Hero is riding a colossal protoss tsunami which is not impressive in the slightest. They buffed Protoss to where they achieved >60% win-rates in the pro scene, which hasn’t happened since 2010. Magically, Hero starts doing well. Contrast that against Innovation, who won GSL across many game versions, including versions of the game when Terran undeniably struggled. Do you remember Innovation going 4-0 against the best Protoss at the time when Protoss was heavily favored in TvP? He was a beast. At IEM he slaughtered Byun, Ty, and Maru. Byun tried proxy reaper and it failed. Innovatin used proxy reaper the next game and won. If you believed the GSL casters, Byun’s reaper builds were “unbeatable”. Innovation was a legend. Hero just doesn’t compare.
While I do think youre being a bit harsh, to some extent I agree with the notion that herO isn’t quite the god that people make him out to be. However, he is unequivocally the best protoss player right now, and has singlehandedly redefined the meta after coming back from military service.
Aged Like Milk. Gsl st only Had 3 protoss opposed to 7 terrans and 6 zergs and after ro 16 they are all Out. Protoss OP my a$$
I will say that herO going out to Bunny 3-0 after beating him recently 4-3 Is quite the surprise.
Maru vs Classic was almost a foregone conclusion. I dont even remember who the third toss was - Trap wasnt in because he got eliminated really early in the previous season, right? Or was it because he went to military?
Hm idk. Bunny won the bo5 vs Hero in the dh Finals aswell but lost in the end because it was a bo7 (Bunny won First map Hero the second and Bunny took the next 2). Bunny is pretty aggressive and that works apparently very Well vs Hero.
Thats true It was kinda hard to watch. Beating Classic with a 8 min Push without any commitment Like Classic was some Kind of Diamond Player. He got outclassed.
And opposed to the Other protoss He actually got 1 Match win. But yeah it was obvious as Well.
Oh I wasn’t saying it wasn’t possible. Just that I was surprised it was a 3-0, rather than 3-1 or 3-2.
Finally Zerg is not stronger than both of the other races.
So other races can finally win some majors.
Rest is blabla, aligulac / tournament wins is what matters.
What a perfect example of how affirmative action backfires. It took buffing Protoss to where skytoss can be f2+aclicked through Zerg before a Protoss won GSL. Now Protoss dominates Grandmaster while having substantially lower skill metrics (spending skill, screen movements per second, APM, etc). SC2’s affirmative action fixed a small problem that affected 1 player in 1,000,000 and created a problem that affects all players who play the game. Wonderful. The best part is that SC2 diehards clap this on like walruses as if it improved the game. It’s communism applied to video games lmao.
Typical batzy. Hero is literally the one who Changed pvz into exactly Not doing that by Just zerging the zerg with blink stalkers and chargelot runbys and the Playoffs for the gsl was Hero against terran anyway…
Pretty sure half the PPP quit last balance patch because they returned widow mines to their rightful place. We even had Playa stating that shield battery overcharge was UP and that the range should be 100.
I noticed Playa has been missing but I don’t find that surprising. My experiences with him have always been the same. I wonder how on Earth this person made it into GM in a complex, sophisticated video game like SC2. I get the feeling this guy just isn’t all there. One time he thought he had a “higher than possible” win-rate in poker. I explained to him that poker is so random that you’d have to play full-time for years before a better player had higher average performance. It’s a game of luck and not skill, and skilled players avoid games of luck like the plague. Games of luck are for bad players because the luck levels the playing field – they would be just as good at the game as Albert Einstein. Playa just couldn’t understand this. Most intelligent people know this kind of stuff and you don’t even have to explain it to them. They might overlook it in some context but when pointed out they’d go, “Oh. That is a good point. I hadn’t considered that.”
Not only does it appear he is a dullard but he is also confrontational. I think he picks fights with people online, spams streamers with emails (if you believe livibee if I recall correctly), and creates reddit threads where he posits racist conspiracy theories. I believe I was the first person to call this guy the “Protoss Avilo” and I think I was right on the money. I predicted this years and years ago.
It’s terrible, but, when this guy goes missing the one thing that comes to my mind is that he might’ve landed himself in the slammer. That would definitely explain why he’s gone from being constantly present in the SC2 community to being absent. But, nobody really knows and I certainly don’t. I don’t keep tabs on internet randos.
This is just one example. There are more:
This stuff is bonkers. If he’s not fooling around, he probably needs some help.
I mean I always said he gives off Kanye West vibes and recent observations has made that comparison fitting. I don’t know much about poker and such but I do know that techniques like card counting and such exist. That and if you win too much money from casinos they tend to kick you out and ban you, kind of like how Playa was too good in Broodwar to compete and got banned by the BaseTradeTV guy.
Playa’s entertaining but if he actually had a cult following that would be scary.
LOL super tournament is gsl still ya
i suck? i would beat you with zerg and protoss offrace . tey again
im bad? LOL i am master terran if you think pros are the only one that matters then your dumb in the heard. sc2 is dying because most terrans are switching race or going back to broodwar or even playing another game
gsl means nothing ya fool
try again
im bad? LOl what? i stopped playing 1v1 because protoss players like you are noobs with a move and no skill level. blizzard team of full of noobs like you.
your master protoss? of course because you use a no skill race
terran wins gsl so protoss isnt op, lol what?
like i said i played this game before you even played sc.
my profile bad? your is worse, you probably smurf
a amove disputors with range can take out terran units ez in with terran spliting units
protoss hasnt won? super tournament, all protoss players have won it
the fact is you said super tournament is not gsl shows you actually stupid.
super tournament is way harder because the structure its made
I have the exact opposite hope. I hope the game by FG is much easier to play and fun like a moba game appealing to a much broader audience where strategy trumps skill and mechanics. These are strategy games strategy should outweigh skill and something as small as letting some probes clump for one second should have zero baring on who wins the game. I do agree mechanics where a storm or any form of OP aoe instantly ends a game is not very fun. Attempting to make the game such that whoever is playing “more perfectly” always wins is a recipe for a game that’s not fun at all. I hope the game is more like WC3 in pacing make games fun and accessible and they will succeeded the best players find the ways to always be best even in games with 1 unit like moba that sorts itself out.
312 games only? yeah your new or a smurf using this account. good job showing how dumb you are
312 games, master, yeah you are bad thats why you need a new account to play
im bad? i play 2v2 also not just 1v1 clown
You are somewhat of a good troll