Premier tournaments winrate in LOTV expansion

Solid gold. :coin: :coin: :coin:

:joy: :sunglasses:

The ironic thing is that he CLEARLY did not understand the point this infamous ā€œbatzā€ character was making. Information is the most valuable late game resource because it swings the outcomes of battles by 10ā€™s of 1000ā€™s of resources. So he was being taught something useful but couldnā€™t understand it, thus proving heā€™s closer to the orangutan than to ā€œbatzā€. He concluded it was gibberish designed merely to make him, roboroadkill, look dumb, and it appeared that way because he didnā€™t understand the points being made. Ironically he was the one to compare himself to an orangutan. Itā€™s called a Freudian slip. He accidentally admitted how he felt after reading a ā€œ300,0000 iqā€ post on information economies.

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Literally lying now. They on average have just as much games or more.

Thereā€™s literally no reason to explain it if itā€™s ā€œfalseā€ the very fact that youā€™re explaining it proves youā€™re lying. You and your pathetic little girlfriend seriously canā€™t even keep your story straight.

Letā€™s describe this so that an idiot can understand:

Faction 1 (Rank - Games/Day - Total players - Total Games/Day):
B - 1 - 10 - 10
S - 2 - 10 - 20
G - 3 - 10 - 30
P - 4 - 10 - 40
D - 5 - 10 - 50

Total Games/Day (All Leagues): 200

Faction 2 (Rank - Games/Day - Total players - Total Games/Day):
B - 1 - 20- 20
S - 2 - 15- 30
G - 3 - 10 - 30
P - 4 - 4- 16
D - 5 - 1- 5

Total Games/Day (All Leagues): 111

As you can see, the math isnā€™t mathing. Either one league has to have some sort of anomalous amount of games/day, or the margins are simply too small to register the slight edge in activity per league.

Letā€™s give you the benefit of the doubt that your thesis was actually right (it totally isnā€™t). You believed for 2.5 years that I was wrong despite literal ZERO evidence to support it. So do you admit to being delusional yet?

This is what i Said tho?

How? How am i lying If i say they Play the Same amount of Games ?

They Play the Same amount and achieve the Same as the other races.

And now you are throwing a tantrum? Cute

What are you on about ? This is Not the Case Here. T Plays Same amount as the other races. Not more. Not less. Your example is rubbish because in the example they dont Play the Same amount of Matches. But yeah i cant expect you to do an example right because you have shown that you arent capable. I mean think about your counter Arguments for top 50 bottom 50 mmr Split. You Said average height between men and women would diminish in the Same Sense (totally wrong to a degree thats laughable) and you Said similiar bmi would Show similiar bodies (also hilariously wrong). But you indeed gave 2 perfect examples why to Analyse Clusters.

Coming from a Guy who thinks that terran has been robbed for 14 years straight and playing the much much much much Harder Race and throwing a tantrum when i clearly say they Play the Same amount of Matches.

The funny Thing you cannot explain to me to this day is why would you expect equal mmr distribution If the races are Chosen with a Clear bias?

Thatā€™s cool and all but Sentry hasnā€™t posted any of his terran gameplay after they nerfed cyclones. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Yeah, Roboroadkill posts are always tl;dr ever since he abandoned the GM grind.

Apparently toss can go double gate adept into a fast third and thereā€™s literally nothing that can be done to stop it. If you flood lings off 3 hatch he comes out ahead in probes. If you ignore it he is ahead in probes. If you go gasless he can get damage with the adepts and take the third safely. Chronoboost is insanely busted. Toss are no officially expanding faster than zerg. I am getting the feeling they did a shadow balance update. Toss difficulty has absolutely exploded. Iā€™ll have to run a diff program over the files.


I have won my placement Match vs a m1 protoss.

Also did cyclon akrij build and won. I am now 4600 mmr and according to nephest my Main Race is terran. But i didnt Tell Bourne because then it would burst His bubble. I dont want to Show him outright that terran is easy as cake.

Didnt feel any Nerf

(Okokok this was a Joke. They are much weaker now but still Strong enough to kill a m1 toss without Micro; it was my First time in new Patch so i did a Lot of missmicro)

My DUDE. it is LITERALLY impossible for all games per day to be even while total games are even unless representations are exactly the same. I guess the fact that youā€™re losing your mind again and resorting to pejoratives means Iā€™m on the right track.

I literally just uninstalled, by the way. I genuinely hope sc2 collapses & the balance counsel learns a hard lesson. I am routing against it at this point.

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Dude, they donā€™t care. They made more on micro transactions, ONE micro transaction, than all of SC2 at this point. Our rage is impotent as it comes.

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Thatā€™s what they think but thatā€™s because they have room temp iq. They canā€™t extrapolate this outcome out a year into the future. They donā€™t care because they think there will be no consequences. I havenā€™t been this motivated to program a video game in years. I almost want to email some nice algorithms to frost giant just to say screw you to the balance counsel. Part of the reason new RTS donā€™t advance the genre with new concepts is because the game engine is fundamentally complicated. Developing new features is hard on a very fundamental level. I have some nice algorithms that I developed 10 years ago that Iā€™ve been sitting on. Maybe some indie studios might be interested in them. Iā€™ve been sitting on them in the hopes I use them but I am preoccupied with other things.

The reason why new studios start is because people get pissed off at the direction a game is headed. Thatā€™s literally how it works. SC2 just gets worse and worse, and they are accelerating. At some point someone is going to realize itā€™s easier to make a new game than it is to play this dumpster tier one. In fact thatā€™s the exact realization all the new studios had. The long term consequence of screwing your customer base is that you create competition. Thatā€™s how this is going to play out. Room temp iq balance counsel canā€™t see that.

