[Main Thread] Europe - Game Crashing when in or Searching for Arcade

As soon as I go to custom and click on arcade, the game crashes. This happened since the last update.
Take ur time with responding, in the meantime I can still play co op :stuck_out_tongue:
Be safe and thnx for the help ^^


A post was split to a new topic: SigmaPhoenix - SC2 Crashes

Hey, Tariek! Thank you for including details here! It seems that this may have been missed by us here. It looks like the crashes with custom arcades are due to creep visualization which makes it a bit tricky to determine the exact cause. Does this crash seem to happen only in custom or specific maps?

Requested details have been removed, please read this post for more details.

Hi, I have the same problem

I see this after clicking on reopen in the window with the error I don’t know if it will help but the versions don’t work
two different version in bnet i see -
and after reopen i see -

Sorry for english i use translator and IDK how to send image

My client has started crashing when I go to custom then arcade tab to look at the list of games. I am able to look at arcade lobbies. This issue only happens when I am in the EU region. When I am in the NA region I am able to go to the arcade search tab with no issues. The last code it gave me was 0270D3B8-1FD2-417A-A9E6-1CBE87F50528.

I moved a few thread here so we can centralize the reports here. I just wanted to let you all know that we are aware of the issues with Arcade for the European region. The issue has been replicated by our technical support team. This does not mean that we have confirmed the bug and quality assurance needs to run through some testing first.

From what we’ve seen testing a different region will work around the issue. We’ve requested more details over on this post:

We’ll provide updates on either this thread or the one linked above when we have more details on the issue. Thank you for your reports!