros gonna send out a search party because you dropped off the map. I had a friend who got married. We were supposed to go rockclimbing once. He cancelled because his wife was having a bad day. I haven’t seen him since. Bros before hoes, man. Who raised this guy anyway? Bring the girls along that way you can bust out of your shirt and they can stare at your ultra ripped back as you rock climb. They say all that muscle is gross but it ain’t. They love it. They just can’t say it without getting all red in the face and doing that thing with their hand where they try to fan their face but they can’t do it right so it looks derpy because they are flustered.

After you can’t rock climb anymore, you know, from the bleeding hands, you can ask them for help wrapping your fingers in tape. Better yet, sit there struggling with it until one of them asks you if you would like help. Then tell them to hold off for a second while you disinfect it and proceed to lather your hands in hand sanitizer. You cringe from the pain for a few seconds then hold out our hands.

It’s the expression of emotion that really seals the deal you know. A real bonding moment. It also lets her know you’re a real tough guy. Ladies absolutely love when tough guys ask for their help. There is a 99% chance she will comment on how rough your hands are and maybe a 50% chance she notices all the scars. It’s a real conversation starter. You can start talking about all the crazy things you did to get each one. At that point, it’s pretty much a sealed deal.

After you are done telling her about all the scars, you smoothly transition to other stories. One time I drove a Camry off a cliff going backwards. No joke. I didn’t get a scar from that one though. Do you see how I did that? Yeah that’s called smooth.

Long story short, MeltDownGuy is probably a chick. You can’t blame 'em, really. My posts are just irresistible. They are like a beacon in a lighthouse shining out onto the vast empty ocean. She probably got embarrassed spazzing out and liking dozens of my posts so she deleted them in embarrassment. There is absolutely nothin to be embarrassed about. I get that reaction basically all the time. :kissing_heart:

I have also been receiving dozens of likes from “FlatulentDog”. I am starting to think I am being stalked. Could the ladies around here lay off a guy for a minute or two? I need to be able to concentrate as I rage about StarCraft. Thank you very much.


Ugh cringeeee. When I was in US I got the phone number of the waitress among others in the company as she wrote it on the paper. But I ain’t a chick magnet, I think. I lack some material things they super want, at least here.

Unfortunately they are praised over here but I think it’s global

If scars and muscle is all they wanna see I say f off. Either way, get over yourself, these things are not impressive except for air heads. I used to have a roommate rock climber exactly there in the deep US states and he wasn’t very nice.

But I gotta say I like that in NA the girls chase u too. Here be like they are the princess u gotta do everything while they don’t give a f


The irony is that I’d buy this for entirely a different reason. I don’t think you’re very impressive, worthy of being stalked or whatever u think is happening, but I think MeltDownGuy isn’t very smart if you get what I’m saying. ^^

MeldtDownGuy is Shialabeouf I knew I recognized that name from somewhere, here in this post he links the profile he would be using during his quest to master, profile name is not the same as profile name at the forum.Click on meltdown’s profile and it will redirect to that same ingame profile,miketefalus.But tbh, the whole thing smells like smurfs and trolling.

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Shia is a girl???

Who knows,he/she would be even a troll account from another user, that would make more sense.

There are no girls here don’t be as desparate as batz to talk about how he’s a chick magnet on SC 2 forum. There are no Nina’s and Scarlett’s too, so depends which kind of chicks one is :magnet: for

But dude

You are trying to convince us that APM=skill which is blatantly false. Everyone in the forum gave you lots of reasonable arguments, yet you deflected them every time.

And you have the audacity to call US troglodytes ???

wait what Shia is a girl? Does he even post here anymore? I havent seen him in a long time.

Dude you need help man. You spend way too much time trolling these forums. You should go use your genius IQ on something more important.

I can spare a few IQ points to extend the sphere of my masculine influence on to these forums. That’s all you need to win debates here anyway.

“she” “a”.

Coincidence I think not.

There are lots of women here. You have to know what to look for. I’d say at least 1 in 5.

That sounds like something a chick at the gym once told me. She said a 240lb squat isn’t impressive then I caught her staring. Some people just don’t know how to give compliments so they come out as insults. :muscle:

we don’t deserve your generosity.
go ahead, do something more important with your untold wisdom
leave this forum once and for all

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Everyone I’ve ever met has commented on my generosity at some point. I had a friend who is a retired vet. You know, vietnaaam. He is 72 years old and a general contractor. He owns a whole bunch of rentals and is a millionaire. He’s the jumpy kind with a bit of a hearing problem who will will totally freak out if you walk up behind him and ask him a question.

Anyway his wife is not the sharpest tool in the shed. She decided she wanted to do her own project. She didn’t start out small but decided to build a two story triplex (LOL). His health wasn’t good enough to finish it and his wife was a total bumbling idiot who had no flipping clue what she was doing. Anyway I was brought on as the foreman to take care of every gosh darn mess that lady created. Rather than placing an order for the carpet, she went around buying scraps. She had to wait 4 months for a carpet guy to come in (I don’t do carpet) and when he arrived there was no combination of the pieces that could even do what she wanted. She was trying to save money. The irony is that she actually spent more on these random pieces as a sum than it would have cost to just order brand new from the warehouse. She thought she was saving money because each small piece was only $50 bucks. That’s how absolutely stupid this was. You have to calculate the cost per square foot for crying out loud. Well the carpet guy had to come back 2 months later to finish the job. When you delay a big project like that by 2 months, you lose a looooooot of dough. :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Anyway one time we were using a hopper to pack down the gravel around the foundation to pour the concrete for the patios. I commented on how it sound like a hellicopter. You know, thump thump thump thump thump. It started a long conversation talking about some really messed up crap in vietnaaaaaaam, his son who was a vet (god rest his soul), and ultimately he ended up thanking me for saving his butt at the triplex. The debt they had generated for it was over $600k. For a guy worth 1-2 million that would be a big blow if they couldn’t finish it. There was no way on Earth he could have finished it without me. Basically they would have had to sold the summer home they love so much which would have been absolutely tragic.

I will tell you that was the hardest project I have ever worked on. I could go on and on about the complete and utter disaster that his wife was. She was a walking talking hurricane of complete and utter destruction.

pretty sure read that story on reddit the other day. You dont even created those stories, thats kinda low tier trolling m8.

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Completely false. I have over 1,000 photos documenting the idiocy of his wife. You know, for legal reasons. If they ever had issues there was no way that witch was blaming them on me.

I never really disliked you, just thought you were full of crap. Think I’m going to have to walk that one back now.