Flux Vanes for Vorazun

Back in broodwar, we have ‘upgrade complete’ or ‘research complete’ to distinguish. For the zerg, it will be ‘evolution complete’ and ‘adaptation complete’.

The key differences seems to be
_ research unlock new function for units which come in the form of active or passive abilities, sometimes, it will be dealing more damage to a certain unit attribute (armoured / light, massive, psionic…) or thing that are much harder to code (range, health, energy…)
_ upgrades, however, only improve the effectiveness of units.

So research vs upgrade is functionality vs effectiveness

I don’t think it matters how anyone prefers to call it. It is fine as long as you know, but for more uniformal discussion, at least if we don’t confuse the terms.

And really this isn’t about all researches are upgrades. It’s more about should we add the Flux Vane research? I think it’s just easier to increase Voidray unit speed. It avoids a lot of work and serves the same purpose.

A button that temporarily make voidray invisible and move faster is probably better

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I very much like that idea.

Kinda like try Medivac boost but cooler.

This would make the only units of hers that cannot cloak on their own to be Centurion and Dark Archon. I’m surprised that they all didn’t come with this ability, but I figured they wanted to leave a few units to only have that option via Dark Pylon.

But… we still do. “Upgrade complete” or “evolution complete” means a weapon/armor upgrade finished. “Research complete” or “metamorphosis complete” means a unit specific upgrade finished.

Generally i really hate that units have too similar abilities and in this discussion, it is voidray speed boost which is identical to medivac burner.

I commented the ability as a joke and sarcasm rather than actual suggestions because i think voidray is ok, buffing them any more is just too power creeping. Amassing Voidray into large group allows them to take on everything that are thrown at them. I would prefer people to consider using ‘dark pylon’ calldown if they want to boost voidray attack and cloak them in combat.

Also i believe Centurion can temporarily cloak, isn’t it? And even if they can’t cloak themselves, it is fine because they are tank units. What good is a tank if your enemies choose to ignore it and go straight for other valuable backside units? I generally don’t want them to attack my dark archons.

For Dark archon, i think their inability to cloak is a good thing. They are strong spell casters. I don’t want to give them every single thing. There should be more weakness to balance out their power.

There are definite micro potential to this speed boost suggestion.

A few of the worst things against mass Voidrays are Parasitic Bomb, Storm. Seeker Missiles. The boost would allow much better gameplay. Right now you plainly just take a portion of the damage. If this is implemented, the power creep would only be in avoiding damage taken.

Because, we’ve got ALL the zealot variants in the game, both stalker variants, dragoons, supplicants, vanguards, both colossi variants, Fenix Disruptors, vanguards, both Phoenix variants, corsairs, Raynor and Horner’s vikings, all of Han’s units, both wraith variants, literally ALL of Nova’s units, Raynor’s banshees, vultures, cyclones, Swann’s hellbats, and his goliaths, and science vessels…

Is that enough units following the 2 upgrade rule of thumb for you? Which, by the way, is primarily violated by Zerg commanders actually, who usually have a lot more for whatever strange reason.

Because evolution…? Sure, lets go with that

Well, I’m a bit lazy to list all the units which have 1, 3 or 4 researchable upgrades, but maybe its just my understanding of term “general guide” is somehow different of yours.
There’re too many exceptions to consider it a “rule” in my opinion.

Just wanna know how you folks would think on this

What if Vora’s Void Rays will cloak and de-cloak themselves in a cycle of ≤3 seconds whenever they have a stack of Prismatic Alignment and an upgrade that can decrease the de-cloak duration with each stack of Prismatic Alignment?

Also, Void Rays within the Dark Pylon field always remain 1 stack of PA.

Hope that’s not overboard or power creeping.

I really would invite you to just go over for yourself the number of NON-ZERG units with 3 or 4 unique upgrades. I think you would find it a lot smaller than you expect.

Its just as many as I expect.

Lol, why is this still detracting the thread.

There’s something like 15 non-hero units in all of coop with unique/specific research 3-4 (rather than 2 or less).That is out of approximately 100 non-hero units (ave 6 x 16, Tychus and Zeratul don’t count).

Things like Stim Pack, Warp Jump, Spawn Broodling, etc. are not counted because they aren’t unique to one unit.

The point of me mentioning it wasn’t “hey look, we have to follow this rule, harr harr harrr”. It was more of an observation from playing coop, which most units don’t have more than 2. Most that do are definitely more Zerg-oriented.

No need to take it so literally y’all.


I think it’s better to have it under research, and have us decide which one we want first, based on enemy comp, mission, etc. It sticks to the general 2-research per unit pattern “Tech upgrades”.

Maybe it’s announcer specific? The Vorazun-announcer says “Research Complete” and “Upgrade Complete”. Also, aren’t the Research called “Tech upgrades”?

Yes. For the current ladder version, Prismatic Alignment ability is player-activated for a short period, during which the Void Rays’ speed is reduced. It’s nearly as slow as the Co-op version.

Even with the Flux Vanes upgrade, while PrisAlign is active, movement speed is reduced. Since Vorazun’s rays have them perma-on, it’s effectively that reduced speed (slower). The version for Co-op would then be FV speed at all times with PrisAlign as well as Prismatic Range, which I think is a bit OP.

From the Oct 2019 Balance update (for ladder) https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/starcraft2/23159844/starcraft-ii-balance-update-2019:

New upgrade found on the Fleet Beacon: Flux Vanes

  • Increases the Void Ray’s movement speed from 3.5 to 4.65.
  • Increases the Void Ray’s acceleration from 2.8 to 3.76.
  • After the upgrade, the Prismatic Alignment ability will still reduce the Void Ray’s movement speed to 2.625.

Vora’s version’s speed is 2.25 (https://starcraft2coop.com/tools/unitstats), 30% slower than ladder. Even if lower than ladder speeds, making it like the ladder version/behaviour would be better, minus that we don’t have to research Pris Align. 3.25 seems reasonable compared to her Corsairs, which have mov speed 4.

That might be too fast, considering :arrow_up:

Also like Stalkers with Phase Reactor - to have increased Shield Regen while cloaked from the blink, along with the Strike from the Shadows and Emergency Recall passives.

Ah, I never noticed that. Not sure which passive is responsible for that. Maybe the 15% attack speed passive under DP triggers the PA? But only one level? Probably a bug. :shushing_face:

FWIW, afterburners are mostly a Terran thing (IIRC, all of Raynor’s mech after upgrade, and Medivacs and some their equivalents), so it still seems like it’d be unique enough.

I see. Thanks for clarifying!

Should be moot, as enemy is pretty good at keeping up with detection later in the game. They’ll still reap the talent rewards of rapid shield charging and “2nd life upon death”.

I wouldn’t mind either, but I wouldn’t be surprised if someone asks about this at some later point so that they all could cloak on their own!

That’s to synergize with my suggestion of Void Ray’s special cloaking. Right now Dark Pylon does not have this effect.

Isn’t that just because on the ladder the time is measured in real time seconds, but in coop it’s Blizzard seconds (=72% of real time second on Brutal) and the speed of a unit might be measured as distance over said second. Void ray had speed of 2.25 in WoL and HotS ladder when time was measured in Blizzard seconds

edit: the LotV speed equivalent of 2.25 is 3.15 and it has been increased slightly since then:

Patch 3.8.0

  • Speed increased from 3.15 to 3.5.
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I made a proposal to improve Dark Pylons to have units to stay cloaked temporarily (+5 sec) when they get outside of it.
I also increased the speed of Void rays.
They are good for hit and runs