Real replays from tehbatz

I didn’t really mean it

Here is a good example. The “plumber” she had in before me messed up where the kitchen sink was going to go by over a foot. It’s an island and the island has to be a minimum of 36" from the neighboring countertop. The guy somehow managed to miss this giant island and pop the pipe out in the walkway and NOBODY NOTICED. So we had to bust out the tile work in that area and move the plumbing. Then she had to order new tile from the manufacturer, because she picked up the tile on clearance and nobody had it in stock. It took 2 weeks to arrive. It arrived broken. It took another 2 weeks to get here. When I unboxed it, IT WAS THE WRONG TILE! So we put it in the back behind where the washing machine will go. You can see it’s a slightly different shade. Even then, we were so low on tile we had to piece in scraps in some places! The project was delayed by 6 weeks because of 2 pieces of tile.

  1. Buy tile that is in stock.
  2. Buy more than you need.
  3. Don’t take the risk of delaying a million dollar project because you wanted to save a couple hundred on some tile.
  4. Hire a decent plumber who knows his stuff.
  5. Double check all his work with a microscope; assume he is a knuckle dragging retard who can’t look in a straight line.

It’s common sense really. I could go on and on. Later on this very sink was discovered to act as a vent for the upstairs bathroom. In other words, sometimes when you flushed the toilet, toilet smells would come out of the kitchen sink. He forgot to vent the flipping toilet. You are going to have to bust holes in the wall and drill holes in the roof to fix that. By that time it was already occupied. They had people living in it.

This plumber was a guy she raved about. He was the best plumber in town according to her. Listen, things like plumbing are designed such that they are extremely simple. That way all the 90iq people who might interested in plumbing can do it with ease. This guy couldn’t do it. This lady couldn’t tell that he couldn’t do it. This entire operation was a complete disaster from top to bottom.

I would gladly give a project like that to you losers of At least you know how to follow build orders, do situational analysis to identify problems, watch youtube videos / streamers to improve your game, etc. SC2 really does teach you good life skills that a lot of people don’t have, like this plumber. I wish this plumber had played SC1 when he was growing up.

By the way, this guy was a licensed plumber. He had the state’s rubber stamp. The state lets idiots like that walk around causing mayhem and thousands of dollars of damage while getting paid to do it. Meanwhile a competent person, perhaps someone who was the son of a plumber and grew up doing plumbing projects with his dad, can’t do plumbing work unless he bends over backwards to get the state’s license. If you think the state / government is competent, at anything, guess again.

By the way, the inspector didn’t notice that the toilet wasn’t vented, and didn’t notice that the pipe was in the wrong spot. He did notice that one of the steps on the stairs was 1/4" to low to meet code, however. Man, I am sure glad he caught that one. What on Earth would a person do if their foot had to travel an extra 1/4". We sure avoided a real travesty on that one. I am glad to pay for these super important state inspections.

Here is another one of batz cheesiest failures. Poxy hatches and tries to one base starduck. Of course it’s ‘apetoss who is going to ape’ . Game was played yesterday

h ttps://


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Reality check kid not a single person has viewed even the replay in the original post. Your internet stalking is wasted time and indicates you have a severe case of butthurt.

Reality check,kid,you are not worth the time it takes downloading the replay and running the game.People know you, a simple link check to enjoying the clown builds and salty chatlogs is enough.


In business not but I’ve sharpened my senses from playing such games as sc2. It does help ur thought process. I’ve seen people so bad at thinking some obvious things

Ugh learn to post links…

Secretary Ervin the Tiger is the MVP no match for General Luther the Knife. Imagine rally the general to the cannon

It’s even sweeter to watch it live when he plays at barely 4.9-5.0k MMR and loses some and wins some against Berry, a 4.9k MMR streamer who plays for entertainment and not seriously (he’s much better than Batz when he plays seriously).

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He just lost a 45 minute game and was so tryhard he raged that I was a maphacker rather than being a man and saying he got outplayed. Then CrusaderClown comes in to say “he wasn’t trying hard”. Rofl. Full time forum spammers out here working overtime spamming lies.

You have now watched live as I completely destroyed a GM terran streamer so hard he had to cope with maphacking accusations. Hopefully that puts to rest the “BaTz CanT PlAy MacRo GaMeS” meme.

