Same here. Game ran fine yesterday. Starting from today it just keeps loading. Nothing happens.
from what I can read, seems to be a general issue and nothing starcraft II related, oh well I will check back in a week
Are you going to fix this? Like…EVER?!
This is really working! But every time i want to play must follow this procedure?
i found a quick solution so far, connecting your phone to the pc and share thetering usb internet from your smartphone, game workings, when u are into the menu back to the local connection.
Thanks for waisting my achievement attempt, incompetent devs
The solution works for me too, I only copied and pasted the 3b folder, thanks for your help.
I had the same issue yesterday.
Graphic drivers update = no help.
System clean = no help.
Game reinstall = no help.
Scan disk = all OK, no help.
What worked for me was to do all the windows updates, now I am on build 19041 (version 2004) and the game started to work fine.
Another day, same problem.
Blizzard should be ashamed, but the people that cared were laid off by Activision a long time ago.
Same here. Fix by OP worked after 3rd try.
Same here. 2 days ago everything worked fine, yesterday and today can’t launch at all, launcher is stating that “the game is running” but keeps the loading window open forever. Great work Activision.
Hey there,
Thanks for letting us know about this, I’ll get everyone who is posting here added to our tracking and reopen the report.
If you are experiencing this issue and have not posted on this thread, please do so. Thank you!
I’ll update this thread as soon as I have more information.
same problem here thats so nastyyy
i think there is something wrong with the ISP, to log in i have to connecting my phone to the pc, sharing the connection on thetering USB, when im logged into the menu, i connect back the local ISP cable and unplug the smartphone
Having a same issue here
Same problem. I had this issue a few months ago… it got fixed, but now It’s back.
Hey there,
I’m seeing tons of different ISP/Countries reporting this. If it is an ISP issue it may be with a “Peer” network. So far all reports are from Europe region of the game. Does the same issue happen when playing Americas version? This will help identify if the problem is region specific.
To test this please use the little world icon just above the play button in the application.
Let us know how it goes!
Side note, added all the new posts to tracking. Thank you for posting!
Same problem, SC2 was working fine until 2 days ago, but now game can’t load properly (win dialog bar with never ending progress bar) either via launcher or through executables. “Trick” with starting game offline worked only yesterday, today by doing same game won’t even start - only giving error about not being able to connect to Blizzard’s servers. But solution with pasting over config files - [3b] folder to be precise, did let me normally launch the game. EU region btw.
Same here. EU server.
I am from Europe, been playing on the American region.
Same problem as the others, started yesterday for me though.
I thought it’s some regional problem too, so I switched to Europe and it didn’t change anything. Scan & Repair didn’t help either.