I started playing Starcraft at 13, which was 8 years ago. Can confirm that I don’t know much, however I’ve had many crazy life experiences that have taught me a lot. Stayed at a cult camp and filmed a documentary, had multiple near death experiences, went through a toxic relationship with gaslighting, manipulation, lying etc. had a to excommunicate a crazy business associate, had months where I couldn’t afford to buy food and had to scrape together every last penny to keep s*it afloat while appearing completely normal to everybody else so they don’t freak out etc.
The people that I’m talking to have known me since I was 13 and assume that I haven’t changed since that time and still talk to me the way they did when I first came here. It gives me a chuckle because they have no clue who they’re talking to anymore, nor did they ever really, but the person they’re talking to isn’t the person on the other side of the screen.
I find it interesting that people think they know so much about you from comments you made on the internet. I don’t presume to know anything about anyone here except for the posts I’ve read. If I were to make assumptions about who they were that went beyond that I’d just be assuming things I couldn’t possibly know. It isn’t even a courtesy, it’s a fact.
Even though I am young, it doesn’t mean that bringing up comments I made 8 years ago have any bearing on the things I have just said. This isn’t an abnormal thing on these forums, though. Everybody here believes they have clairvoyance of your intentions, personality, knowledge etc. Batz is literally the greatest example of this. However, in the honor of the great Batz, I am going to attempt to psychoanalyze every piece of this dialogue. You be the judge of my analysis.
I made one simple point, that being:
After you’ve consumed a certain amount of SC you understand how the game works and can make judgements on the effectiveness of strategies without needing to see how every game plays out
Batz responds by “testing” my knowledge by asking “What the most important late game resource is” a question that is intentionally designed by Batz, who is famous for doing this btw, for your answer to be a springboard into a 300,000 IQ explanation of how you are utterly incorrect, barely above the intelligence of a Orangutan, and an example of the shining brilliance of Batz’s unquestionably superior intellect.
My answer being that the most important late game factor is positioning and efficiency (Which is correct btw lol which you’d know if you were asking the question to get an actual answer instead of trying to manipulate people into looking stupid so you can satisfy your online ego)
His response (actually laughing while writing this) is to claim that I have ZERO understanding of economics WHATSOVER and the correct answer, according to professor Batz, is an information economy.
I don’t know if you’re familiar with Batz but if you are you’d know exactly what this is. He does this ALL the time, and he’s done it for YEARS. He truly is the master, or master in his own head, of appearing more intelligent than everyone in every conversation that he’s had, but the funny thing is that to anybody looking at it from the outside it’s clear that his own psychology is just playing out in the conversation for anyone to see. aka he just wants me to look stupid so he can win forum brownie points.
Keep in mind that his divergent point about information economies was his way of making me look dumb but it’s his way of escaping the true locus of the conversation which was my point about Artosis being able to claim hellbat builds are bad because he’s seen so much SC he knows from a game mechanics basis they aren’t the best build to go for.
His response to my agreement with this was saying that they work for precisely the same reasons I said they work, aka the opponent F’s up and therefore they work, when in practicality the original point of the conversation was discussing what works on an optimized basis, not assuming that you’re opponent is going to make mistakes.
This dude literally creates mazes in his conversations so that he can juke you into a totally different conversation that he is correct in and then proclaim victory of the WHOLE thing without ever realizing that he just agreed with everything I said but worded it to make it sound like I was wrong and he was right xD
The next guy, don’t even know who tf he is, responds to my point by bringing up s*it that happened 8 years ago and bringing up my ladder ranking, with zero responses to my actual argument.
This is why this is the greatest forum on the internet because people are so pathological it’s a spectacle whenever you attempt to have a rational conversation.