The truly dark reality is that some of them probably realize this and are fine with it because they, as youtubers and streamers, will just move to the new game. So they can in essence pillage a game & when itā€™s dead they just move to the next one. It was a mind bogglingly bad idea to give pro players the ability to design the game. Whoever made that call had monumentally poor judgement. Usually power is given to people who have financial ties to the outcome.

Thatā€™s why CEOs are given stock options. If the CEO bombs, he wonā€™t make any money, but if the excels then he will make bonkers amounts of money. The people who are in charge have it as their financial priority to make the finals of tournaments balanced. Thatā€™s their financial interest. So of course they arenā€™t going to care about the player base. If the players complain, they will just say ā€œlearn to play noob, the finals were balanced so the game is balanced!ā€. Well letā€™s see how that plays out long term. I honestly hope it turns out very poorly. At this point it wouldā€™ve been better that the game was simply retired & not given any updates. That ship has sailed.

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Yeah, but then you just make short term plays to pump up their short term market cap (lay offs, etc.) and then liquidate when their tenure is over.

Current valuation over long term profitability made me rich. But itā€™s also the stupidest economic model to have run through any sane personā€™s mind (well, thereā€™s people who want legit socialism, today, so no matter how stupid you think something is, thereā€™s something else to trump it).

You lost your temper, dont you remember ? You were throwing a tantrum.

I dont know what you want. We have Activity matching the Teams. Activity means Games Played in this season. Teams mean 1v1 Players for each Race. The Activity Matches the Teams for all 3 races. Meaning there is no disparity.

I dont know what you are on about.

adapt make the early game so one-sided and forced.
Against T you have a better chance at 2 base play. Shade has hardly any counter play in early, early-mid game and itā€™s not exciting/interesting either.
when you finally have speed, toss has more adapt or oracelā€¦ Roach are stronger but lose in mobility. and before 4 queens kill one adapt he has killed 4 workers.
and again spine are uselessā€¦ because you rarely harass with armor unit.

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Good. Now make yet another step and leave this forum for good. Youā€™ve been cancer since you joined this community. Literally nothing constructive to say but crying about toss and terran (!) imbalance and desperately seeking attention. People may or may not like me, but at least iā€™m not crying about balance every day polluting forum with countless threads.

Just one question batzy: from what season is this pic ? 2017 ? :slight_smile: I will believe you only if you can get 5.5. with your < STORNG > SLAMMER account - may be even offstream if youā€™re afraid of sniping. If you can do this i will admit youā€™re 5.5k.

Very mature response from "very successful guy who writes fastest algorithms, is a scientist, is loaded with cash, is very successful with women and overall very successful at life. Bear in mind - hatred and harsh language is usually a sign of weakness.

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Apparently terran can go double upgrades and 3 cc and thereā€™s nothing that Zerg can do to stop it. If you flood lings, hellions are there to stop it, flooding roaches with a queen drop is the only way to stop it. The terran can also bank all his scans to deny creep and still keep up economically. This is why there was a poster at Dallas saying never 4 get with a picture of 4 larvae. Zerg has lost its identity as the swarm race.

Never found a reason to uninstall, comps have so much space nowadays and itā€™s not like SC2 is a big download. Did you lose a game to Uthermal doing something silly? What was the catalyst?

Wait, wait, wait, you guys actually thought youā€™d draw in new talent by screwing over your current competitors with rigged balance? :rofl: Delusional.

Hereā€™s a life lesson for you. Talented people look for ways they can exploit their talent. Lawyers are a good example. The smarter and more charismatic trial lawyer will win more cases and get more clients and make more money. What the balance counsel has signaled is that it isnā€™t your talent, your intelligence, your skill or your hard work that decides if you win ā€“ the balance counsel decides who wins. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells will stay lightyears away from SC2 pro play. They have impugned the integrity of that entire esport. Going into the future, people who might be interested in joining will be wondering ā€œbut what if the balance counsel screws me overā€ and, naturally, some of them will decide itā€™s not worth the risk.

I feel really bad for current SC2 pros because the rug was pulled out from underneath them, and they are kinda trapped. What are they going to do, start a whole new career? So they are stuck but the new people arenā€™t and it will be those people who say no. If you wanted me to do 1 base swarm host in a premier tournament just for the memes, you can kiss my butt.

Itā€™s easy to fix this mess. Balance the game on equal win-rate for equal skill and effort. Thatā€™s not an unreasonable request. No matter how many times you call me names or attack my rank or whatever, my position is & always will be the more reasonable. My integrity is not the one being impugned by wanting a fair game. Quite to the contrary, in fact, it bolsters my reputation by showing I have integrity.

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Jesus man I explained this as acutely as I could. If youā€™re 33% of the population youā€™d need an relative over-representation of 3% in order to be shown, provided you were not showing decimals (which they arenā€™t).

Itā€™s impossible to have all activity representations exactly even and total activity representation even, unless the player distribution is also evenā€¦ This isnā€™t rocket science.

But Like a few days ago you Said you actually dont Care about Activity. You agreed that they Play more or less the Same and it was only Important to you to state that they Play as much and Not less. and you Said the difference is neglectable. Which it is. You really want ā€œcompensationā€ for Activity that you might Not even See in decimals? Are you Mad? Considering you dont even know if it works in your favor or not

See? Apparently you do Care but you Said you wouldnt.

I honestly dont know why would anyone Care that much about Activity.

Well OK i know because you have literally 0 other metrics.

Reeeeee terran could be 0.5% more active than any other Race but we wouldnt See it reeeeeeee
