Wow - Thanks Blizzard! (Regarding XP)

EDIT: Can confirm - bugfix is live.

Well, I’m a little sad that we aren’t getting xp earned during that time (grumble grumble) but early holiday XP and extended stimpacks should help.

Anyone know when this is going live?

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it`s a scam…
you end up losing more than 50% of the exp you earned. assuming you played 100 games during the bug, you would have lost close to 5 million exp + 370k ascension bounty.
the 100% holiday bonus only gives you back approx 2.2 million, so a net loss of over 3 million exp.

you only recover full exp if you only played on casual difficulty and didnt choose random map.

You played 10 games a day? Bruh.


Why would you play 100 games if you knew you weren’t getting any xp?

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Probably because he assumed it was being recorded server side or something. I did the same thing. Ah well…


To be honest, I don’t quite understand your logic. Isn’t it 100% MORE exp for the holiday bonus, which would go on top of all the other bonuses. (Hard / brutal / brutal+ etc., random). Wouldn’t it just increase by another 100% netting you more exp over that same 100 games in the long run?

An illegal plan for making money, especially one that involves tricking people


They’ve added +200%, not +100% (100% holiday. And 50% stim, 50% warchest, which both have been extended). So playing another 100 games will give the same amount as lost as they are guaranteed to be worth double regardless of stim or warchest purchase during the glitch. Only the bounty is lost.

Add in the games not lost by people if they played any CO not level 15, which the vast majority of people will have due to Mengsk alone.

And add in any games on top for people who didn’t play anywhere near 100 games, due to perhaps a certain bug.

So, I ask you, how is it a scam? Given:

A) They did not make money from this (see definition)
B) Most people will profit from this XP wise.


They made money because they had to release Mengsk before the hype dies down. So they pushed it out without bugtesting (or knowingly broken), because sales always take a nosedive around Christmas once people bought all their presents.

Thats quite a leap without any data there. Glitches can appear at any time, compiling it with the ladder patch could have caused an issue that didn’t exist during testing. Heck, the way it may have been compressed to send out can cause glitches.

They sold Mengsk, not XP. They are extending purchased goods, not saying “we’re sorry, here’s a $1 stim for you to buy”.

I can just as easily say it’s due to the end mission blurb they enabled. I have just as much proof as you do.


no the 100% is based of the base exp, which is 20k+2k bonus. so that’s 22k extra exp from the holiday bonus.
a random brutal mission gives a total of 49,5k.
so to make it clear:
(49,5k x 100) (these are the played games during the bug) - (22,5 x 100) (this is what blizzard gave to compensate) = 2.7 million lost exp + bounties = 3 million lost exp

I could understand the remarks if it was millions of DOLLARS you were talking about… man you talk about exp as if it were a currency of some sort… like someone took away your money prize… just c’mon… be glad it’s been solved, and that they are giving us a boost to somehow make up for the loss… if you played a lot of coop this last week, you did it because you enjoyed it, not to take a gamble on something so tricky and uncertain as exp being recorded “somewhere”… if you took the gamble and lost, well that’s life…

I see what you are saying now. You are relating the exp bonus on the next 100 matches versus what you lost previously on the former 100 matches. What you want is the bonus for the next 100 matches to completely cover all of the lost exp.

Not much to say about that. EXP was unfortunately lost. I’m just gonna be happy I got what I got going forward.

It’s really the least they could have done, but still, it’s good to see them own up to their mistake and make amends.

They could’ve done a lot less.

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Wow, guess life sucks right now… you should open a ticket with technical support…

Well it is true EXP was lost, but because the early Holiday bonus, although small, is being released early it means potential EXP earned should greatly out strip the lost EXP. So say they didn’t release this for another two weeks. All games during that time that would not have the holiday bonus. If we then calculate the number of games played at 10 per day for a total of 140 we exceed 133 games played or 9.5 games per day which would result in a net gain. Granted this is not much of gain it still would replace the lost exp and then some. The only real loss here is the time invested playing, but then again playing the game is half the fun.

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