Yes, they should. Not because they have to but because it would show that they actually care.
This is not because something is free that they can do everything they want without consequences. XP is free, you can play Raynor and gain XP. One can use gmail or outlook for free too but if you can see all but the last two lines of each email, this is a problem and people will start looking for alternatives. Same here: if they want people to keep playing SC2, they should fix this asap and a sign of good will would be to compensate for the XP Bug.
That’s not an either/or situation. I’m using a third option: playing because I want to play, without caring that much about the XP issue.
There are also two very different kinds of people concerned about this:
those who paid for a stimpack, who absolutely should demand to get what they paid for
those who didn’t pay anything and just played the game
For the first group, I’m expecting the stimpack duration to be extended, since that’s by far the easiest way to compensate for it. Might also very well be the only option.
Expecting Blizzard to go through the match history of every single player, find out how much mastery + bonus XP they should have gotten for each one and adding that to their accounts is borderline delusional.
For the second group, those who just want to be “compensated” for the time they spent playing without getting XP… too bad?
This bug has been known since day 1, you can see it happening after 1 game, confirm it after another. If getting XP is so important to you in order to justify the time you spent playing, don’t play until the bug is fixed.
Blizzard may do something like give everybody a free stimpack for some number of days, but that’s entirely up to them. It’d certainly be a nice gesture after causing such a mess with this patch, and not doing anything would be quick dickish, but you cannot expect them to do it.
Can’t believe i just knee jerk responded without reading your post lol. I agree with all of this 100%. This sounds like something that would spew out of my mouth lolz.
It would be nice if the Stimpack / Warchest etc duration was extended for compensation, at least equal to the duration of it being impossible to gain Ascension XP in Co-op (which is still bugged, at least on Brutal+ on the EU server, as of writing this message). If anything, Activision Blizzard might have to or they could be seen as violating the laws that regard consumer protection (in essence, those who bought the Warchest didn’t get what was advertised, or at least breaking the spirit of the product through a technicality… i.e. “any XP you gain during this period will be scaled by this factor… but we didn’t say anything about actually being able to get anything greater than zero XP during that time”) and they could be taken to court for it. Any greater compensation than that though would just be a good gesture and shouldn’t be expected.
First rule of anything… don’t mess with people’s money.
Nobody said anything about not moving on, and nobody called you weird. In fact, I took your side and also now agree this is won and pointless. So idk why you’re coming back here to fire shots.
They are fixin’ the issue, extending the Warchest and Mengsk Bundle Stimpacks as well as introducing the holiday season EXP boost earlier thsn intended. So now y’all can calm down.
Yes, it has. Here’s the part about the Holiday EXP boost:
Holiday Bonus We will be turning on our Holiday Bonus XP earlier than initially planned. We will be running a period of 100% Holiday Bonus XP starting tomorrow, December 6th, PST and going through January 1st, PST.
The thread is in General Discussion if you wanna have a look-see.
Just saw it now, thx. Not sure how I missed it when I checked 20min ago but on my phone currently.
The extension to warchest and Mengsk + this holiday thing seems more than fair and what I was expecting if they could not credit back all the games played for past 10 days.
People won’t get their levels back instantly but will at least be able to earn them again at a much quicker rate starting tomorrow.
Looks like they intend to fix the XP bug later today as well.