Americas server, USA
All I’ve gotten for the last week is “Server down for maintenance”.
Is it really down for maintenance or just can’t connect?
I have been having the same problem for the last week also. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling 3 times and that does nothing either. Someone help us please!!
having the same problem for the last few days as well, keep getting a message saying that connection problem or server maintenance
I’ve been having the same issue for at least a week.
Having same issue, can’t connect online always down for maintenance
Thank you for your reports, everyone! I believe this may be similar to some of the issues we were seeing with the “Version Mismatch” and Region XX-07 on this thread. I went ahead and updated the title in case some of the suggestions here may help.
We’re gathering information these issues separately, but I am curious does reinstalling the game seem to fix this problem? It seems like the latest patch may have caused some issues with specific installations.
I have been experiencing this issue since last week, keep getting a message that server is under maintenance or there is a connection problem. Does anyone know what is going on?
I’m having the same problem, but for some reason the region is XX-07. Which I think is the problem. Regions are suppose to be places not whatever that is. I’m doing through stuff like this to see if I find a solution.
found a solution. Reinstall sc2
mate, that is exactly the same region i m getting. damn it
Ive gotten the same message this whole week.
I’ve had same problem for past week trying to connect to Asian server. Their tech support appears supportless!
So I download the new anniversary patch for StarCraft II, but when I try to play, I get a window saying “ is down for maintenance”. The game seems to think it’s on the PTR, Region XX-07 when I’m clearly connected to the Americas
I’m having the exact same problem for days, and cannot get past it.
Please check out the post linked above. Does anyone still experience this problem after reinstalling the game?
Deleting the PTR file seems to have fixed mine.
Reinstalling worked for me today.