I appreciate you taking the time. People actually taking the time to learn things that don’t come from “main stream roads” is very rare. If only there were more of you. Very refreshing and respectable.
If one were to listen to what satanic churches are about and what some illuminati slaves have to say, then it becomes a bit of a “matrix thing” where you gotta think about “do I really want to go down this road any further?”
Predictive programming. You have interesting thoughts/questions. That’s not something I’ve thought about, but here I am thinking about it now.
So, if the Illuminati even wants to control SC 2… obviously they’d like to control bigger things/everything. Btw, where is Blizzard located? Cali. Something to think about: guess how far away Blizzard Entertainment is from Hollywood? 46 minute drive. 47 miles.
Main stream media is controlled. The CIA has explicitly said they wanted to control the media. Any reason to believe Hollywood isn’t? Btw, I’m not far from me a former CIA operative who has built one of the biggest homes in the United States. It is indestructible. Bomb proof. F5 tornado proof. Bullet proof. 70k+ square feet. Tunnels underground.
Guess what’s on top of the building? Illuminati symbols. Draw from that what you will.
One of my favorite movies growing up was Aladdin. There is a scene in that movie where a voice whispers the adult action “S word.” Why? I think this would be a good example of this “subliminal messaging” and might make you think about Disney… You know, maybe there’s more going on than just innocent kid fun.
Something that’s important to note/think about. This karma thing. I believe those “at the top” believe in karma. But they also happen to be very evil and the people who need to fear it the most thus understand it the best.
I’m under the impression that they believe they’re free of all karma debts as long as they tell you what’s going to happen in advance. So, they release movies that basically tell you what they’re doing. So, when you succumb to it, they get to say “that was your choice. Not our fault you’re stupid or suicidal.”
This Movie/series comes to mind (Utopia):
Knowing how these people think/operate kinda makes simply watching any movie kinda scary. Kinda like “better be taking notes.”
Another thing. So, clearly aliens are real. Clearly they’ve been visiting. People are so clownish. The FBI LITERALLY released their Rosewell files years ago and detailed a UFO crash, etc, etc and why they think it crashed. Yet, some people still act like “they ain’t been here yet.”
Our technology kinda increased pretty rapidly if you ask me.
Anyways, so the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” is actually supposed to be based on a real event. They say they actually showed Spielberg the actual footage of the meeting and then he simply recreated. You know, the meeting with the aliens at the end. It was supposed to be a very accurate looking portrayal.
There is actually supposed to be a treaty that was signed between the aliens and the US government in the 1950s or so. We get technology, they get to do “x” experiments and w/e.
Anyways, so there are things that happen like that to let one kinda think of how things might be. So, eventually when you learn “that’s how it actually is” you’ve kinda already entertained the idea or “already have seen it.” You’ve mentally prepared yourself in some way. So the news reveal, if they ever decide to announce it, won’t be as “alien.”
I think when the name of the game is propaganda or hiding knowledge (the whole occult thing), then they will use all means in their disposal to get you to think w/e they want. At the end of the day, people idol worship too much and are “too social,” so it makes them easily controllable. Easily fooled and none the wiser. They don’t have the “asocial backbone” to be more than followers of what they’re told will “play well.”