The only reason people like BerryCrunch win games against people like me is because they drag them out and their opponents get bored, try to end it early which is a terrible idea against terran. When played out, however, he is a piece of cake to beat. I had 4 bases left to mine, one of them brand new, while being maxed and a 4k bank as he was trying to suck dry one of my almost depleted abandoned bases.

Frankly I actually played way too aggressively that game and tried way too hard to end it early. I tried to bile down command centers for “big wins” instead of going for the easier targets (scvs). Even though I made a deliberate choice to play risky and try to end it faster, I still won by an enormous margin.

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Dude, in the first game he destroyed you not even tryharding. In the second game u needed 45 minutes streamsniping him to barely scrape out a win. Keep playing yourself. I had an awesome time watching it with Crusaderking and some others :stuck_out_tongue: .

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It’s a well known fact that mutas can’t get a fourth base up kid. I can link you to games where serral and rogue can’t do it. Going for mutas basically seals your fate into stone.

Of course, his game understanding was so bad he had no clue why he was winning. He thought he was pulling me out of position. That’s incorrect. I simply didn’t have the ground forces needed to cover both locations because I was banking for mutas. That’s the problem. Mutas don’t net enough to offset how weak your ground forces become.

Being 4.9-5.0k MMR on NA isn’t bad at all (rank 190 GM or so), but it’s nowhere near the level you keep ascribing yourself to be around, which is “high enough level to be Code S if you tried a little bit harder”.

Berry is talking and interacting with chat most of the time and gives 75% of his effort the most to playing his games.

The games were decent, and replays show you win and lose against berry frequently, so its not one-sided by any means.

Kid I’ve been to 6.3k on KR. I have an 80% win-rate on my kr account right now. You’ve seen screenshots of it.

Rofl. I could win every game like the one you just witnessed if I had 45 minutes to give every game. Zerg’s win cons are in the ultra late game vs terran. I play an aggressive zerg style because I don’t have time to be a full time video gamer. I would beat berrycrunch 95-99% of the time if either A) he didn’t play turtle terran or B) I was willing to play 45 minute games.

It’s the biggest design flaw in the game right now. Terrans lose at the 10 minute mark, but you can’t force them to leave until the 45 minute mark. They have a 0.0% chance of winning but they play it out anyway hopping their opponent is impatient.

Zerg needs viable game-ending tools to use vs terran. It’s that simple. He took many bad trades with the cyclones. He had multiple bases denied multiple times and the game should have ended shortly thereafter.

He alway said he was top GM,around 6k, and it seemed to be false vecause every time he posted some clip,the enemy was around the 5k mark, he even bragged about winning (with a cheese) against some 4,5k terran, seems weird being happy enough to post a game against a supposedly much worse enemy.


Who goes from 6.3k KR to 4.9k NA, are you sure the screenshot was legit, did you lose a hand since then?

Terran vs Zerg is a fairly balanced matchup right now. You and Berry appear to have a fairly even record and he isn’t playing his best. I think that speaks for itself.


The difference was between hots and lotv. LotV does not allow you to end games fast and if you try you accept a much lower win-rate.

I had 300 APM and he had 200. APM has a correlation of 0.65 with skill. There is no doubt in any reasonable persons mind here that I am much better than he is.

That’s a blatant lie kid. GM representation is P>T>Z which doesn’t happen unless Terran is favored in TvZ. So not only am I fighting against an insane turtler who can drag a lost game out to eternity, I am also dealing with a balance disadvantage.

more like a hand, an arm, two legs and his mind. He’s still screaming ‘it’s but a fleshwound’ though…


You keep ignoring my 80% KR win-rate. Rofl. Forum spammers gonna spam lies like thier lives depend on it.

Of course I ignore that drivel: you’re full of it. You can’t even beat Berry on a regular base but you would be top 25 in KR ranked 6.3k… You wouldn’t even make top 100 on Latin Amerikappa.


You’re a low NA GM player, that’s not bad. Embrace it.

I haven’t noticed any significant issues with TvZ, riding at 51.0% on Aligulac.

If you don’t like playing against terran late game, get better at it. I don’t see any major issues with it right now, you even barely won your late game vs. Berry. Lost the first game which ended much sooner against him.

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