Does one really think the illuminati could get away with such globalist scams/crimes without being the CIA and owning the FBI? George Washington, believe it or not, said that the illuminati was the greatest threat to the USA.
Once they became “apart of the dollar” in one of the most laughable scams/schemes of all time, I believe that sealed US’s fate. The last public person to talk out about secret societies and wanting to end the CIA? None other than JFK.
I was thinking it was a year two ago when I saw on twitter that it was now legal in the US to use propaganda. As if they weren’t already. But, given they already were, yet they still felt a need to make it legal… just how much more was it dialed up? What gravity and scale are we talking about here? Just how far away from the truth are things now?
But, nonetheless, talk about confirming hypocrisy with a law. You know, we’re “Mr. They’re lying/using propaganda and we’re the good guys.” We’re “so good” that we have to legalize the ability to lie to get our citizens to do/follow w/e we’d like. Interesting compatibility.
People make a big deal about standing for the anthem and saluting the soldiers at sporting events and what not. I’m not debating right or wrong here, just saying… that is just a recruitment drive for the military. They pay huge money for that stuff.
And then the people at the top will just consider you a stupid pawn to use in their schemes if you do sign up.
Who are you, lol? I don’t spend much time on reading up on others, but I know Ted is very smart, so I have listened to an audio version of his manifesto. You’re the first person I’ve ever seen mention him without speaking of the “technological thing,” thus I didn’t even know who/what you were talking about. That’s cool.
Reading up on it now, while I can’t remember my thoughts/feelings when I was 2 years old… I don’t feel as if I were born with confidence or any of that jazz. You literally spawn into the world as a noob, everyone has way more experience than yourself, and everyone is your superior title wise.
Why are you supposed to be confident/cocksure about anything? Then society does make you even more confused/feeling like an idiot off the bat; your parents set you up on this Santa Claus business, so it’s like wow… I’ll believe anything and I can’t trust anyone… Fantastic combination… I guess it’s all up to me.
I do think this “power process” is necessary. Take SC 2/human nature. If you use a strategy that is very hard for me to play against, that is unusual, does it behoove me to act like you’re an idiot and put doubt in your mind or to speak on how hard it is to deal with?
If life can be seen as a competition and no one likes to lose, can you ever trust positive or negative feedback if the other person could be perceived as competition and has a “what’s in it for me mindset?” The results have to speak for themselves and to you, else you will be at the whim/control of others. Easier said than done. It becomes almost imperative that you do achieve the things to counter balance/act society.
You can get the best grade in the class and had helped many of the people pass, yet outside of the class you could be considered the dumbest simply cause you didn’t have what would be perceived as corresponding actions/words for that mind/ability. They’d never suspect it.
You’re battling dunning kruger, competition dynamics, and stereotypes. There’s a lot of noise going on and even when it’s genuine it’s usually erroneous. If people understood just how little value should be placed on others opinions, they wouldn’t be as social as they are to begin with. So, that alone tells you they’re “losing out to society” and being stripped in the way Ted mentions.
Eg., Say I know I’m vastly superior at creating strategies and hearing from others could only pollute my mind… why would I go around “trying to hear about all your builds/ideas?” People engage in these things because they think they’re getting something from it, yet most of these people aren’t happy and can’t figure out “their so called friends” are the impediment/reason for it. They don’t need more people, they need less people… but the necessary subtraction rarely takes place.
When society is rigged and perverted from the truth, yet everyone’s goal is to “fit society,” then they are being led into a trap/their demise and they’re willingly stepping into it because they don’t know anything else. They’ve been conditioned/trained to do as such.
In general, success should breed confidence in your ability to repeat. Confidence without a track record is just optimistic thinking if not delusional. In general, the more confident you are… the dumber you are. So, if people are born dumb/bad then it’s possible they do start out confident until they learn shortcomings/become wiser to what they don’t know. But, that’s something that was going to happen in any society.
What I find more interesting is the “trading places concept.” Like the movie. You know, nice or bad or w/e… how much comes down to circumstances? For instance, I believe the Russian Astronauts did a test where now they forbid coed travel over long distances because during the experiment the women had to lock themselves up in a cage to prevent being R worded.
The elites believe that after a certain amount of days without food people will steal. Then after a week or so, people will be willing to kill.
If you were to just take these things at “face value facts” across the board that apply to all of us, then… “nice” or “not a R word” starts to come down to circumstances/thresholds. You know, this guy is a nice guy because he can go 4 weeks before he kills you for food, where as bad guy… just does so for the fun of it or after 1 week. You know, it starts to become more nuanced/splitting hairs where the dark truth is… they’re somewhat the same person, it’s just a difference of “where the line in the sand is.”
Stuff like that should probably change how you view everyone, even fundamentally. As of today… we live in a society where we call the luciferian devil worshipers the nice guys. The people who “do the bad things for fun” not cause “forced to.” So, clearly we haven’t quite gotten things figured out.