Thanks for testing Americas region and letting us know the problem is in both. Could you run an MTR test to for about 5 minutes? This is the authentication server.
That is our authentication server. Tests to patch server may also be helpful for this problem:
I also would like to mention; for me it takes about 10~ minutes for Starcraft 2 to launch.
(btw. I cannot post links, sorry for the long log post, would’ve posted a pastebin instead.)
Same here. Europe. Yesterday I had endless loading. Quit waiting after about 15 minutes.
Reinstalled both battlenet and SC2. About 4-6 minutes to launch today.
If i try to play the game normally then i get the loading thing and after some minutes the game will open. But if i activate my vpn then the game opens and plays instantly. What ive been doing is that i activate my vpn, then open the game, then deactivate my vpn, then it says reconnected to blizzard services ingame and i can play. But it is getting quite annoying having to do this every time i want to play the game unless i want to wait about 5 minutes for the game to open.
its still happeding and i’v SLOVED it! Found Good Temporally fix to infinite load bar in sc2 that not loading, or you need to wait 10 minutes. to just few seconds
I had an issue with the game taking too much to load (~5min).
Not sure if it’s actually the thing that helped me solve this issue or just a coincidence but I allowed private network communications for SCII in windows firewall settings and now the long loading time is gone.
Can someone with the same issue try this out and post the result here?
If it does help the problem MIGHT be with some UPnP shenanigans.
Talv thanks for a detailed explanation. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work for me (US region) I abandoned the game 3 months or so bc of this reason. I came back hoping after all this time it was fixed. So sad to find it isn’t. I’ll try other tricks, but Blizzard we do expect more from you guys!!!
I don’t know if this will help anyone, however, I ended up here with the same problem as everyone else. I would click play and it would load for a long time and say “Game is running.” I ended the Agent.exe process multiple times as well as restarted my computer and performed the Scan and Repair multiple times. etc.
What finally fixed it for me - deleted a campaign save file that I had created right before the issue began. Now I have no issue at all. It seems like the game was trying to restore my save automatically, but failed until I was already in the game and could continue the campaign from inside.
Thanks for all the other tips - I hope my issue remains resolved.