The quest to master protoss

On my profile where I play protoss (MikeTefalus), im currently beating D1/master zergs and terrans with pressure builds while taking a third. I have quite a decent winrate. However, i cannot for the life of me beat protoss in PvP. I lose every single game to canon rushes and adept slipping into my base and killing 13 probes. Or an oracle destroying everything I have while im on the map. To be honest, protoss is less forgiving than I thought, especially in PvP where i’m getting ravaged. The occasional ling flood with baneling bust is extremely difficult to hold because i have trouble keeping my adepts alive to scout their main. Otherwise, 3 stargate into deathball seems incredibly easy and powerful. For terran, i simply do 4 gate blink or charge pressure while i take a 3rd and tech up to storm. If they dont die on the spot (greedy) they need to be defensive and i can safely expand and take an economic lead.

So far, im surprised by how hard the early game of protoss is but how insanely easy the late game is. There was a game versus zerg where i just turtled on 3 base while he has 5+ bases and i got a bunch of voids/carrier and literally a-moved across the map. The zerg got roflstomped even if he had 3 times my apm. The fact im already, after 50-ish games, beating players that are literally almost 1k MMR higher than my terran is already a big sign of a clear imbalance in the game. Still, for the non-believers, i will finish my quest and show protoss is easier and op, once and for all. Farewell, friends

PS: Still, its harder than i thought and can be very frustrating. A single, small mistake can be game ending.


You have to learn how to cannon rush. As for the adepts, yes those shade things have been making pvp cancer for years now.

You have to keep making a pylon and then canceling it. It’s is the only way i’ve seen people deal with it.

Protoss is easy race, finally someone proving it to the slow witted


I’d rather no cheese as my main way to deal with a match up. The whole point of the challenge isnt to cheese until i get masters.

I know i need to keep canceling the pylon but im bad at it.

Rather build a shield bat. I mean if You are very Bad at cancel maybe even Build a gate. But shield bat gives You enough time.

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I actually always make Sure to tell my zerg opponents that they would already have lost a pvp because i always do a 2 gate Adept style like idk stats did? I dont know how they even Manage to lose like 7 drones to this bs.

Because You can basically gg when You lose 6 probes in a pvp. 13 probes lost is a Major yikes. Dont even try lol.

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Ofc its not always that bad but losing 5-6 probes to the adept harass is brutal. Is there an opener that can safely counter this? Would a 2stalker-2stalker opening put enough pressure for them to be enable to pressure me?

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Yes. Exactly. I always do 2 stalker 2 stalker 2 stalker because i can Build up pressure myself with 6 stalkers while only delaying nexus a little Bit and can counter greedy fast expands or early cheeses and can deny Proxy Play. But i often Times did this before bat overcharge was a thing. So its outdated i guess but i still do it because i didnt invest so much time in sc2 lately. And it still got me wins.

The First 2 stalkers always see the adepts and can do dmg to Them. They will shade away i dont bother going Back because exactly when the adepts are in Front of Your Base Your next 2 stalker will be Done and can Kill the 2 adepts. Often Times they go Nexus after 2 adepts so You can pressure their natural… its a Bit micro intensive but it got me many Build order wins and rarely lose because of that.

That sounds like a great build. I really enjoy pressure build while macro-ing behind. It like a jack of all trade that punishes macro-cheeses while still requiring skill and allowing for lategame.

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I always did the fast two stalker opener,worked well enough against anything,after stalkers,double sentry and shield battery on the main while expanding and putting down the tech.


Yeah exactly. I mostly go for those kinds of builds because as You mentioned pvp is garbage. So many cheeses. Urgh.

Also remember to occasionally build 2 to 4 adepts to shade in early to midgame or even lategame. Often Times they let their guard Down once the opening stalkers/adepts are dealt with. I love oracle harass and at the same time shading in with adepts. You can also do robo warp prism harass. I Think playing pvp is sometimes like playing Terran as You can try to Kill as many probes as possible :smiley:

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Have you tried just macroing and a-clicking your army across the map without worrying about actually needing to control that army, just keep up that macro?

Seems to be a legit strategy for Clowntoss.

Honestly, if you guys called Protoss the clown race for how PvP works, I would be fully on board with you guys. The matchup is completely busted, and IMO, shield battery overcharge did not do much to fix it. It’s one of the big reasons why I stopped laddering - because at a higher level, literally the only way to beat cannon rush effectively is to cannon rush yourself for example. That’s some hot dog waste.

I feel like what’s happening is, you’re trying what Protoss players have done against you, and it’s working well at the lower level because like you, they have no idea how to counter it. Personally, at the lower level, it certainly does take more effort to beat Protoss as Terran. However, at the higher level, things even out in terms of effort, and there is certainly no major imbalance at that point. That’s my take.

Easier? Sure. OP? Nah. But you are learning.

If you stop screaming like the others that Protoss can take whatever risks they want and get away with it, that’s a big step. A small mistake in the early game can really screw things up.

There’s no right answer except to build a pylon/shield battery to wall off the main ramp to keep the adept shade from getting in.

Killing probes is great, but if you trade out your army for it, they walk across the map and kill you. There’s a balance to everything for Protoss.

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Yeah thats true. But i mean with rather small investments like oracle or adepts.

TvT was even clownier for a large part of LOTV when it first came out.

It was actually reapers and cyclones. This is long after the clownest ever, flying tanks.

This is from many terran players saying it was cancer. Flying siege tanks is the clownest thing ever in the history of the game though. Terran’s top :clown_face:'s


Cyclons and reapers led to clown fiesta tvt games,there was no stable early game,reapers dealt so much damage with their grenades that proxy reaper killed a lot of viable builds,badically you lost every tkme you did t made the hardcounter to the proxy reaper.
Same with cyclons,there was the proxy build that was even more absurd than the non proxy,reactored cyclones with tons of dps came to your door and sniped anything you got there.

Why do you think reapers got the nerf?just because Byun?,reapers were already ruining tons of tvts. And cyclon?,that u it not only got nerfed,it received a rework because was one of the most absurd units,high dps against anything,it worked even against light units such as marines or lings,and the rate the fire was so high and the speed so fast,microing the unit meant a waste of damage,so all you had to do was focus firing and winning games under 5 minutes.

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So you admit protoss is op for 90% of the playerbase (diamond and below) !!

GOOD ! We have progress !

I feel like you only picked up half of what I said and are going along with it, but that’s okay. That’s progress too

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