Real replays from tehbatz

I’m sure we’ve all been very [Edited by Blizzard] with how tehbatz never posts actual replays of his gameplay, only screenshots and what not, so I’d like to help everyone out here. We can see his real MMR, his real builds, the king of cherry picking can’t cherry pick his games anymore. :frowning:

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I think if we follow power scaler logic, batz beating Code S players puts him in Above Code S or something, so then I’m like Above above Code S. Very cool knowing Maru is nothing compared to me!

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.


I just killed a Protoss without making a spawning pool.

What is the in-game award for killing two protoss Nexii without making a single zergling? Batz up here boosting a dozen accounts into GM with meme builds in spite of APEtoss.

Beating APEtoss with drones is harder than winning a Code S. When is Blizzard going to get off their butt and send me my medals? Just postmark them to Mount Olympus.

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So you’re confirming that I am in fact above above Code S? Thanks!

Nice content. the replay showed me what I suspected: a cheesy build that failed and some non justified BM. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the only build he had since it would fit his personality and his opinion of what starcraft is. The funny thing is that even with his spamming apm in the beginning he still couldn’t reach your average and reacted slowly to your attacks.

Keep up the good work exposing him and his nonsense.


Rofl. So he proxy raxes a 3 hatch opener and I am accused of cheese. The amount of brain damage on these forums is way too darn high.

That one is pure gold.
But APM = skill!1!!1!1!1!!!11!!!1!
His enemy obviously was more skilled.

[just making sure, Mr Goba?]


Less than 10 screens per minute… but look at that APM, true skill and only thing that matters in the game.

It is similar to what he posted sometimes, always some cheesy thing or some BM. He heavily edited things because he obviously do not want to show that poor gameplay and poor sportsmanship.


Since this topic is called ‘Real replays from tehbatz’ I decided to provide some additional content, which gives a better insight in the type of person which games you can admire further down this post.

How am I sure these are batz-games you ask? Very simple: Battlepants was so kind to post the replay, on which one can click and if you click on ‘view full details’ you can select the barcode zerg (tehbatz). I can’t praise the lord enough that it also has a ‘replays’-dashboard on which you can see replays with that player that ended up over there. Of course only the best games end up over there in which that player took part.

As you all can expect, it spiked my curiosity to watch this creature at work… so I decided to watch a couple of games of him :slight_smile: . It’s obviously no surprise at all that I have been very impressed with this godly gameplay I saw, and somehow I suddenly felt the uncontrolable urge to share some of the content with my fellow starcraftfans. Below are a couple of games I really can recommend where we can ‘admire’ thebatz in his full glory.

In this first game his cheese doesn’t work, he doesn’t split his hydra’s vs disruptors, doesn’t build corruptors vs carriers (prefers infestors),and adds BM-ing his opponent.

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In this second game he first trashtalks a terran that defeats him with tank marine and goes full bio so terran macro needs to be nerfed …

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after which he gets outplayed by the same terran playing mech. Now it’s not only ‘apetoss’ to blame but also terrans are the cause of zerg only being 20% in GM :stuck_out_tongue: .

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In this series it is also clearly the terran that is at fault. How dared he outplaying him. It was ‘pathetic’.

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To close out on our ZvT-replays, here is one terran player that also won who clearly must have been hacking :p.

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In this last gem of a game he BM’s the protossplayer from the start, tries to cheese the protoss, gets busted (who would have thought), complains about battery overcharge, then gets run over while derping around with his lings. The game closes out with some pathetic whining.

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Have fun. Should I stumble on more of this skillfull play, I won’t hesitate to add it here.

Kind regards,



Not too surprising. We all knew that batzy is a one Trick pony. He abuses the strong early game of zerg. Similar to noregret. And also gets his easy freewins like him too, if the opponent doesnt care enough. Like even idra Back in the days said: do You know how stupid and meaningless this is? Bragging about cheese wins…urgh.

But good Job for showing this punk where the Door is :slight_smile: appreciate it.

Keep your head up batzy, you and this battlepants have more in common than you think. Pretty sure this guy is also GoblinSlayer who got roasted by Neuro casting his loss against Livibee.

I’m hungry and I love cheese.

Big Gabe really hates barcodes onetrickers/cheesers,he said they deserve no respect.

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Posts picture instead of replay
A spawning pool sized building is clearly visible in the main on the mini-map
Protoss building still in Batz’s nat.

Most likely reality of this replay:
Protoss cannon/proxy rushed
Batz held with drones and slow lings
Batz killed the ape with ling/drone pull followup

Interestingly enough; was watching winter a week ago or so. He rolled Protoss against a barcode zerg that recently entered GM that did a 4 hatch before pool w/ proxy hatch build and died miserably. So you’re good enough to beat Stats in your mind but can’t beat Winter :thinking:

And any guy who aware about 4 hatch slow ling

A low IQ forum spammer projects his attitude onto me. Why would I be upset? I’ve wrecked these clowns a thousand times with meme builds. They are so proud they finally beat one they had to come racing to to post it. You beat a 4 hatch build with a proxy rax. Congrats. Anyone who thinks that’s an accomplishment is <90 iq and probably has slobber dripping all over their keyboard.

His MMR is 600 less than mine while I spam completely nonsense build orders and he plays vanilla terran on repeat like a robot. He is entranced playing the same video game for hours without end. I play a hundred games once every 6 months and get GM with random builds. So there is probably a 70 IQ gap here at least.

Never in a million years would I be dumb enough to brag about using proxy 3 rax in the first place, let alone to use it to beat 4 hatch.

By the way, did he tell you that I played his proxy 3 rax like 2 days ago and beat it with same 4 hatch build? Lmao. Of course he didn’t.

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Dude, how dare you insult this genius starcraft maestro? He watches with great care printers go BRRRR at his local pharmacy which allowed him to acquire an IQ > 160 and untold wisdow. BEHOLD !!!


I’ve literally never seen anyone go for 4 hatch before pool besides BatZ. Not in my own ladder sessions or the tens of thousands of hours I’ve watched on Youtube and Twitch of both Ladder and Pro matches. 3 Hatch slow ling, yes; that I’ve seen in ZvP. But never 4 hatch with a proxy hatch before pool. That’s a Batz special.

That’s the point. SC2 is boring and too easy for BIGbrain players, so they have to add artificial difficulties, such as beating Protoss using drones only. This clown has been clowned on so many times and to such an extreme degree he is proud he finally won a game when I’d tied both hands behind my back strategically speaking.

More low IQ projection. This thread is nothing but an enormous series of compliments that reinforce just how much smarter I am.

To be honest, over several years on the forums, Batz always brags about a cheese he has done and never any macro games. I’ve seen a ratio of 9:1 of cheese:macro builds from the Batz replays.

It appears to me he only beats higher GM players with cheese, and lingers in low GM with macro builds.

Not to be insulting as that’s decent, but let’s not overdo it and say Batz is code S material because he beats a good payer every once in a while on a barcode doing cheese.

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