Does anyone play swann?

Swann has improved SCVs…

… pile on 3 of them, and Supply Depot gets done in 14s instead of 30. You can rapid build any structure as a means to rapidly speed up your econ, tech tree, etc., so it’s a nice fallback if your macro slips

Tanks have Immortality Protocol. I have max mastery in this, so tanks that would die in the field get rebuilt quickly, at discount. No need to tie up Factories, nor have to move them back to the front lines

Gollies with the “shoot ground and air” upgrade are strong against Void Slivers, Void Shards, and Void Thrashers. They’re generally nice AA, esp. with their long range. It helps to repair them, or use Science Vessel Def. Matrix to prolong their lives. Otherwise, be ready to replace them.

Oh, also possible since he has Tech Reactors!

Warbots may be boring, but are a tried and true “panic button”

Drakken Laser Drill usually racks up the most damage done by a single entity on the stats screen

Concentrated Beam clears most waves and forts (and provides limited, short time vision).

Pulse Cannon is his version of Nuke. On the last escort force for Chain of Ascension, a single Pulse Cannon took out 11 Thors, a smattering of Gollies, Tanks, and other Terran Factory units, while severely weakening Hybrids for easy mop up.

His towers are versatile, can be quick built via Improved SCVs, can be upgraded, and salvaged if you need to minerals. Flaming Betty for AG (anti-ground) swarmy comps. Billy Blaster for hard hitting and more range. Spinning Dizzy for AA (also includes missile pod for AoE AA)

Many COs appreciate Harvester Drones for extra gas.


EDIT: I haven’t even mentioned Wraiths and Hercs, so everything above can be done with far less than “super man micro”. If you can master those, you’ll get even more mileage out of Swann.

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