When I logged in today I found out that my first 3 commanders (Raynor, Kerrigan and Artanis) are now level 5, I tried finding a solution to this by logging out and in again but they are still level 5.
I’m afraid I might lose my progress with the rest of them too, why is this happening?
Hi there, I am having the same issue too!
Same issue here. Has anyone moved them past 15 to see if it jumps up after?
The same thing happened to me went from level 15 max to level 5 with no chance to advance it wont accept the points you win to advance…im permantley stuck on level 5 to infinity and beyond
I have same issues, please check for me
Same thing has happened to me. Kerrigan and Artanis are locked to level 5 with max xp. It has an error message in the score screen saying that I need to purchase the character to level them up.
same thing happened to me raymor kerrigan and artanis are locked to level 5 with max xp they where 77 level yeserday plus it telling me to to purchase the characters to level them up.
Same here, went from 380 to level 5 with Artanis.
Same thing happened to me last night. Right after I got Mengsk to 15, my Raynor, Kerrigan and Artanis went to level 5 from 15.
Played a game as random and got Artanis and can confirm he’s actually level 5 and it’s not just a display glitch. At the end screen it said I was capped at Level 5 until I purchased him, though the Purchase to Progress flag is not there on the main selection screen. Still at 5 this morning.
Lost levels, dropped from 380 to 5 in Co-op with Artanis. Probably due to latest update. Anyone else experiencing this problem?
Thank you for your reports, everyone! We’ve confirmed this issue and it should be resolved now. Is anyone still seeing issues with the commander levels still reset to level 5?
Mine are still all stuck at lvl 5
I am still experiencing that issue
Thanks for the report, SteveBrule! What version is your StarCraft II? The latest version is
, next to the play button.
4 posts were split to a new topic: Co-op Commanders Reset