Is there a chart or formula for Swann's Improved SCVs?

His lv8 talent: Allows multiple SCVs to build a structure in tandem, reducing its construction time. Repairing no longer costs resources.

Was there ever a way to quantify just how much quicker/improved the build times are given ‘x’ number of SCVs piled on? I looked up build times for some of the common things I end up “quick building” with him below…

30 = Supply Depot
60 = Factory
65 = Armory
50 = Starport
100 = CC

… but TBH, I usually just pile on 2 for a Supply Depot. 3 if in a rush. 5 to 10 for a CC depending on how many SCVs I select via drag-click from my resource line. Then ‘call it a day’. I’m curious where you start getting diminishing returns.

EDIT: Trying out the forum’s table feature. Should let me put in an entire table with minimal work…

Note that Refinery was left out since it has the same build time as the Supply Depot

# of SCVs depot Ebay Flame Betty Blaster Billy Spin Dizzy Factory Armory Star CC # of SCVs
1 30 35 23 26 19 60 65 50 100 1
2 18.75 21.88 14.38 16.25 11.88 37.50 40.63 31.25 62.50 2
3 13.64 15.91 10.45 11.82 8.64 27.27 29.55 22.73 45.45 3
4 10.71 12.50 8.21 9.29 6.79 21.43 23.21 17.86 35.71 4
5 8.82 10.29 6.76 7.65 5.59 17.65 19.12 14.71 29.41 5
6 7.50 8.75 5.75 6.50 4.75 15.00 16.25 12.50 25.00 6
7 6.52 7.61 5.00 5.65 4.13 13.04 14.13 10.87 21.74 7
8 5.77 6.73 4.42 5.00 3.65 11.54 12.50 9.62 19.23 8
9 5.17 6.03 3.97 4.48 3.28 10.34 11.21 8.62 17.24 9
10 4.69 5.47 3.59 4.06 2.97 9.38 10.16 7.81 15.63 10
11 4.29 5.00 3.29 3.71 2.71 8.57 9.29 7.14 14.29 11
12 3.95 4.61 3.03 3.42 2.50 7.89 8.55 6.58 13.16 12
13 3.66 4.27 2.80 3.17 2.32 7.32 7.93 6.10 12.20 13
14 3.41 3.98 2.61 2.95 2.16 6.82 7.39 5.68 11.36 14
15 3.19 3.72 2.45 2.77 2.02 6.38 6.91 5.32 10.64 15
16 3.00 3.50 2.30 2.60 1.90 6.00 6.50 5.00 10.00 16
17 2.83 3.30 2.17 2.45 1.79 5.66 6.13 4.72 9.43 17
18 2.68 3.13 2.05 2.32 1.70 5.36 5.80 4.46 8.93 18
19 2.54 2.97 1.95 2.20 1.61 5.08 5.51 4.24 8.47 19
20 2.42 2.82 1.85 2.10 1.53 4.84 5.24 4.03 8.06 20
21 2.31 2.69 1.77 2.00 1.46 4.62 5.00 3.85 7.69 21
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Additional SCVs seems to be working at half efficiency. So you will build 2 times faster with 3 workers, 5 times faster with 9.

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Yeah I usually make 9 extra scvs cause I tend to go structure TD mode here and there. Just pop the scvs or send em in to die afterwards with that funny little quote of theirs “What did you run out of marines!?” :sweat_smile:

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Each additional scv’s make 0.6x faster, not 1x pretty low ratio

Managed to work out the figures, with someone mentioning that 10 is the max you can allocate…

# of SCVs for Command Center build time
1    100
2    62.5
3    45.45454545
4    35.71428571
5    29.41176471
6    25
7    21.73913043
8    19.23076923
9    17.24137931
10   15.625   <<< MAX
11   14.28571429
12   13.15789474
13   12.19512195
14   11.36363636
15   10.63829787
16   10
17   9.433962264