Improved Vorazun Dark Pylons

I have improved Void Ray Speed to ladder level (3) and Dark Pylon’s cloaking abilities which allows you to stay cloaked for 5 seconds.

I am thinking of applying cloaking duration into Dark Pylon Mastery. 60% for +3 seconds.
So fully invested Dark Pylon has 60% wider range and cloaking will take 8 seconds.

These two improvements provide synergy for more aggressive hit and run tactics on using Void Rays. Their attack and survivability is further enhanced.



That 5 seconds didn’t feel like 5 seconds, and the Void Rays feel a tad bit too speedy.
Otherwise, I’m okay with the “You are cloaked for 5 seconds after leaving the Dark Pylon AoE” change.

I think ya should have either 1 of each, speed voids or the cloaked for 5 sec.

Definitelly prefer the cloaked, I do want dark pylon to compete with black hole, mostly because they’re just used for recall rather than the revive cloak.

Instead of dark pylon range increase mastery, i think dark pylon cloaking lingering after going out of the pylon range by +0.2~6s is a better mastery.

I think without speedy Void Rays, you wouldn’t get very far from the Dark Pylon’s field in 5 game-seconds, rendering the effect nearly useless, unless dropping DP’s everywhere. Btw, I think Prismatic Range buff drops off in about 5 secs too (once not attacking).

It may make her Zealots (Centurions) more useful in defensive postions. And then Stalkers could get 5 seconds of DP cloak + 5 seconds of Blink cloak, which seems like fun. Again, defensively or by dropping DP’s everywhere.

Or Blizz could have made it exactly like the ladder rays - Prismatic Alignment for extra anti-armour dmg is manually activated and slows down the void rays while it’s active. (15 second active time + 60 second cooldown?)

Although, if Voids were as fast as the ladder without prismatic alignment active + ladder’s speed upgrade, the mass Void Ray build would be too powerful to just be a meme. But we might see more use of them.

After my comments above, I realise that’s exactly what would happen :smiley: Rays and Stalkers do enough anti armour damage that you don’t need much Black Hole duration, or that many, and this would actually provide a good use for a DP’s power. And one could consider dropping DP’s more often than Black Holes but with their 60-second cooldown, no more than once per attack wave/enemy base.

But alas, OP’s suggestion is too creative & too useful to actually get implemented.


idk. i absolutely love having all the power i need off 1 pylon. i can just spam them in a corner for supply. it’s very convenient.

and how often do people use DP’s in situations where 6 seconds of cloaking will make a huge difference? (i know i never do)

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Got no idea what you are trying to say :slight_smile:

I agree, this could be interesting. But I think Vorazun is the only Protoss commander whose power field is changeable*/can be larger than the others, making it unique, even if it’s useful only in niche situations. So I doubt they’d consider removing it.

*Excluding… all the other Protoss CO’s:

  • Artanis - can deploy a power field anywhere with vision
  • Alarak - War Prism can provide a power field
  • Karax - Energizers … ^
  • Fenix - Conservator …^
  • (Zeratul can’t warp in units, and doesn’t require power fields.)

Hmpf, maybe DP’s unique changey-ness ain’t that special after all :stuck_out_tongue: It’s her equivalent of a deployable power field, which can be made larger than the others’.


Good for using Dark Pylons more aggressively.
This ability would be very useful for Dark Archons, Void Rays and other non cloaking units and promote fun hit and run tactics.

Hopefully this would get implemented even if its watered down.


Ehhh I actually like the huge range dark pylon a lot! instead of lingering, why not just have the dark pylon be able to cast their cloak field for a few seconds? It could be a choice between recall or casting the field.

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Dark Templar’s Void Statsis are now enabled to target Air.

Or don’t. Ladder rays are boring. Rays fine as it is, speed will just help noobs to play them better, which is not very good option.

The “ladder-equivalent” unupgraded void ray speed would be 2.5 (up from current 2.25), not 3 (considering that ladder uses real time, but Co-op has blizzard time, that is 40% faster … 3.5/1.4=2.5)

Very OP… it neutralizes all non heroic detectors that way

DT would be invulnerable to any non hybrid army (protoss observers would be a problem unless vorazun brought oracles)

I don’t think its that OP.
Vorazun has many Anti Ground stun abilities
Give Oracle’s Stasis Wards can stun multiple enemies, able to be attacked, all enemy types are stunned.
Corsairs can stun ground units/structures in area.

While enemies in DT’s Void stasis cannot be attacked and one target only and cannot be casted to heroic units.
How about we make it castable to Structures and Non heroic Air units only?

How about we don’t touch it? Dark templar is strongest unit and this ability is useful to remove detection. If you can’t snipe detection you get complications - that’s the point of interesting gameplay. What you suggest is make already most useful comp on Vorazun nearly invincible for the sake of making game boring (i can’t find other explanation). Better to just increase void ray damage, and don’t touch other things that are working fine. Ah yes, return technology adapting while using mind control as it always was in starcraft from bw times.

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Necromancy is strong.

Agreed, but in OP’s defense, he/she/they are talking about an update to their modified version of the CO. Would be silly to start a new thread for “Dark Templar’s Void Statsis are now enabled to target Air.”

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I was sure I read that before. I had; your post :slight_smile:

I never knew DT’s Void stasis can lock ground units is that what Dehakaburger is trying to say? I those were for detector structures only.

It would be nice if DT can trap air detectors though but Yeah I say leave the Air to Stalkers and Corsairs.